「 ‹ ⋆cяʏsᴛᴀʀ ⋆ › ≣ Wu Melanie 」

  Wu Melanie 

‹ the basics 

behind it all 
username: DreamAndDance
activeness: 10
what can we call you?: Ariana

‹ hello there, angel from my nightmare 
korean name:  Woo Miyung (오미영)

english name: Melanie Wu/Melanie Li
chinese name: Wu Minli (吴敏丽) or Li Jiating (李嘉廷)

  • Mellie Nellie - A pet name by Kris, he only uses this when she's upset
  • Mel - Short form of her name, called by her friends sometimes
  • Shortie - Also called by Kris because of her height (at least, compared to him)
  • AppleMel - Nickname by her fans for her love of apples
  • Phoenix - In Chinese mythology, it is said that dragons and phoenixs are opposites of each other, and as Kris is sometimes called Dragon, fans also call Melanie Phoenix, his other half

age: 18
birthday: October 14th, 1994
birthplace: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
height: 167cm
weight: 51kg

ethnicity: Chinese 

- Mandarin (fluent, native tongue)

- English (fluent, she grew up in Canada)

- Korean (fluent, it was mandatory for her to take several classes during her trainee days in SM, and Kris helped her)

- Cantonese (fluent, people also spoke Cantonese in Guangzhou)

- Spanish (very basic, does watching Dora the Explorer count?)

‹ i feel pretty, oh so pretty 
ulzzang name: Baek Su Min
picture links: Gallery

back-up ulzzang: Jang Hae Byeol
picture links: Gallery (dark brown hair)

style: Melanie loves wearing clothes with lots of color. She is normally seen with a graphic tee on or some short of bright clothing matched with shorts or jeans. She rarely wears skirts, as she finds them uncomfortable so don't expect her to have them in her wardrobe. Melanie's favorite types of shoes include sneakers and sandals. She does not like heels, but will wear them obediently to formal events and music videos. Melanie also loves pairing her outfits with hats, mostly beanies.
     casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
     training: 123 
     sleepwear: 1 | 2 | 3 
     formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

     acessories: 1 | 2 | 3 (Kris has the black one) | 4



‹ the real business 

‹ if you only knew 

personality: At the first glance, people think Melanie like a cold, arrogant girl who seems difficult to approach. Because of this people tend to stay away from her. They're WRONG. Melanie is actually quite friendly within thirty seconds of a conversation. She just doesn't smile at everyone she passes. Melanie also doesn't smile in photos because she believes her smile isn't pretty, though she encourages everyone to smile and laugh every day. Once you get to know Melanie better, she's an outgoing and loud character who's fun to be around. 

Like her brother Kris, Melanie loves to be sociable and make new friends. Whenever her friends are upset, Melanie will immediately jump to the rescue. Melanie also can be fiercely protective of her friends and isn't afraid to hurt whoever harms her friends, both physically and verbally. She may not be the best person to ask for advice, but she's an excellent listener and will lend her shoulder for a cry. Melanie's a daredevil and is very adventerous. She loves thrilling things such as looped roller coasters and motorcycles. She can be a rulebreaker too and occasionally sneaks out of the dorms to sit on the rooftop. Melanie enjoys sleeping in, but she'll obediently rise and won't complain. She'll even get up before sunrise and climb to the rooftop to watch the sun.

There is a twist however. Melanie has a sharp tongue and speaks her mind without thinking, which can get her into trouble. She tends to be blunt and sometimes her words can seriously hurt a person's feelings. Melanie's sarcastic too, so don't try to sass her or she'll say something extremely witty and it'll make you look stupid. When angered, Melanie is terrifying. She won't hesitate to swear at or speak rudely at the person who angered her, whether it's her brother, a member from her group or even a sunbae. If there are things in the room with her, she might throw it at you. Still, after two or three hours she'll calm down and is seemingly forgetful about the blowup. Melanie normally forgives you quickly, but it depends on who you are. Melanie is stubborn as well, if she doesn't get her way she refuses to budge until you give in. She is also a neat freak and a bit of a germaphobe. She absolutely hates it when people sit on her bed and pushes them off immediately. Melanie likes to keep things organized and when her members won't clean up after themselves, she'll poke and nag at them till they do their fair share of chores.

