♚ Female President ♚ || J-Ni / Jennie || Cold-Shoulder Sharp Leader and LTE Rapper



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Name : Jennie Kim (born-name)

Other Names : - -

Nick Names : 

  1. Squirrel-Jen (Because she eats like Squirrels)
  2. Malfoy-nim (Because she likes to say that her family name is now Malfoy not Kim anymore)

Stage Name : J-Ni / Jennie 

Birthdate : 23 November 1990

Age : 23 / 22

Ethnicity : Korean

Bloodtype : B

Birthplace : New York City, USA 

Hometown : Busan, South Korea & Los Angeles, CA 

Languages : English & Korea (Fluent) France and Germany (Simple Convo)

Personality : 

Jennie was a cold looking girl--well, she really cold--outside but actually she was nice inside. She was someone that didn't like to depend on someone but she like it when people depend on her. Independent and reponsible. She always did her job by herself as fast as she could and gave the best result that she can. She also very responsible in whatever she said or she did. Jennie was a straight-forward girl that always speak up her mind and she didn't like it to pretend that she liked someone that she actually didn't like. She was straight-forward and sharp when it came to work and leadership, since she didn't want other people to had bad future just because small mistake in current life. But when she was outside work or in dorm, she was a great sister or more like father to the other member. She was someone that would burst in to laughter because of lame jokes but wouldn't even move an inch and wouldn't feel any scared when she watch horror or action movie.

However, behind that strong leader figure, she had a fatal weakness. She had a really bad temper which made her pissed off easily. Even though she didn't explode or threw tantrum, people could easily tell when she was pissed off since her tone would be harsh and colder, when her normal tone was cold already. But when she was not talking, no one could really tell what she felt since she didn't show any emotions, just flat. Another bad habit of her, she sometimes accidentally cursed. But as time being, since she was about to debut and she would be the leader, she tried to get a control of her temper and erase the cursing habit. However, she couldn't really erase her cold-shoulder-personality. Oh, once again, she had trouble in socialize with people since she once bullied in States and afraid of getting rejected. But once the people approached her first, she would easily be friend with them.  

Background : 

Jennie was born in a loving family. Her mother was a fashion designer while her father was a soccer coach. She also had a brother that was two years younger than her. She was born earlier than she should, around 7 months, her mom gave birth of her when she was in business trip to New York. That's why she was born in English name, Jennie.  Just after she born, her mother took her back to Busan and she grew up there. She was a math genius but couldn't remember any sentence in History book, that was why her parents enrolled her in science academy, to improve her math skills. Her big family owned a family art gallery that was famous in Busan. So the little Jennie learnt how to paint and photography in young age. She also learnt how to play piano, but she couldn't play it after one year training so she gave up and learnt guitar from her 7 years old brother when she was nine. 

However, when she was 13, her family was in economic crisis. They sold many things that they could. Jonghyo even sold his first guitar while Jennie sold some of her math books and two cameras. Her mother took order more than she usually did and her father coached in more schools. But it couldn't get them out from the crisis. During that period, a fashion label offered her mom to work in States. At first, she didn't want to take it but her husband said that she should take it since it was her dream. So Her mother moved in to States and she took Jennie along with her. In states, Jennie didn't really have friend since her english was not that fluent. She also felt alone since her mother was busy at work. She tried to look for part-time job, but she didn't get it since she was too young. Until she managed to work as cleaning-service in a small restaurant. With the money from her part-time job, she managed to enrolled herself to a dance academy and paid the fee without her mom knew. Dancing always be something that she wanted to learnt. When she was 15, a friend of her brought her to a underground rapping club while her (Jennie's friend) brother performed. It was the first time Jennie heard rap-performance and she felt in love with it. She often came to the rapping club and learnt how to rap properly there. 

