Guns, Roses, and Broken Hearts | App


USERNAME:  Kpoploving_4ever
: Lani



Remember Her Name

FULL NAME: Lee Kyungri
NICKNAME: Kyung, Nikki
DATE OF BIRTH: 6-6-1991
AGE: 21
BIRTHPLACE: Fairfeild, Iowa
HOMETOWN: Fairfeild, Iowa
ETHNICITY: Korean-American


Mug Shot 






STYLE:  She only dresses ily when she needs to. For example, if she is clubbing and knows a place has a lot of men in it, she will dress y. But other than that, she dresses with a lot of style and has a lot of fashionable items in her closet.



Your a Warrior 

PERSONALITYKyungri is an interesting person. You never know what to expect out of her. When she's around her family, she is a normal girl. She has always been known as a normal girl around her family. But whenever she's away from them, she is insane. She is a total party girl. She loves making new friends, and every time she makes new friends...she tends to make an enemy. She has a lot of people that don't like her. But her motto for them is "Haters are my motivators." She always says it in the club while throwing up her middle finger if a hater comes up to her. She is never really thrown out of clubs because she's the life of the party. Most guys at the club want to dance with her and get to know her...but they dont know what they're getting themselves into. She has committment issues and tends to be a liar. She usually lies because she's stuck in horrible situations that she feels lying can only get her out of. She loves attention on her in the clubs and doesnt care what others think. She wont even mind making out with a stranger. Whatever. You only live once right? Of course...she isnt ALWAYS like this. When she's with close friends, she is great. Her friends love her crazy, wild and free personality. Most people think shes really rude and ignorant. But she actually is a nice person after you tear her layers down. She feels that people should get to know her first before they judge...but even though people don't do this, it doesnt change her personality. She thinks that she shouldn't have to change herself to make others happy. She loves to crack jokes and dance. Kyungri always has a smile on her face...Usually it is from telling a funny joke or talking to people that she wants to tallk to.

When she's around guys, her personality changes. Kyungri is boy-crazy. When she has a boyfriend, she loves him a lot...but if she sees a better guy, she isn't afraid to go behind his back and get him. Most of her friends just don't like this about her. They feel like one day she will get a boyfriend that she'll love. But she denys it and feels like she will be the way she is already...then she reasurres them by saying that she loves her life. Which is true. She doesn't care about anything and loves living the carefree life. Who cares...right? She is very smart when it comes to winning battles. She might not be the best fighter physically...but she definetly is mentally. She is someone to be reckon with. She can act very coy and put on a pokerface when it is needed and will also thing quick on her feet. 


  • Clubbing
  • Parties
  • Arguing with people
  • Working out
  • Drinking
  • Having all eyes on her
  • Starbucks
  • Shopping
  • Alcohol


  • Heights
  • Mornings
  • Being hung over
  • Having nobody to talk to
  • Having no rights
  • Not being able to control things


  • Dancing
  • Texting
  • Cooking
  • Working out
  • Shopping
  • Partying


  • Curses often
  • Taking long showers
  • Blasting music too loud
  • Talking too loud
  • Getting drunk easily
  • Getting an attitude easily
  • Snappy
  • Crosses her arms and taps her feet when mad


  • Loosing her close friends/gang members
  • Clowns
  • Ghosts


  • Loves to beat box
  • Loves rap music
  • Worked at F21
  • Pulls pranks on people a lot
  • Smokes often
  • Loves taking pictures of herself
  • Twitter & Instagram: @Nikki_Baby33
  • Tends to have commitment issues
  • Knows how to shuffle and do tektonic dances
  • Goes to raves occasionally. Kyungri
  • Wears contacts because of her horrible sight

HISTORYKyungri is the oldest out of 4 children in her family. She was actually really shy and sweet. The perfect daughter. Surprisingly, she was born on a little farm in Iowa. She is Korean-American but would always concider herself Korean in general. In Iowa, she never really had anyone to talk to. Plus, since she was the oldest girl in her family, nobody really paid attention to her. Her family raised her to work on the farm and help her family. As she got older, she realized how bad her life was and became very self conscience...She always thought she wasn't the cutest girl in the world. She never was pampered or anything since she mostly worked at the farm and was homeschooled. The only other guys she met were guys that visited the farm with their families or schools for trips to see how the farm life was.As she got older she realized that she was sick of this farm life. When she

turned 18, she had a choice to leave the farm or stay and help the family. 


If she stayed she would be helped and would never worry about money or anything else. But she decided to leave. Not only did she leave the country.

But she left the CONTINENT. Her parents were surprised when they heard that she was on her way to Seoul. They were also crushed because they were

afraid how her life would be without family. Family was a really close and comforting word in Iowa. Her family believed that family is your

#1 priority. In Korea, Kyungri really had a taste of life. She had never visited a city and had never seen so many people at once. This quickly brought

trouble with her. After a few compliments from men, Kyungri became more and more dangerous to be around. She decided to wear more "Mature"

clothing and tended to get a few bad habits. Like drinking and smoking, after a while this shaped her personality today.

A Place To Call Home

FAMILY:  Mom | Lee Aecha| 50 | Sweet, Caring, loving, normal mother | Farmer  |9/9 | Alive

Dad | Lee Sungjeon | 50 | Strict, ruling, loving, worry-wart. The reason why Kyungri left | Farmer |4/9 | Alive

Brother | Lee Daehyun | 17 | Querky, Cool, Calm, funny | Student |8/9 |Alive

Sister | Lee Jungha| 14 | Rude, Concieted, Annoying, Talkative | Student |1/9 | Alive

Sister | Lee Hana | 10 | Shy, Quiet, Sweet, Calm | Student |5/9 | Alive

FRIENDS: Right-Hand Woman, Weapons mistress, Supplier  


Whatcha Gonna Do?

RIVAL:  Meng Jia | 24 | Gang Member |Cocky, snobby, annoying, stupid | Jia is always thinking she is the best at everything. She thinks she is the best gang member in the world. She also thinks she is more attractive than Kyungri. Kyungri never really cares about her and ignores her...but Jia keeps coming back...





You're My One and Only

PERSONALITY: Hes a stubborn, badass, player. He thinks he can get any girl in the whole wide world.He is slighly erted and has has plenty of girls in his life. He seems cold hearted and rude...even though he can be, on the inside he is a chill guy. All of his friends say he has a sweet spot, but nobody has seen it. He tends to give a "I dont give a " look on his face. But sometimes he just has to take care of others. Unlike Kyungri, Zico doesn't care about his family, they've treated him horribly in the past and doesn't care for them now. 

RELATIONSHIP: Playful Rivals 
HOW DO YOU MEET? : They were at a club when they met eachother...They have always been to the same club so they noticed eachother quickly. Zico bought her a couple of drinks...but Kyungri didn't like something about him. After getting drunk, they hooked up for a night. They both thought that it would be a normal hook up for one night. But it wasn't they kept seeing eachother and noticed something. 
HOW DO YOU ACT?At first, they would flirt. Now, they feel a connection with eachother...but  feel really weird about it since they've never felt true love. So instead, they insult and curse at eachother. But as they'd turn their backs they'd get butterflies in their stomach. They hope for these feelings to stop and sometimes they'd get along with eachother. Zico or Kyungri would make a little joke and they'd awkwardly laugh about it. Or, they'd make fun of eachother...and enjoy it. 


Dont Mess With Her




Position: Leader
Back-up: Right-hand woman
Weapon of Choice: Gun

  • Fighting with no weapons
  • Computer skills

"Stage" Name: Nikki


 You Are Done.




COMMENTS?: This seems like SUCHH an interesting story! Hwaiting~







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