Melanie may seem strong and tough on the exterior, but inside hides an insecure girl afraid of failure. When she was a trainee, many of the girls told Melanie she'll never make it as a star. Melnaie pushes herself to the limit to prove them wrong, but at the same time she's terrified of proving them right. She gets short tempered and frustrated when her progress doesn't meet her expectations. When she finally snaps, she locks herself in her room and listen to depressing songs while sitting down with her hands on her head. She refuses to cry, because she believes that it would show her weak side, and Melanie never shows her weak side. Melanie is also rather defensive of herself and those around her. Even the slightest comment on her outfit or what she eats has her crying "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" or "No, I'm not!" And if you crack a joke at her idols or friends she slaps you in the arm and exclaims "Stop, they're not!" or whatever.

Despite these flaws, she has a kindhearted and caring side. Melanie's willing to help people in need, but she'll never ask for help if she's in trouble. She'll normally deal with her own problems. Melanie loves to be in the center of attention, although she'll eagerly share the spotlight with her fellow members. She can be a bit of a show off sometimes but won't brag about it out loud. Even though she doesn't smile much fans love the aggressive charisma and charm she possesses onstage. Melanie will do anything to make the fans happy, even if it means making a fool of herself.



- Gets defensive easily

- Very stubborn

- Short tempered

- Her sassy mouth

- Afraid of failure

- Sarcastic

- Doesn't smile often

- Very blunt

- Naggy

- Looks hard to approach


- Rapping

- Dancing

- Hello Kitty

- Going on social websites

- Hanging out with friends (especially with her oppas/geges in EXO)

- Chocolate

- Children/babies

- Music boxes

- Sassing people

- Traveling

- Legos (don't judge)

- Video games

- Basketball

- Apples

- Watching ballets and musicals

- Amusement parks


- Messy rooms: Please clean up, neater rooms look better to the eye

- Coffee: It looks nice, it smells nice, but it definitely doesn't taste nice

- Boredom: She needs to do something or else she'll start twitching impatiently

- Thick makeup: It makes her face feel heavy and unnatural

- Horror stuff: EEK! Even the adventurous Melanie gets frightened two weeks straight after watching a horror film. She literally wakes up one of the members to go with her to the bathroom at night

- Getting injured: Well, who doesn't?

- Saesang fans: She loves each and every one of Crystar's fans, but when saesangs stalk them 24/7 it just creeps her out and she doesn't like it when they attack other fans


- Playing basketball

- Watching funny/stupid videos of her brother and laughing at him

- Playing video games

- Writing down rap lyrics

- Choreographing short dances

- Reading fanfictions online, she actually loves reading about her idol friends as different people in different scenarios


- Taps her feet to music, irritates people sometimes 

- Raps when she's bored, either in Mandarin, English, or Korean

- Tends to lift people off the ground when she hugs them, even if they're guys (she can still do it, she's pretty strong)

- Bites her lip if she's thinking

- Automatically laughs out loud when someone farts, but turns it into a cough to avoid getting caught

- Claps her hands while laughing


- Anti fans: this is a really dumb fear, but she's afraid of getting seriously injured or poisoned by them, which could cost her spot at Crystar. But of course, that's the price she paid when she auditioned for SM

- Clowns: why, why do little kids like them? They're freaking pedos and their smiles are plain creepy

- Failure: with her brother as the almighty Kris, she can't help but worry about failure. Fans are expecting her to be just as great and talented as Kris. There are also haters quietly waiting for her to slip up 


- Has been dancing for fifteen years

- She was the female cameo in BTOB's "Insane" MV and "2nd Confession" MV. Melanie was also in SHINee's "Dream Girl" MV

- Appeared as a backup dancer in TTS's "Twinkle" and f(x)'s "Hot Summer" MV

- Ships Taoris, though she does sometimes find it annoying. The reason? "Well, imagine going out with this two giants. Suddenly they're on a freaking date and you're the awkward third wheeler. And they have matching earrings too...oh gosh."

