Serenity (세렌이티) | S.M ENT | Yamamoto Aika

Yamamoto Aika



what's your name

username: DreamAndDance

what can i call you: Ariana

activeness level: 10


tell mtell me

Name: Yamamoto Aika
Nickname: Momo, Yamamochi
Age: 19 (almost 20)
D.O.B: 10/14/93
Birth Place: Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Home Town: Seoul, Gangnam, South Korea
Ethnicity: Japanese
Languages: Japanese (fluent), English (fluent), Korean (fluent), Mandarin (basic)
Blood Type: B
Star Sign: Scorpio

visual dreams 

Faceclaim: Park Chorong (APink)
Backup Faceclaim: Seohyun (SNSD)
Style: Aika likes wearing comfortable clothing with lots of color. She also likes sweaters and graphic tees. Don't expect her to wear skirts often because she feels uncomfortable in them. Same goes for heels. Aika prefers sneakers, boots, and sandals. She'll only wear heels to formal events, music videos, and photoshoots. Aika likes to have sweats on too.
Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Formal: 1 | 2 | 3
Practice: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Airport: 1 | 2 | 3
Dorm/sleep: 1 | 2 | 3
Extra: She has a piercing on each ear lobe
Accessories: She usually has sunglasses on when she goes out, and she's always seen wearing a hat or headband. Aika also wears this necklace every day, and rarely takes it off.

beautiful stranger

When you meet Aika for the first time, you'll immediately notice her smile. She is described as a happy and cheerful girl who loves to smile and laugh. She basically laughs at anything with no reason. Her laugh is quite contagious. Aika even smiles to either hide emotional pain or trick her haters into thinking they can't ruin her. She's a rather loud, outgoing character, and can easily lighten up a tense atmosphere. She's a bit of a hopeless romantic, believing in magic, love at first sight, and fate. Aika is a social butterfly, she simply loves to make new friends and is usually the first to initiate a conversation. She does however, tend to be closer to guys than girls because she thinks boys are easier to get along. Aika's also extremely talkative and never shuts up. She always has something to say, which makes it effortless for her in interviews, variety shows, and as an MC. Though she is seen as a blabblemouth, Aika keeps secrets and promises shared with her. People trust her with anything because they know that she'll keep their most private secrets to the death. She'll do anything to make her friends laugh, even if it means making a complete fool of herself. While Aika isn't the best at giving advice, she is a great listener, and will lend her shoulder for a cry. She won't leave you behind at your darkest moment and stays by your side no matter what.
On and off stage Aika has a very cheerful, charismatic appeal and possesses great charm. This makes her quite likeable among fans. Even though Aika enjoys having fun, she's dead serious when it comes to work. She picks up choreography quickly and often stays up very late to practice her dancing and rapping. Do not be fooled by that cute face of hers, Aika is a beast at rapping. She hates it when people judge her rapping ability by her appearance. Aika loves to be in the center of attention, although she'll eagerly share the spotlight with her fellow members. She can be a bit of a show off sometimes but she won't brag out loud. Aika is extremely critical of herself and dedicated to her work. She becomes cranky and frustrated when her progress does not meet her expectations. If you happened to speak to Aika in her agitated state, she answers in an irritated tone and pushes you away. In some cases, she bursts into tears and members find her huddled in her bed. When angered, Aika tends to stomp on people's feet (girls too) and even swears, either in Japanese or English. She can never hold a grudge however. Aika calms down quickly after an hour or two and soon you'll see her chatting happily to the person who made her angry, as if nothing happened. Unfortunately, Aika trusts and forgives too quickly. Because of this she can be taken advantage of by others and easily gets hurt.
Aika was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, to a semi-weathly family. Her father Daichi is an engineer, while her mother Midori teaches dance. During the next two years in Hokkaido her younger sister Nagisa was born. At the age five, Daichi's job had the family move to San Francisco, where little brother Tamaki was born. Dance has always been a huge part of Aika's life. Midori, a former dancer, enrolled her into ballet to continue the tradition once they arrived in San Francisco. Aika inherited her mother's love for dance and showed natural talent in it. Along with that, Aika's father registered her for piano lessons. Her passion for singing began when she saw a man on the streets of San Francisco performing. She pestered her parents into letting her take up singing classes. At the age of 10 Aika switched from ballet to hip hop after watching a video of the American dance crew Beat Freaks, much to her mother's dismay.