Her mother left States and went back to Korea when she was 17. She stayed in States to continued her study. But when she reached 18, she forced to came back to Korea and continue her education there. Her family was living in better life now and they moved already from Busan to Seoul. Jonghyo was a trainee in one entertainment already that time. Even though Jennie had passion for rap and dance, she didn't have any idea to became idol that time. She just gave Jonghyo her bless since that boy got the talents and looks. During her free time, she searched for underground rap and street dancer club and found one in Hongdae. Then she joined Soul Connection, it was the first time she met Yongguk. There were many audition bus that often stayed there, near the club. And people in the club always told her how they wanted to be an Idol. Jennie didn't have the same dream as them until she saw MFBTY, Drunken Tiger and Yoon Mirae's live stage and she found out that Yongguk was a trainee in TS Entertainment. It was when she wanted to be an idol. And of course, her parents didn't allow her to since her brother was a trainee already. She ran away from home after that. After a week of runaway, her mom called her to be back and allowed her to be a trainee in one condition, she needed to find an entertainment in 5 months. She determined and practice hard before auditioning in some big company such as SM, DSP, Starship, and Woollim Entertainment. But no one accepted her. At the 4th month, she was giving up already. It was when a man in suit gave her JYP card after she performed and told her to do audition. She auditioned and got accepted. But she was in JYP only for few months only, she transferred to Cube Entertainment after that.



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Idol Name : Wonder Girls' Yubin

Links/Tumblr : 1 - 2 - 3 (you can also see her in Style session since i use all her picture.) 

Back-Up Idol Name : Wonder Girls' Sohee

Links/Tumblr : 1 - 2 - 3

Height : 175cm

Weight : 50kg

Style :

Daily: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 -
Modeling / Magazine : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 
On Stage: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 
Award / premiere: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 





Family : 

Kim Youngjae [Father] | 57 Years Old | Soccer Coach
Kim Saerom [Mother | 55 Years Old | Fashion Designer
Kim Jonghyo [Brother] | 21 Years Old | Idol - LC9 

Bestfriend : 

Hyelim Woo| 21 Years Old | Idol - Wonder Girls e
Jennie met Hyelim first time when she stepped in to the JYP Building. Lim came from China and she often bullied by the other trainee and same went to Jennie since people thought that she was not korean and came from States. Both of them were Wonder Girls' fan but Lim was a Sunmi bias. When Sunmi left Wondergirls, JYP opened an audition for trainees to be WG New members and both of them applied but Lim was the one who got choosen. After Jennie moved to Cube, they kept in contact and the often hangout together during their free time. Even though Lim was younger, she had better temper than Jennie so she usually be the one who calmed her down. When Jennie debuted with Female President, Lim visited Cube-Cafe and congratulate her personally. She even came to their debut showcase. Lim and Jennie also mentioned each other in WG's and Female President's CD's thanks to. 


Friends :

Rome Yu | 22 Years Old | Idol - C-Clown | You first time met him when he danced around Hongdae
Hong Dabin | 20 Years Old | Free-Dancer | Rome introduce both of you
Bang Yongguk | 23 Years Old | Idol - BAP
Yenny Park | 24 Years Old | Idol - Wondergirls | she was Jennie's bias and they knew each other in JYP
Lee Minhyuk | 22 Years Old | Idol - BTOB 

Rivals : 

MissA Suzy 
Suzy and MissA were about to debut when Jennie accepted in JYP. Few trainers and JYP people often compared Jennie to Suzy. They said that Jennie was a lot prettier and talented than her. They also said that the MissA member would be Jennie, not Suzy if she came earlier to JYP. Even Park Jinyoung thinking about replace Suzy with Jennie for their next comeback. It made Suzy grew some hate on her. When B.A.P debuted, Suzy had a crush on Yongguk but then she found out that he was in relationship with Jennie. It made her hate Jennie even more. When Female President about to debut, she decided to forgot her hate feeling toward Jennie and support her friend which was a member as well. But the hate feeling came back after Jennie received many loves and her celebirty fanboy shifted to Jennie's fanboy. 



Smoky Girl


Lovers name : Bang Yongguk (B.A.P) 

Age : 23 Years Old

Personality : 

Yongguk was someone that looked scary, fierce, and strong outside but he wasn't that scary once you get to know him. His temper was as bad as Jennie, but he got better control than her. He could be super scary once he exploded. He was mature and easy-minded.  

Relationship : On-Off relationship 

How long have you been togther : Being friend for around a year, On-off relationship for 2 years. 