- Melanie has a Holland Lop bunny named Ash and a Bichon Frise puppy named Gyeoul

- Had braces as a teenager, just like her brother

- Once as a dare, Melanie had to kiss Kris. It didn't specify where, so she kissed him on the cheek (which disappointed her friends because they were hoping for more)

- Goes on YouTube to read comments about herself and Crystar. She sasses the haters on her secret YouTube account and gets a lot of likes for that

- Melanie collects Lego figurines. She finds them interesting and carries a few in her bag so she can play with them when she's bored. Some of her fans give her Legos as gifts

- Apples are her favorite fruit, she always has a bag of sliced apples with her to snack on during rehearsals and breaks

- She really likes Hello Kitty. Get Melanie anything Hello Kitty related and she'll love you forever

- Melanie wears contacts, but at the dorms she wears her glasses

- Hasn't had her first kiss yet

- Fangirls like crazy over SHINee, Super Junior, and DBSK (she was destroyed when they disbanded).

- She changed her name with Kris for unknown reasons

- Secretly wants someone to write a fanfiction about her because she's interested in seeing what they'll come up with

Had a tiny crush on f(x)'s Amber when f(x) first debuted, but that was before she realized Amber was a girl. Melanie gets embarassed whenever someone brings it up

- Draws a music note after signing her name for autographs

- Favorite novel is The Fault In Our Stars. She recommends it to the Crystar fans


‹ where you came, no shame 

Melanie was born as Li Jiating in October 14th of 1994 in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. She already has an older brother Jiaheng, four years older than her, who would later change his name to Yifan, or Kris. Their father is a businessman, while their mother used to be a schoolteacher who quit to raise her two kids. While growing up, Melanie was treated differently from Kris, since she was the younger child and a girl. She received less gifts than Kris but was still loved by her parents. When Melanie was aged three the Wu family decided to move to Canada. There, she and Kris were enrolled into elementary school in Vancouver. Melanie's parents tried to make her learn the piano, but she hated it and quickly lost interest. It was her mother who put her into dancing classes to release all the energy young Melanie had. She loved dancing and showed natural talent in it, unlike Kris.

After spending four years in Canada, the Wu family traveled back to Guangzhou. Melanie continued elementary school, while Kris began middle school in Guangzhou. Melanie's beloved dance lessons were put on hold, and instead she picked up basketball with her brother. Over the next couple of years Melanie followed Kris's school basketball team to their tournaments and competitions. Melanie was 10 and Kris 14 when their parents made the final decision to return to Vancouver. It was difficult for the Wu siblings to leave their birthplace for the second time.

When the family returned to Vancouver, Melanie finished middle school and went to Sir Winston Chruchill Secondary School, the same high school Kris attended. Once she entered high school, Melanie joined the school's hip hop club and she learnt locking, popping, and breaking from the members. Melanie was also active in the dance team and choir. Her love for rapping came when her Canadian friends introduced her to rappers such as Drake and Two Chainz. Soon she and Kris were engrossed with rap videos on YouTube, and were often seen in the house practicing. K-pop walked into the siblings' lives after Melanie stumbled upon a video of Super Junior in 2006.

In 2007, Kris decided to audition for SM through the Global Auditions held in Vancouver. Melanie wanted to audition alongside him, but Kris told his little sister she was too young and persuaded Melanie to try again in another two years. So when Melanie was fifteen, she auditioned for the Vancouver Global Auditions. She passed the audition on the first round, much to her surprise. Melanie could join her brother at SM, except she had to enter a new country in order to do so. And her father strongly opposed to the idea of both his children being idols. Melanie's mother however, quietly pushed her daughter to accept the contract. There at SM, Melanie slowly strengthened and polished her rapping and dancing skills, while also improving her weak vocals.



