Bloggy :D

So I realize I haven't done a blog in a long time and I actually kinda miss doing that because it's lots of fun. 

Anyways, how is everyone doing? It looks like everyone is doing prett good, maybe busy with exams and stuff since the school year is getting close to the end (well I'm assuming so). I mean I've been good, kinda busy and stressed out but I mean that's high school, right? 

CASUAL NINJA SUNDAY!! (inside joke at play practice today lol) 

This is starting to get very random....I mean like I am gonna tell you I am listening to If You Can't Hang by Sleeping With Sirens....that's a random thing to tell you all..

But on a different note has anyone heard of Black Veil Brides at all? They're an American rock band for those of you who don't know who they are and well....I love them :3 I also got to watch their movie they made and it's amazing! o u o now if only the ultimate version of the Wretched And Divine album was out so I could have the movie......

So I guess the true reason for this whole blog was actually to ask if maybe I should make a story based off that movie...I probably won't since I already started making stories that aren't fanfics for AFF lol 

Well anyways bye! Have a nice day/night


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slimmest-shady #1
coolio hoolio