〔♡┊이터넬 〕❝ e t e r n a l ❞ ┊sm's new girl group — Jeon Marisol

( 이터넬  Jeon Marisol)




( your information )

Username - DreamAndDance
name - Ariana~
Activity level - 10


( ❥ ⋮ what's your name? )

Character name - Jeon + Marisol (korean: jeon + misun)
Nickname(s) -

Second place: by kai because apparently to him, Marisol will always come behind him in dance
Mare: a short form of her name, her friends and members call her this
Snow White: the EXO members sometimes call her this because, compared to Kai's complexion, she's quite fair
piggy mare: another nickname by Kai since she eats a lot, like him
pirouette queen - By her members since she practices her turns often
Annoying - Chen calls Marisol this to provoke her

Age - 18 (almost 19)
Birthday - October 14th, 1994
Birthplace Seoul, South Korea
NATIONALITY - Korean American

Ethnicity - Korean
Languages -

English (fluent, she moved to California when she was ten)
Korean (fluent, native language)
Mandarin (conversational, SM is having her take classes and she often asks her Chinese members in eternal-m to help her out)


( ❥ ⋮ am i pretty yet? )

Ulzzang - Baek su min
Height - 164cm
Weight - 49kg

Style - Marisol loves wearing clothes with lots of color. She is normally seen with a graphic tee on or some short of bright clothing matched with shorts or jeans. She rarely wears skirts, as she finds them uncomfortable so don't expect her to have them in her wardrobe. Marisol does like wearing flowy, pretty dresses though.
Marisol's favorite types of shoes include sneakers and sandals. She does not like heels, she thinks they're a hazard to her dancing. But she will wear them obediently to formal events and music videos. Marisol also loves pairing her outfits with hats and headbands.
Examples: 1 2 3 4 5

Extra - Marisol has a regular ear piercing on each of her ear lobes. She also has a mole on her left ear, and people tend to think it's another piercing. She has naturally straight hair, and It's usually down at her shoulders. But for practices and at the dorms she puts it in a ponytail or a messy bun. However, Marisol goes along with whatever hairstyle the stylists or the company gives her. She even wants to dye her hair purple, but it doesn't suit her looks.



traits - social, optimistic, supportive // short-tempered, afraid of failure, competitive

Description At the first glance, people think Marisol is a cold, arrogant girl who seems difficult to approach. Because of this they tend to stay away from her. They're WRONg! Marisol's an extremely friendly person, and no doubt a social butterfly. She loves befriending new people and initiating the first conversation. Despite her mature appearance, Marisol is a child at heart. When she's not working her off she is seen playing around with her members and having fun. She can get fiercely protective of her friends and Won't hesitate to hurt whoever harms them, both physically and verbally. Marisol may not be the best person to ask for advice, but she's an excellent listener and will lend her shoulder for a cry. 

Marisol has a very positive outlook on life, and strongly believes anyone can do anything. She's the one who encourages and cheers you on in your darkest moments. With her contagious laugh and bright smile, Marisol has the ability to lighten up any tense situations or arguments. Ironically, Marisol won't smile in photos because she thinks her smile isn't pretty. Which is probably why people find her expressionless and unfriendly. Marisol rarely gets provoked, but when angered she's scary, almost like a demon being unleashed. Beware, she launches not only a string of swear words at you but objects she can grab within her reach. Luckily, Marisol calms down in an hour or two and you'll see her chatting happily to the person who made her angry, as if nothing happened. She can never hold a grudge against someone.

She's a competitive girl by nature. If you challenge her to something, it's most likely she won't turn it down. Marisol goes out all her way just to win, and once in a blue moon she cheats, it depends on the situation. In the past she used to be a major sore loser; she would complain, whine, and even hit the person who won. Now, Marisol gracefully accepts the loss, though she vows to 'get you back,' in the worst ways possible, so challenge her at your own risk. Marisol is free spirited and stubborn as well, she'll fight and argue endlessly if it means getting what she wants.

Marisol may seem strong and cheerful on the exterior, but inside hides an insecure girl afraid of failure. When she was a trainee, many of the girls told Marisol she'll never make it as an idol. Marisol pushes herself to the limit to prove them wrong, but at the same time she's terrified of proving them right. Marisol is a devoted worker, and burns the midnight oil almost daily just to perfect and practice her dancing. When her progress does not meet her expectations, Marisol becomes short-tempered and frustrated. It's advised that you don't approach her immediately when she's in her frustrated mode, or she can be snappy towards you. Since Marisol is quite sensitive, members often find her in the bathroom stalls or curled in her bed crying. But Marisol hates being pitied, especially when she overworks herself to pain and exhaustion. she covers it up with a smile so people won't fuss over her.