  • Father || Li Zhi Wei || 55 || Business man || An intense workaholic, and cares more about it than his family. Zhi Wei is a man of logic, and does not believe in childish dreams like becoming an idol. He's also strict and quite harsh towards his children because he secretly doesn't want them to be failures || Melanie is afraid of her father. She had always followed his rules obediently, but when he opposed to her auditioning, she disobeyed him. Melanie has sent him countless emails, all which are unanswered, but she recieves birthday money from him || Alive
  • Mother || Li Mei Quan || 55 || Housewife || To Mei Quan, family matters the most. She's quite overprotective when it comes to her children's welbeing. She only wants the best for them, and listens carefully to their problems || Melanie and Mei Quan both love each other dearly. Mei Quan constantly reminds Melanie to take care of her heath. Mei Quan  supports her children's choices no matter what. She cries whenever Kris and Melanie call her || Alive
  • Brother || Wu Yi Fan (Kris) || 22 || Idol in EXO || Kris has the appearance of a cool, mysterious, bad boy. He has a sharp, steady look in his eyes, which is probably why he seems intimidating. People often find him very arrogant, when instead he's really is an innocent, warm hearted guy. He takes excellent care of s, and immediately goes to help them if they're in trouble || Kris and Melanie argue over the stupidest things, like who pays the bill for lunch or who opens the door for people. Despite this, they have a very strong, brother-sister bond no one can break. He enjoys to make fun of her height, and she elbows him in the stomach in retaliation. They care for each other deeply, and Melanie goes to Kris if something (or someone) is bothering her. She's one of the few people who can make him smile. To be the protective older brother, Kris has the EXO members and the other SM sunbaes look after Melanie when he isn't there || Alive


‹ the people 

‹ lost without you 
best friend: 

         Kim Jongin (Kai) || 19 || Idol in EXO || On the outside, Kai seems arrogant and very competitive. He has a fierce, y, playboy-like image among the media. In reality, Kai is actually extremely shy and gets embarrassed easily. He is definitely a hardworking and pushes himself to the limit. But he can be quite blunt and sometimes hard to get along with || Kai and Melanie have an...interesting friendship. Upon meeting each other, they insult each other, but suddenly laugh and hug. It's their strange way of greeting one another. Melanie respects and admires Kai as a dancer. She tells Kai everything, and she trusts his most honest opinion, even if he can be a little too blunt occasionally || Alive


         Kim Kibum (Key) || 21 || Idol in SHINee || He's a bit of a diva, loves to be dramatic about everything. Key also cares for those around him and is seen as a umma-like figure. However, Key can be painfully blunt, so people don't usually ask for his opinion. He grudges easily too, but other than that he can be a major sweetheart || One can say Key is Melanie's fashion consultant. She normally lets him pick her clothes when she needs assistance, and if there's free time they enjoy shopping together. He often fusses over her like a real mother. Melanie teaches Key English too, since he wants to learn || Alive

         Park Chanyeol || 20 || Idol in EXO || Despite his deep voice and tall statue, Chanyeol is a happy virus. He's very sweet, and always brightens people's mood with his smile. He is protective to the ones he loves, and won't hesitate sticking up for them. Chanyeol's clumsy and a bit of the weird side, but that's what makes him unique || Melanie adores Chanyeol, and loves to hold a conversation with him. Chanyeol mentors her in rap and often gives her tips to improve. When they're away from the studio however, both enjoy pranking people, their targets mostly being Kris and Baekhyun || Alive

         Bae Suji (Suzy) || 18 || Idol in Miss A || Suzy is practical and often acts like the leader. She simply loves to talk, even to herself, and sing, so much that she'll sing for a while on long car rides. Suzy is chatty because sometimes the other Miss A members don't bother answering and she talks until they do || Melanie finds Suzy easy to get along with. They enjoy talking about the most random things and rapping together. They also like teasing each other. Suzy gently makes fun of the way Melanie raps and Melanie jokingly replies that Suzy at acting || Alive

