SJLS Character | Felicity Lau


Username/Profile link: Jaeseonggie
Nickname: Jae
Activity: 9.5


The One in the Shadows

Name: Felicity Lau
- Fae; from siblings as a shorter version of her name
- Baby Bird; from Henry as a playful nickname since she's the youngest
- My Lovely; from Henry when he gives shout outs to "an important person in his life"
- Lici; "lissy," from friends
- Monkey; playful nickname from best friend and Henry because of her love of bananas
- Sagwa; "apple," her Korean name, given by Mi Won [explained later]
Age: 19
Birthday: May 20, 1994
Bloodtype: AB
Height: 160cm
Weight: 50kg

Hometown: Willowdale, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ethnicity: Taiwanese-Canadian
Languages: English [native]; Mandarin, Sign Language [fluent]; Korean, Cantonese, French [advanced]; Japanese, Thai [basic]

On the Surface

Ulzzang Links: one | two | three | four | five
Ulzzang Name: Cookie
Back-Up Links: --
Back-Up Name: --


Style Description: Felicity's style is very feminine and comfortable to her. She likes heels, and she wears them gracefully. She mostly seen as very fragile and whispy from the way she dresses, but really she could out-run quite a few people in her heels and skirts. She loves flowy dresses, cute skirts, and t-shirts. She wears clothes that fit her frame and compliment her complexion.

Special: hearing aids, one piercing in each ear

Behind the Mask

At first, Felicity is seen as an introverted, shy girl. This is slightly true, but it's onyl because of her anxieties. She has to observe someone before speaking to them, and if someone sees her in public, she always seems jittery and jumpy. She can't do big crowds and often gets scared of going to places that may have them. She doesn't do well in groups of more than three.
Once she warms up to someone, she's very loyal and is there to the end. She can be affectionate and it throws off those who still aren't close to her because of how different she can be. She also hides her anxieties and such better around those who bring her up, and she can be genuinely happy; there are about three people who she acts this way around. She's adorable and can be rather hyper when she gets used to someone. She's kind and somewhat talkative.
On her last day of no sleep, she starts just saying things, and she becomes a bit whiny. She tends to lose track of her brain to mouth filter and just says whatever pops in her head to whoever. She's thought of as quirky and cute on those days, and people find themselves slowly getting closer to her through those days.

- Children
- Bananas
- Music
- Flowers
- Sleep

- Crowds
- Water
- Storms
- Sudden Loud Noises
- Apples

Thunderstorms; the loud noises terrify her
Open Water; she can't swim and the thought of drowning scares her

- Fiddling with her hearing aids
- Hugging and being affectionate with those she's close to
- Jumping when she hears loud noises

- Putting together music tracks
- Origami
- Volunteering
- Shopping for clothes online

- She has anxiety and acute insomnia, as well as being born deaf and having to wear hearing aids. She won't sleep for about three days at a time, sleep for four to six hours, and then stay up for three days.
- When it comes to storms, Felicity will take her hearing aids out and cover herself with a blanket on the couch until it's over.
- She doesn't do the grocery shopping; she physically/mentally can't do it.
- She'll eat anything that has to do with bananas: milk, chips, ice cream, etc.
- She is a huge fan of f(x); she has an entire poster collection, all of their singles and albums, etc.
- She uses Sign Language when she doesn't feel like putting her hearing aids in; only a few people around her can understand her when she does this. She also really good at reading lips.
- She has an app on her phone that can switch the languages she texts in.

Random Talent:
- She can recognize any song from just the first measure of music.

