And a Part of Me Just Died

(I was away from the internet for a day...and)


It's really Kai.

And truth be told.

They look good together...well, don't they?

And it hurts >< (and I wish that I'm not the only one)

(lol, drama queen? I swear, LSM is a KaiStal shipper...they love this...because it's somewhat scandalous, at least in a fan's perspective...or something like that, hehe)



f(x)'s new music video has a storyline, I can feel it....but please, no kiss scene.

O_O~ These photos actually look pretty...but no kiss, okay? 


..Kai...where are you rubbing that bottle?...


I think I'm just so deeply attached to them....

Anyways, I'm looking forward for f(x)'s comeback, I'm a big fan! :)

(and I'm also Krystal biased, so no bitter feelings. She's cool!)


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deeragon93 #1
Aimee2304 wrote a real honest comment.
Sure, I agree with her. Seeing Kris with Amber or Kai with Krytal hurt ^^
It's better if I see Kris and Lu Han or Kai and Sehun #bricked me xD
I was gone for a couple of days from the internet and Kai does this to me........*sigh*
Mental breakdown ._. I sighed a lot after seeing these pictures .____. *sigh sigh*
This is so frustrating. Tbh. ;n; Why. Why. Just why. </3
starry_diamonds #5
omg,Kai where are u rubbing the bottle!O_O oh and yeah,i am looking forward to F(x) comeback too.^^ and i think Kai with Krystal is better than Kai with that Yoon So Hee gull!!i mean at least Krystal is pretty and we know who she is.hee XDD
I can't take this OMG I'm Lu biased but it hurts! It ing hurts.... /walks away with a stabbed heart