         Lee Hyunjae (Eunhyuk) || 27 || Idol in Super Junior || Eunhyunk passes off as an arrogant and awkward guy, but in reality he's humble and extremely hard-working. He is awkward yet respectful around girls. Eunhyuk is very dedicated to dancing and will work until he sees himself as the best. He is also very dorky and very funny, as seen in variety shows || They have a close friendship, and Eunhyuk is another of her dance buddies. When Kris isn't there Eunhyuk tends to hover over Melanie protectively when she talks to guys. She constantly complains about it but she knows that he cares for her deeply || Alive

         Gong Minji (Minzy) || 19 || Idol in 2NE1 || An organized girl who plans everything in advance. Minzy is extremely stubborn and prideful, she won't admit her mistakes easily. She's also competitive, until she reaches her goal she doesn't stop. When her patience runs out however, she explodes || Melanie looks up to Minzy as a big sister. Despite the whole SM/YG rivalry, it doesn't stop the two girls from going out to eat and shop together. They send each other supportive and inspiring messages daily, and before shows too || Alive


‹ hate to love, love to hate 
rival: Jung Ilhoon || 18 || Idol in BtoB || Ilhoon is defined the 'spark type,' meaning he's very lively and can be pretty unpredictable at times. People deem Ilhoon as cute because of he's aegyo-filled and has a naturally cute face. When he's in a bad mood, he'll often change his hair into interesting, weird hairstyles. However, Ilhoon hides a narcissistic, bratty side. He can be quite arrogant and will openly express his hatred to those he strongly dislikes.

why are you rivals: It all started when Melanie stared in BtoB's music video. She was bored on the set so she began rapping. But Ilhoon came up behind her and scoffed. He became extremely ist, claiming boys were better than girls at rapping and that girls should just stick to singing and dancing. His comment irked Melanie, and she walked away without speaking another word to him. Ihoon found her rude for walking away. Later during the day, he tripped Melanie but made it look like an accident. This showed Melanie that he wasn't the innocent, cute Ilhoon fans saw onscreen. She hated how he judged her rapping and tripped her deliberatedly.

how you act around each other: When they're together in the same room, there's bound to be trouble. Ilhoon always makes some snide comment about Melanie's rapping, and she responds with a sarcastic comeback. He purposely trips her but she manages to balance and she has to mentally restrain herself from kicking him in the balls. Believe it or not however, Ilhoon secretly has a crush on Melanie but he doesn't want anyone to know, so he's rather snarky and rude towards Melanie to hide his true feelings.


‹ the one&only 

‹ dodge the dating ban 
love interest: Huang Zitao (Tao)
label & group: SM Entertainment + EXO

personality: On the exterior, Tao looks cold and intimidating at first glance. It's actually the opposite. Tao is honest about his feelings, and even though he appears tough and manly he's quite sentimental. He deeply loves all of s and fans. Tao tends to be more talkative and open in the interviews and variety shows he’s comfortable with. Tao gets sad easily, he cries without even being aware of it. He seems to have many insecurities. Despite these flaws, he's a playful dork, and is considered the most childish among the EXO members.

how you met: It was last year during Melanie's trainee days. While she was returning to her dorm from a late night practice, she heard noises in the next studio and saw Tao praticing his wushu. Fascinated, Melanie stopped in front of the doorway to watch. But suddenly Tao's pants ripped and she laughed out loud. Tao turned to see Melanie, and she quickly apologized for intruding while holding back her laughter.

how you act around each other: Tao is very gentle towards Melanie. He's always brushing her hair away from her face and he's the one who catches her when she falls, both literally and physically. They hang out together to work on rapping and give each other advice on their rapping styles. Melanie's Korean is much stronger than Tao's so she often tutors him. As she is Kris's little sister, Tao feels he needs to watch out for her when Kris isn't there, and sometimes even follows her when she goes out alone. Melanie simply adores Tao and admires him from afar, but it's a pity he only sees her as Kris's little sister (for now at least).