( ❥ ⋮ dear family )

Biography Marisol was born into a Semi-wealthy family with two older sisters. Her father owns a very successful medical company, and her mother was a former ballerina, but is now a ballet teacher at her own studio in San Diego. As a young child, Marisol was often overshadowed by the accomplishements of her older sisters. Her sisters were brilliant students in school, and had bright futures in the medical field. Marisol's mother decided to teach Marisol how to dance since Marisol's sisters were not interested in it, and she wanted her youngest daughter to be talented in something other than medicine. So At the age of four, Marisol was enrolled into ballet classes and showed natural talent and love for the art. A few months later, Marisol's parents signed her up for cello lessons. Since then, music and dance has always been a huge part of Marisol's life.

When Marisol was ten, her father decided to expand his medical business overseas, and had the Jeon family move to San Diego, California. The first two years were hard on the Jeon sisters, since they didn't know a single word of English and couldn't make friends easily, but Marisol soon adapted quickly to her new life. Her love for singing didn't develop until she saw a man on the streets of San Diego performing, and Marisol pestered her parents into letting her take singing classes. Once she entered high school, Marisol joined the school's hip hop club. she stayed completely devoted to ballet, but she learnt locking, popping, and breaking from the members. Marisol was also active in the dance team and choir. She eventually had to quit the cello because dance was filling up her schedule and she had no time to practice. Interestingly enough, Kpop didn't catch Marisol's attention until her second year of high school, when her friends shared videos of Girls' Generation with her.


  Jeon, Saeryun | 52 | Father | strict, perfectionist, logical, ambitious, protective  | 3
 Kang, gayun | 51 | mother | patient, warm hearted, considerate, quiet, understanding | 4.5
♦  Jeon, miyun | 28 | Older sister  bubbly, energetic, loud, upbeat, risk taking | 5
♦  Jeon, Saera | 24 | Older sister | realistic, stubborn, caring, unexpressive, respectful | 3.5


( ❥ ⋮ me, myself and i )


animals (especially penguins)
♦ Music boxes
♦ Chocolate
♦ Stuffed toys
♦ Watching ballets
♦ Disney movies
♦ Traveling to new places
Sour patch watermelon candy
♦ Fried Chicken
♦ Classical music (ironically to her position)
♦ Water rides
♦ Photo sticker booths

Dislikes ⋮

 Waking up early
 horror stuff
♦ Coffee
♦ People who bash her members/friends
♦ Heavy makeup
bit *cough* big meanie girls
♦ Tight clothing


Has been dancing for fifteen years
 Can't use chopsticks properly
 almost failed math in her sophomore year in high school
 Carries a box of Band-Aids with her everywhere in case she or someone gets injured
 Used to play the cello
♦ Has a thing for guys with earrings
♦ Marisol sleeps like a dead log
♦ She has a personal Instagram account: @bend&break (inspired by Kai)
Gets scared easily
Marisol has two Bichon Frise dogs, named Jojo and cookie
she has a huge appetite, and loves eating
♦ can't wink
♦ Was the Female cameo in BTOB's '2nd Confession' MV and Henry's 'Trap' MV
♦ Had braces as a teenager for three years
The home screen of her phone is a picture of Super Junior's Eunhyuk
♦ Is severely allergic to roses
Her favorite place in the company are the practice rooms



( ❥ ⋮ it's all about me biatch )


 composing rap lyrics
 Playing with her dogs
 Watching animal documentaries
 Learning boy group dances
Watching episodes of So You Think You Can Dance for inspiration
Eating (yes, eating is considered a hobby to her)


choreographs dances when she can't sleep
 Bites the straw when she's drinking something
Squeezes the people she hugs tightly
practices her pirouettes every morning
♦ presses her thumb against her lips when she's thinking, very much like KAi
♦ Scrunches her nose if she's forced to do something she doesn't want to do
While listening to music, she tends to point randomly at people
♦ Dances in the shower when she's in a good mood


clowns: Pedos. Freaking pedos with creepy smiles. She's seen too many horror films with clowns featured
Losing the ones she loves
 Injuring herself to the point where she can't dance: It's basically the end of her life if she can't dance
 Dolls: She always feel like they're watching her with their wide eyes, waiting to kill her or something
♦ Saesang fans: Though she's comfortable around anyone, saesangs freak Marisol out and the methods they use to stalk their idols are just scary