How you treat eachother :

They didn't call each other with 'Chagiya' or 'Baby' even though they were in good terms. Yongguk treated her like princess and they often made fun of each other also. Their relationship looked so awkward outside since both of them were quiet and silent type, but actually, their relationship was far from boring, awkward, or something like that. They were far from intimate when they were in date, they didn't even holding hald and walk in around 1m distant. But when they were having a date in Yongguk's studio, they were so intimate, holding hand, kissing, hugging. However, both of them had bad temper and no one wanted to lose in a fight. That was why they were in on-off relationship for year. 


TS and Cube made a project for hiphop duet. While TS sent Yongguk and Cube sent Jennie as their star to made a duet mini-album. 



Back-up lovers name : Yu Barom (Rome) - C-Clown

Age : 23 Years Old

Personality : same as above

Relationship : same as above

How long have you been togther: same as above

How you treat eachother : same as above

Request: same as above (but change TS to Yedang)


Shaking Heart



Likes :

  1. Seafood especially raw fish (sashimi), and sweets
  2. Converse and Nevada
  3. Harry Potter series, Draco Malfoy, and Slytherin
  4. Things that have purple, grey, and black on it
  5. Squirrels, Platypus, and Snake
  6. Wondergirls, Teen Top, KARA, Jonas Brothers. 
  7. Disney Channel's show during 2009
  8. Taekwondo

Dislikes :

  1. Most of Fruits and Veggies
  2. Cat
  3. Flower patterned clothes
  4. High-heels
  5. Twilight Saga
  6. When people pretend like they care of her
  7. Two-faced people

Hobbies :

  1. Spazzing in front of laptop
  2. Working out, especially taekwondo
  3. Midnight-snack
  4. Composing

Habits :

  1. Separate the bread, and toppings then eat the bread first everytime she eats pizza
  2. Write down her dreams after she wake up
  3. Sleeping in socks then doing sit-up and split as the first thing in the morning.

Weakness :

  1. Her heavy voice. She always thoght it as her weakness
  2. Her cold-shoulder personality
  3. High-note
  4. Aegyo

Trivia :

  1. Jennie always think that eating fruits and veggies can led her to a disgestive problem since she once get it and suffering for days in disgestive problem.
  2. She would reject Reebok or other famous brand when other people want to buy her it and told them to buy Converse / Nevada instead. That's why she really wanted to have a Nevada or Converse endorsement.
  3. She was a fan of Wondergirls, her bias was Yenny. That was why she tried the audition to be Wonder Girls' new member, as Sunmi's replacement when she was still in JYP. She also a fan of KARA and Teen Top. Nicole and L.Joe were her bias. And she did think that her brother Jonghyo looked like L.Joe
  4. Jonghyo will choose 'wind' or in short, no one, when he was being asked in which one of LC9 or LUNAFLY member that he like the most as his brother in law. He always said it on broadcast.
  5. Jennie said that she never eat tteokboki. But she would love to taste tteokboki with chocolate sauce instead of spicy one.
  6. She said that she was still gambling in who is her ideal type. She said that it was either Lee Seunggi, LC9 E.Den, LUNAFLY Yun, or Lee Hyunwoo. Meanwhile, she was the ideal type of A-JAX Hyeongkon, MyName Seyong, Teen Top Changjo, and INFINITE Sungjong.
  7. Her twitter; jenjennie1193. Instagram; jenjenniekim
  8. She was holding black-belt in Taekwondo and her 100m record was 11,9s. She also nice in soccer and basketball. However, she couldn't swim
  9. Her motto of living, "I am myself and i am more afraid with people that learn a kick hundreds times than people that learn hundreds kicks once." It means that she was being herself and she was afraid with hard-working person since they were stronger.
  10. Things that you will find in her bags; I-Pod, I-Pad, Phone, Baby-Smelled Cologne (She allergic to flower scent),canned chocolate milk, Kimchi, Instant ramyeon, simple make-up.
  11. She couldn't wear high heels or wedges. That was why she was wearing man's insoles since debut. But she actually learning how to perform in high heels but she couldn't use the one that very high. And still, she didn't like high-heels
  12. She had habit to emptied her stomach in a toilet number two in every building that she was in before performed.
  13. Jennie addicted to Disney TV Shows. She downloaded all Jonas, Suite Life on Deck, Wizard of Waverly Place, and Sonny with a Chance episodes since their first episode until the last. Her favorite actor(s) are Dylan Sprouse, Cole Sprouse, and Sterling Knight. 
  14. Things that Jennie treasured the most is a sibling ring that had 'Kim Jonghyo' name patterned on that Jonghyo bought before she went to states. It was meaningful because Jonghyo worked as Guitar Tutor only to bought that ring for her. He also had one patterned Jennie's name. 
  15. Nega Network family was like Jennie's siblings, not friend. She was closest with E.Den and Yun--since Yun was her personal guitar trainer now, replacing Jonghyo--while her favorite Eonnie was Narsha. E.Den and her got close after Midsummer Dream recording. And Jonghyo always regret for recommend Jennie for the MV since he thought that E.Den replaced his place as 'Jennie's favorite member in LC9'. 
  16. Her predebut appearance;
    1. A-JAX Hot Game
    2. BTOB's Irresistible Lips
    3. Dream Team Rookie Girls episode
    4. IRIS 2 (3 Episode)
    5. I Hear Your Voice
    6. Back-Up dancer for WG's Like This.
    7. Brown Eyed Girls' Midsummer Dream (Thanks to Jonghyo who recommend her)