back up love interest: Kim Jonghyun
label & group: SM Entertainment + SHINee

personality: Jonghyun is known for his cheerful, sensitive personality. He hates being called cute because he believes he's manly. Jonghyun absolutely hates losing to anyone and at times can become very competitive and arrogant. He'll flare up at people who interrupt him, yelling at them to shut up. Jonghyun is also very emotional, and he cares about his work so much he'll cry if he feels he doesn't work hard enough. Other than that, he's a sweet, charismatic guy who describes himself as a romantic.

how you met: They met at M! Countdown in 2012, when Melanie went along to support EXO. Backstage, Jonghyun was practicing the choreography for Sherlock, except he didn't see Melanie pass behind him and he smacked her right in the face. 

how you act around each other: Jonghyun normally initiates skinship by casually putting his arm around her shoulders or grabbing her hand for no reason. This incites rumors among the media. As he is her SHINee bias, Melanie tends to be clumsy and shy around Jonghyun. He makes her laugh with his jokes and she finds him fun to be around. Jonghyun sings to Melanie whenever she is feeling upset. They both get jealous if they see one another talking to the opposite .


‹ the fame 

‹ i'm the greatest star 
how did you get into training?: Auditioned, joined the company in 2009
how many years have you been training?: 4 years
how were your trainee days?: 
Training was not easy for Melanie. When she first entered SM, Melanie could barely speak or understand a single word of Korean, and while her dancing and rapping was excellent her vocals were weak. Though she had a couple of trainee friends by her side, Melanie was often bullied by the Korean trainees and even the vocal teachers mocked her voice. She could have told Kris about her bullies, but she didn't want to bother him. Melanie slowly lost weight, and she began drifting away from her friends. It was so extreme to the point where she almost quit, but she wanted to fulfill her dream of becoming an idol and forced herself to continue. Melanie sometimes fell sick from the intense training, but it was all worth it.

stage name: Melody (멜로디)
position: Main rapper, lead dancer, vocalist
persona: The Beat Freak
fanclub: Harmonies
fanclub color: 

singing twin: 4Minute's Hyuna - 1
rapping twin: Secret's Zinger - 1 | 2
dancing twin: f(x)'s Luna - 1

social networking sites:

Twitter - @melodyNharmony

Instagram - @ayoitsMelanie



‹ the farewell 

‹ i'm getting good at saying goodbye 
suggestions: Promotions in China! :D


NU ABO - f(x)

Danger - f(x)

La Chata - f(x)

Electric Shock - f(x)

Rum Pum Pum Pum - f(x)

Volume Up - 4Minute

comments: Aaah you have Kris as your love interest (so jealous, Krease is my bias in EXO-M, along with panda Tao :3) so I decided to make him my brother LOL. I hope you like Melanie, I tried to make her similar yet different to Kris, along with making her as flawed as possible. I also hope her family background is somewhat accurate. I had to do a lot of research in order to link Melanie's history to Kris's. I'm kind of proud of this application haha xD

scene requests:

- Melanie showing Jinhee Kris's baby/predebut photos (teehehehehe)

- Kris finds out about Melanie's crush on Tao. "Meimei, why do you keep staring at Tao?" "What? No, I'm not!" "Yes you are." "NO I'M NOT WHAT'S WRONG WITH OBSERVING SOMEONE? THAT DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE HIM!!" "Meimei, I never said you liked Tao...but do you?"

- Crystar on Happy Camp! (it'll be pretty cool to have EXO too with them but that would be a lot of people)

- EXO loses a bet to Crystar, so the girls make them dance to the Girl's Day song 'Female President.' Crystar secretly records it without EXO knowing. "But we already danced to Female President at the M! Countdown opening!" "Shut up Kris, you lost the bet. So starting shaking your and be y!"

- Flashback scenes of the girls meeting their love interests

- Playing basketball/video games with EXO

- Melanie 'happens' to bump into Tao while out shopping and they end up going shopping together

- Crystar and EXO do a song collaboration along with a photoshoot (kind of like APink and Beast)

- Melanie and Kris arguing over who gets to pay the bill for lunch while their members roll their eyes at them

- Just minutes before Crystar's debut at Inkigayo, one of the girls' rival purposedly locks them in a dressing room while another member has a wardrobe malfunction

password: SASS


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