April showers....do they bring May flowers?

So this is going to easily turn into a blog where I am gonna find myself going to bed sad....but I guess it happens right? 

Anyways have you ever had someone who you were kinda close to and like they somehow disappeared from your life (for me its death) but the catch is they were someone from the computer....have you? Well I have (obviously lol) and it leads me to the next question of have you finally gotten over it then when it came to the month your birthday was in you remembered them and just started breaking down crying....like every night?

Or even thinking about them during the day when you wish they were there to comfort you like they used? I mean its crazy but this all happened to me the second it turned the month of April....it doesn't really make much sense to me but still...

Now this topic brings me back to that umm her her LuJi oneshot I was supposed to be writing......I worked on it like two weeks ago and its almost to the best part of the whole thing! so yeah I think I will be finishing that.......after all this sadness disappears

Ok sorry I even bothered you with this but I guess I kinda needed to vent this out (even though certain friends are gonna be face palming over this lol) 

signed by: XDjennyanneXD

(omg my blog title lol)


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