( sunbaes, chingus and rivals )

Idol friends -
 Park, Sunyoung (Luna)  f(x)  cheerful, blunt, talkative, sensitive, bubbly  5  The two girls were in the same dance class when Marisol began training in SM. They couldn't get along at first, arguing over who was doing the wrong dance move until the teacher came and corrected them both. This was a few months before Luna debuted with f(x)
 Kim, Kibum (Key)  SHINee  Dramatic, umma-like, painfully blunt, diva-ish, loud ⋮  4.5  They bumped into each other when Marisol first arrived at SM as a trainee. Key accidentally spilled coffee on her and dragged her to the bathroom to help her clean up, much to her embarrassment because it was the men's bathroom
 jung, Ilhoon BtoB ⋮ Lively, unpredictable, hardworking, childish, sassy  3.5 She met Ilhoon when she starred as the female cameo in BtoB's '2nd Confession' MV. Marisol got to know him better when the group invited her to join them for dinner

mentors - lee, hyukjae (Eunhyuk) ⋮  mentored in rapping and dancing 
Shin Donghee (Shindong) mentored in rapping and dancing 

rival - Park jiyoung (Kahi) ⋮ After School  Charming, dedicated, inspirational, perfectionist, soft-hearted 1.5 Work rival, netizens often compare their dancing. The media loves to portray their rival as nasty, though the two girls are polite and civil towards each other.


( i'm living the best of both worlds )

Stage name Maika (given to her by the company, it means dancing flower in Japanese. it sort of matches Kai's stage name too)
Stage persona Happy Feet (she shows great love and passion for dance, and penguins are her favorite animal)

Soundalike Yoo ara
Fanclub name Mumbles (referring to the main character of happy Feet)
Fanclub color #33ccff


            ♦ first choice : main dancer, lead rapper, visual (k)
            ♦ second choice : lead rapper, dancer, maknae (m)

Singing ⋮ f(x)'s Amber - 1 2 (Marisol has a nice voice, it's just that she's a stronger dancer and rapper)
dancingMiss A's Min - 1 2 3 (starts at 1:24) 4
rappingRainbow's Woori - 1 2

Stage personality

Marisol is almost the same onstage. She pours every bit of her energy and emotion into a performance, and she loves getting the crowd pumped up. Anyone can tell that she passionately loves to dance. Marisol's charisma and confidence is so powerful you can't help but notice her immediately once she steps on the stage. On variety shows, she likes showing her true image to fans so Marisol is often involved in the conversation with the MCs and does the dorky stuff they ask her to do.

Marisol really loves and treasures her fans. during Fanservices she hugs them and chats with them happily. She enjoys taking pictures with them and communicating with them online too. Even when she's tired, irritated, or in a rush, Marisol greets fans with a bright smile and answers whatever questions they have for her. Marisol never says no to an autograph or picture, even if the manager disapproves of it. 

Trainee history

In January of 2009, Marisol was in Los angeles for a dance competition. While she was there, a man approached her and introduced himself as an Sm entertainment scout. He liked Marisol's brilliant stage presence and told her she had a true talent in dance. After giving her an SM card, he managed to convince Marisol and her parents to try out for the Global auditions held in Los angeles. At the global auditions, Marisol was offered to be flown over to Korea for a live audition. After a panel of judges watched her audition in Korea, fifteen year old Marisol was accepted into SM.

Marisol has been training in SM for four years. Her training days weren't very eventful, but there were a few hiccups along the way. Some of the trainees bullied her because they saw her as a threat. It was tough for Marisol to enter dance studios with groups of girls whispering and pointing openly at her. Even though Marisol was a hard working trainee, she was constantly under the danger of being kicked out of the company. Marisol slowly lost weight and buckled from the pressure and the workload expected from her. It was so extreme to the point where Marisol almost quit, but she wanted to fulfill her dream of becoming an idol and forced herself to continue. Eventually, the bullies left Marisol alone and she found her real friends at SM.





