Sorry everyone

Hey everyone. I'm sorry to say this, but I won't be able to update for a while. My dad is back in the hospital (I don't know for how long this time) and we have family over. One of which is a ten year old little girl that doesn't want to be away from me (though I don't completely mind because I love her to bits even though we aren't really blood related. She's precious). 

I do have a notebook with me, so I'll be writing there, but I don't have my laptop (writing this with my iPad), so when I can, I'll update, but please be patient. I really wish I could update my stories sooner like I planned, but with family over, it's hard, and my dad getting sick was completely unexpected. I was at the hospital from 1 pm to 1 am yesterday and we had to rush back to the hospital this morning at 11. I'm still here now.

Again, I'm sorry, but please be patient. I'm doing the best I can. 

Thank you for supporting my stories, and I'll try to update as soon as I can. The next update will be for "Onward," and then "Being With You." After that is "Those Unspoken Words," which I'm sure most of you are looking forward to the most. ^^


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LeeJuLian #1
I hope your father will get better soon...
Be strong! ♥
I hope you'll father will get better! ): You should totally put family first, there shouldn't be anyone rushing you when you have a reasonable excuse, I'll be waiting patiently~
Miawitch_1002 #3
I hope everything will turn out fine with your family.
Praying for you! Hope all is well.