*Bows* I Am So Sorry

I am possitive now that I am the worst author ever at the moment. I'm so sorry you guys! *bows* I'm so sorry ...

Wondering why I'm so sorry? Aish ... I don't even know what I'm doing anymore ... being a teen ! So many decisions that can be life changing! lol I'm off subject ...

Anyway, I've read some blogs about people who are leaving this site and give long reasons as to why they are ... I did the same thing with my anime fanfic that I was at before this site because I got into kpop more than anime. Now that I've brought this up, I bet you all are thinking that I'm leaving, ne? 

I'm not! At least not at the moment. However, I am taking a short break with my writing. (This is why I am so sorry!). I know that you all are waiting for me to update Pieces and Deadly Secrets! I KNOW!! And I"m SOOOO SORRRYYYY!!! I feel terrible that I am leaving you all like this ... I feel so bad *cries and bows* 

I have honestly sat down and tried to write the next chappie of Pieces about three or four times, but I haven't gotten father than a page into it. It's gotten me so frustrated ... but I am pretty sure I know why I haven't been able to write, so please listen to my reasons before you scream at me (and you all are more than welcome to yell at me because I deserve it for keeping you all waiting)!!

1. I am starting school in about two weeks and i'm trying to prepare, mentally, for it because I know that I will be hit with a lot of stress and I don't want to react how I did last year with the stress. 

2. I know that my writing is okay, but I am very insecure about myself and that includes my writing, so I always think about how my writing when I am writing a new chappie ... and that doesn't help me freewrite ... lol

3. I've been struggling with who I am and what I am going to do after high school for a while now and I still am ... and it's always on my mind, even when I write ... and I can't focus on my writing enough because of it.

4. I think I also have a mini writer's block ... I know what I want to write about and where my stories are going, but I can't seem to write the words down ... and that's frustrating!!

I know that I keep telling you all things over and over to tell you why I can't update and I'm so sorry!!!! I am NOT leaving this site ... I love it too much and I don't want to stop writing because I love that as well. However, at the moment  ... I just need a break. *bows* I'm sorry! It's just that ... I have so much that I'm thinking about and I am NOT good at multitasking! I never have been, and that involves thinking about things too! lol 

I'm so terribly sorry! I don't know how to express how sorry I am to all of my amazing readers who have been so patient with me and given me support for my stories ... but I honestly cannot write at the moment ... I'm sorry! *90 degree bow*

I sincerely hope that you all won't hate me too much, but I get it if you are mad at me because I would be too! I would love it if you all stayed subscrbed to my stories, but if you are too upset or something, I get it if you wnat to leave! Aish ... I'm sorry!!!

I hope that you all understand why I need this break from writing! I am still going to be on this site regularly, but I won't be updating for a while ... for how long? I don't know! :(

However, I will promise everyone of you that I will NOT leave you all hanging! I WILL finish my stories. I will!

I'm sorry! I hope you all will forgive me!



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xmintyhaengbokx #1
Hey there :) I totally understand where you're coming from. School and identity issues are huge; been there, done that, and it weighs heavily on your mind and really keeps you from moving forward with other things in life. Don't stress about it too much though; writer's block is something we all go through, and thought it's not the most fun thing ever, it passes. :) Stay bright and hopeful! Things will settle and come back to you; after all, time needs time. There is nothing to be sorry for and nothing to forgive. I look forward to the time when you will come back. Best of luck in school!
no need to sorry.its understandable
I feel you, man. The last writer's block i had lasted about 6 months and was a total pain in the buttbutt. school is a very stressful thing. It's no use writing when you have things that are bothering you. You will absolutely loathe everything you write then. Take care and good luck w school.
Dangerousluv1 #4
I understand. And don't worry, I'll wait and I'll still love you and your stories ^ ^ I hope that doesn't sound weird… anyways, take as long as you need :D
I know how u feel I start school in two weeks. And I will wait
I will still love you no matter what. Just settle down, relax, stress will leave once you become settled. The best thing you can do when you have writers block is take a break from writing. Forcing yourself to write will make it bad. Just relax.
punkkid67 #7
I feel the same way too right now @_@ What with a new environment since it's a new school, I'm super afraid of it actually and the stress that will come with it. I don't handle stress well at all especially with anxiety and such :/ I'm trying to update my story but the words just doesn't flow T_T So I understand your predicament and will wait patiently for you ^_^
LoveLovii #8
Take your time ^_^
Unnie don't worry! I understand what you mean...when the school year starts for me, I need to think about what I want to do as well. But I have two years to go since I'm now a Junior. I also been having writers block and cannot finish my stories yet. OTL

We don't hate you, don't worry~ I want you to know that I support you. That means I'll be with you no matter how long you take. I hope you aren't getting too stressed either. So yes, we should chat sometimes *nods* and I hope you are doing well! :)
SnowDreamYuki #10
i have the same problem with my writing right now, i can't seem to write out one ch without getting hit with another idea for something else, take your time, rest and update when you feel like it
you know every author has it's writer's block and I tell you I currently am XD anyways, being on a little hiatus clears up your mind also you need time for your school :) unlike me who likes to skips class because I can do so **sounds stupid but yeah**

take your time on your writing~ you should find something that will inspire you XD rainy days inspires me