  17. Scandals
    1. BAP's Bang Yongguk's mysterious tweet was for Female President's Jennie? (Imagine he tweeted, 'A Made up meeting. One hour that gave me so much strength. Thanks')
    2. MissA's Suzy declared war to Female President's Jennie in Incarnation?

    3. LC9's Jonghyo said that his sister was actually seeing someone?
    4. Netizen found an old picture of Soul Connection and spotted B.A.P's Yongguk kissed Female President's Jennie on that picture. Are they really just 'ex-bandmate'?
    5. MissA Suzy critic Female President's Jennie on twitter? 
    6. Spotted BAP's Yongguk and Female President's Jennie holding hand behind BAP's Zelo recent Instagram Picture. Are they dating?




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Persona : Cold-Shoulder Sharp Leader and LTE Rapper

Position : Leader, Main Rapper, Vocalist

Back-up Position : Main Dancer, Sub-Vocalist, Rapper

Personal Fanclub Name & Color : Jen-starts / Jen-tastics

Trainee Life :

She was originally auditioned in SM, DSP, Starship, and Woollim entertainment but no one accepted her because of her heavy voice. They said that they didn't need any heavy voiced rapper like her. She then accepted in JYP because of her rapping and dancing talent. However, the vocal trainer in JYP always scold her becase her voice was so low and she couldn't reach high notes. She then tried to auditioned as Wondergirls New member along with Lim but Lim was the one who got accepted. She then thought of giving up and sent her resign letter. But that time, Cube offered her to be a trainee and said that they had right trainer for a heavy-voiced girl like her so she agreed to moved to Cube Entertainment. In the middle of her way in Cube, YG Entertainment offered her a trainee position but she declined it because she wanted to stay in Cube Entertainment.

Trainee Years : 3,5 Years


I Love You

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comments : I have no comments. Just hope you like my application :) Oh, wait, and i am soooo sorry for the bad pict /bow/ 


1. Birth of A Family together with BAP (or C-Clown)
2. Weekly Idol or All the Kpop
3. Idol Sports and Athletic Championship
4. Romantic and Idol
5. Some duet-project
6. A show where Jennie could perform their language speaking skill.


suggestions : Nothing, really. Just hope you can make my request come true :)

password: Chuu~ Wondergirls Yubin!

Love Scene Request:

1. Jennie's interaction with Yongguk (or Rome) in the show that i mentioned in request session.
2. TS (or Yedang) project with Cube where Yongguk (or Rome) and Jennie as the representative of the duet song and they had intimate scene in the MV or BTS.
3. Having Jennie in BAP (or C-Clown) MV or Yongguk (or Rome) in Female President's MV and show their interaction in the BTS Video

Show Request : Like on 'request' session :)

Song Suggestions:

1. KARA - Pandora
2. Rainbow - A
3. Wondergirls - Be My Baby / Tell Me
4. Brown Eyed Girls - Sixth Sense, Kill Bill, Recipe



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