I just realized....

That I need to update my profile major lol


like it has been a few months since I updated my profile and so much has changed since then like...1. my best friend Tae ing back-stabbed me and I hate her now (but am still nice to her) 2. I got a boyfriend...surprising I know 3. I am gonna be a Sophomore and am no longer a Freshman 4. I am more into rock music in American music...or any country of music lol 5. I just dyed my hair crazy yesterday which is awesome



Just a lot has happened lol therefore I shall change my bio


Next, have you guys ever heard of a show called Supernatural? OMFG I LOVE IT!!!! Same with Ruby Gloom and Merlin (two shows my bf showed me....more reason to need Netflix XD)


anyways I am done now....excitement is in the air sooooo see ya next time! XDDDD


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