( ❥ ⋮ you are the music in me )

Love interestByun Baekhyun mwhahaha Kim Jongdae (Chen)
Backup  Zhang Yixing (Lay)
personality Chen has a gentle appearance, and a gentle voice to accompany the looks. He seems like the quiet sort of guy but in reality, he's loud and somewhat diva-ish. He's very vocal on opinions, and he'll tell you straight up if he doesn't like something or not. Chen is witty as well and is the resident troll of Exo. He loves making people laugh with his jokes and humorous comments. Although he struggles with the Chinese pronounciation, Chen is a quick learner and subconsciously puts more effort into his work. Chen is also recognized as the best exo member at fanservice, and he locates the camera the quickest among the group. Chen has a brilliant technique with words, which makes him a great MC.
How you met They met during Marisol's third year of training at SM. one day after a long dance practice, Marisol decided to head up to the cafe to get a cold drink. At the cafe, she spotted the last bottle of iced tea sitting in the refridgerator. Just when she opened the door and was about to take the tea, a hand shot out. It was Chen. Marisol expected Chen to be a gentleman, and she politely asked him to give her the bottle since she saw it first. Chen smirked at her before shaking his head and walked away to pay for the drink, leaving a stunned and thirsty Marisol behind.
Later in the day Marisol came to visit Kai, and she noticed the same guy hanging around in his dorm. There was an uncomfortable silence before Marisol realized Chen was the one who stole the iced tea from her and began shooting glares at him. Chen noticed, and told Marisol the reason why she didn't get the drink was because she was too slow. This annoyed Marisol and even though she rarely knew him, she started arguing with him.
RelationshipMarisol cannot stand Chen, and vice versa. They have a bipolar relationship. Chen and Marisol can't even look at each other without spitting insults and make snide comments on one another. Exo and Eternal tries to keep them apart as possible when the two groups are together. On the good part of their relationship, they joke around and have a calm, civilized conversation once in a while. Chen loves to troll Marisol, and since she's a bit on the naive side, she always falls for his tricks. Which makes Marisol yell, "yah!" irritably at Chen and hit him. She never calls Chen 'oppa' because she wants to show her disgust for him and purposely likes to ignore him when she greets the Exo-M members. "Hey Chen, didn't see you there!" "I've been standing next to Kris the entire time!" But Chen can't deny that he finds Marisol interesting, and she grudgingly agrees he's fun to be around.

counterpart Kim jongin (kaI)
backup counterpart Huang Zi Tao
personality When you take a first glance at Kai, you notice he has a pokerface that gives off a strong impression. It's impossible to know what he's thinking most of the time. He's normally hard to approach, and really hard to get along. Kai is a blunt person by nature. He likes to be bossy too. Kai's very hardworking and strives to be the best. He often ends up physically injuring and wearing himself out because he pushes himself to the limit. Even though he's brusque Kai has a warmhearted side, and wants to treat everyone well, yet when it comes to expressing feelings he becomes awkward. Once you get past his awkward, blunt phase, Kai is a sweet and excellent friend who will be loyal to the end. He's also a child at heart, and gets scared easily.
how you metMarisol was eight years old when she met Kai. Her mother was Kai's ballet teacher, so the two often had classes together and are close childhood friends. Their first encounter was when young Kai walked up to Marisol while she was practicing at the ballet barre and he whined, "Hey, that's my spot at the barre!" The two kids started fighting over who should stand in front, and they ended up being sent out of class by marisol's mother. She made the two apologize to each other, and after a few days in ballet class together, Kai and Marisol bonded.
Two years after, When Marisol moved to California, she and Kai lost contact. It wasn't until the first day of her training she bumped into a boy. They stared at each other for a moment before they apologized and the boy walked away. They didn't recognize each other, until the teacher in the dance Class called for both of them to be partners. Kai and Marisol had a happy, brief renuion before they were scolded for being too loud.
relationship ⋮ Kai and Marisol are best friends, as well as a secret couple. they've been together for half a year. skinship is always present between them. everywhere they go, Kai's arm is casually draped around her shoulders, they hold hands, and he sneaks a quick kiss on her cheek. They give each other interesting nicknames, instead of 'yeobo' or 'jagiya.' Marisol trusts Kai with all her heart and she knows he'll support her no matter what. Marisol is also fiercely protective of Kai. whenever Kai gets injured, she calls him immediately not only to see if he's alright but also to yell at him for scaring her. Kai and Marisol are also a very competitive couple; they see everything as a friendly contest between them and therefore like to compete against one another as a way of bonding. Kai and Marisol love helping each other out in dance, while trash talking one another's dancing skills too.


( ❥ ⋮ anything you wanna say? )

Song suggestions

Scene suggestions
Not telling :)

Comments Hope you like Marisol, Mel! Sorry for taking like 164728 years for finishing it x) I feel like some parts are confusing lool so tell me if there's anything wrong!

questions  can Soeun and Marisol be bffs? x) cuz I think it'll be cute to have Kaisoo's counterparts be close friends. Sosol? Marieun? Aha what am I saying ._.

is it okay for me to change some stuff? yes, after all you are the author :)

is english your first language? Yes :]




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