Welcome to My Life

SuJu Sibling: 
Leeteuk | Heechul | Han Geng | Yesung | Kangin | Shindong | Sungmin | Eunhyuk | Donghae | Siwon | Ryeowook | Kibum | Kyuhyun | Zhou Mi | Henry
How is your relationship?: Their very close, but Felicity is sometimes awkward around him even though Henry really loves spending time with her.
What is it like to be in his 'shadow'?: Schoolmates tried getting close to her after they noticed that Henry was going on to become a star, but she simply ignored them and was eventually bullied at school because she "thought herself better than everyone because her brother was famous" - which was a lie, but what can you do. Her parents didn't treat her any differently, even though she felt as though they paid less attention to her when Henry wasn't there.
What is his reason for keeping you 'hidden'?: Being as protective of Felicity as Henry is, he doesn't want her getting stressed from being bombarded by his fans or his anti-fans. He loves her deeply, and because of her health conditions he just wanted her to live a normal life and not be bother by his fame.
What do you think his reasoning is?: Felicity believes that Henry doesn't want his fans, friends, or group members to know about her because of her health problems - but in a completely different light than Henry sees it. She thinks that he's ashamed of her being different, but it's fine for the world to know about their other two siblings.
Other family members: 
Lau Han Xin | 56 | Alive | Distant and slightly awkward
Lau Tai Wei | 52 | Alive | Tai Wei loves Felicity, but it's a strained relationship
Clinton Lau | 26 | Alive | Clinton is protective of Felicity and is one of the reasons Henry hasn't caved and revealed her to the public
Whitney Lau | 21 | Alive | Whitney and Felicity have a very awkward relationship; Felicity tries to be normal like her older sister, but finds it very difficult and therefore resents her
Living Arrangemnent: Apartment in New York City with her best friend

Felicity was born as the youngest of four children; she grew up with two older brothers and an older sister. The first couple years of her life were silent; it's not that people weren't talking around her, it's just that she couldn't hear them. Shortly after her second birthday, when she still hadn't spoken or made more than a grunting sound, her parents took her to a hospital to find out that she had been born completely deaf. She was fitted with hearing aids, and the first voice she heard was her youngest older brother's. He had been singing while the doctor's were putting the hearing aids in her ears, and that was the first thing she heard. From that day on, Felicity followed Henry around everywhere he went. Her other older siblings thought that the relationship between the two wasn't healthy and would try to seperate them at times.
Growing up in Willowdale, the family was relatively close. Once Henry became the only person Felicity would talk to, the family became worried. She would flinch when anyone would talk to her or touch her except Henry, and once Henry left to start his training to be an idol, she mostly slipped to the background. The public found out about Whitney and Clinton, but nothing was said about Felicity. She felt abandoned by the only person she could trust. Once he actually debuted, people at school who had known them as siblings began trying to befriend her. Her "mental problem" as her family called it made her freak out and actually run away from everyone. Soon, they began to bully her because they felt she thought herself above them because her brother was famous in some music industry. Eventually, she dropped out of school and entered an online homeschooling program. She was officially diagnosed with high anxiety problems and acute insomnia.
At the age of eighteen, she left Willowdale and moved into an apartment in New York City so she could attend school. Henry pays for the apartment and stays there whenever he comes to see her. He even has his on room set up. She splits the electricity and water bill with her best friend from her university. After Anna's parents kicked her out for pursuing her own career instead of going to Yale or Harvard, she was looking for a place to stay. Even though Felicity had only seen Anna once or twice, she felt comfortable around her, and they had been paired up for a project, so Felicity asked Anna if she wanted to come live with her. Both girls had their own jobs, so after okaying it with Henry, Anna came to live with Felicity.

Best Friend: Anna Christenson | 20 | Their very close, almost like sisters. Other than Henry, Anna is the only person Felicity feels like she could trust with her life. | Eat, live, play board games, go to school
Choi Mi Won | 25 | They've only met once, maybe twice, so their more of acquaintances than friends. | When they're together they talk and slowly, Felicity has opened up to her more, especially while teaching Mi Won sign language. Most of the time when she's around Mi Won, Felicity will purposefully not wear her hearing aids so that Mi Won has to get better at signing.

Relationship: [in progress]

Punchin' the Clock

Job: Tutors special needs children in New York City
What's work life like?: Felicity enjoys her job. Even though she's only nineteen, she has the requirements needed to teach the impaired children that she gets paid to tutor and take care of. She loves the kids and they love her. Her superiors are always pleased with her work, and she's quickly become a favorite among the children and her supervisors; it's partly because of her abilities and partly because she has much in common with the children she helps.
School: TISCH School of the Arts - Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music - Recorded Music Major
What's school life like?: Felicity does her school work and does as she's told. She's only a sophomore at the school, though she's a bit more advanced in the classes than she should be. She loves being in the recording studio and putting the singer's voice with the music track. It feels right to her just to be in front of that control panel. 
Anything else?: She volunteers to read to children in hospitals, volunteers at soup kitchens, and at orphanages on adoption days.

And Now the Adventure Begins

Questions?: Why make another fic Jae? Stahp it
Comments: Staaaaaaahp
Scene Requests?: I'm writing the story, I can write whatever scenes I wanna


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