When Aika was twelve however, tragedy struck the Yamamoto family. One day, her sister Nagisa snuck out with her friends to the nearby lake. She never returned. Nagisa's friends would later tell Aika's parents she had drowned in the lake. It was a devastating blow, especially to Aika since the two sisters were extremely close. At the same time, Aika's father was relocated again, this time to South Korea. The family decided to leave California and settle into South Korea for a restart. Aika had a hard time in the beginning, because she didn't know a single word of Korean despite the fact she was at an international school. Little by little, Aika grew comfortable with her new home and soon made new friends. Once she entered high school, Aika joined the school's hip hop club and she learnt locking, popping, and breaking from the members. Aurora was also active in the dance team and choir.

In January 2009, Aika was on the train returning home from school. She was approached by a man inside the train, who introduced himself as an SM scout. Aika thought it was a scam, but he gave her an SM card and managed to convince her to try out the weekly auditions. Aika's parents were against it at first, but they later changed their mind as they saw their daughter's love for the stage. To her surprise, Aika passed the audition on the first round. There at SM, she was willing to learn how to rap, which she proved skilled at.

- Dancing
- Takoyaki (ball-shaped batter snack filled with minced octopus inside)
- Rilakkuma
- Chocolate
- Historical/fantasy books
- Traveling
- Children/babies
- Disney, Studio Ghibli, and Pixar movies
- Animals
- Purikura (Japanese photo booths)
- Playing the piano
- Hats and headbands
- Making people laugh
- Hanging out with friends
- Horror stuff
- Coffee
- Waking up early
- Makeup
- Roses
- Boredom
- Clowns
- Dancing
- Making hairbows
- Playing the piano
- Choreographing
- Singing to EXO's songs loudly
- Choreographs dances when she can't sleep
- Belts out raps when bored (either in Japanese, Korean, or English)
- Laughs out loud when someone farts, but turns it into a cough to avoid getting caught
- Twitches if she's getting bored
- Breaks into dance when there's music
- Squeezes the people she hugs tightly
- Injuring herself to the point where she can't dance anymore
- Losing the ones she loves
- Drowning, because of what happened to her sister
- Has been dancing for fifteen years
- She was the female cameo in Beast's "Shock" MV (Japanese version) and BTOB's "Insane" MV
- Was a backup dancer for TTS's "Twinkle" MV and f(x)'s "Hot Summer" MV
- Had braces as a teenager for two years
- Aika has a Holland Lop bunny named Haru and a toy poodle puppy named Cinna
- She's severely allergic to roses, and will break out into a bad case of hives and sometimes she can't breathe
- Aika really likes Rilakkuma. Get her anything Rilakkuma related and she'll love you forever
- Is always seen wearing this necklace, given to her by her parents on her 18th birthday
- She had a boyfriend back in high school, only to have them date for two days and break up because they were too inexperienced but they remained friends
- Can cry at will
- Favorite animated movies are Howl's Moving Castle, The Princess and the Frog, and Toy Story
- Draws a heart after signing her name because the first character of her Japanese name means love (愛)
- Wants to learn Mandarin, and watches Chinese dramas for help or she just pesters her Mandarin speaking members to teach her
- Hasn't had her first kiss yet
- Fangirls over SHINee, EXO, Super Junior, and BTOB
- Knows how to make mochi, hence her nickname Yamamochi
- Fails at origami, she does not have the patience to learn
- Her favorite Japanese movie is Koizora (Sky of Love). It makes her cry because it's a sad film
- If she's feeling mischievous, Aika attempts speaking in British or Australian accents to make her friends laugh 

dear mfamily

Family: Yamamoto Daichi | 47 | Engineer | 4 | Dad - Aika doesn't spend much time with her dad, as he is an intense workaholic. But she's definitely a daddy's girl, and he buys her gifts even when she doesn't ask for it. Daichi deeply cares for Aika, and becomes fiercely protective when it comes to her welbeing and safety.
Fuji Midori | 46 | Ballet teacher | 3 | Mom - Midori and Aika share a somewhat awkward bond. Midori isn't the best at expressing her love for Aika, so it often looks likes she doesn't care for Aika. Aika sometimes feels she let her mother down simply because she gave up ballet.
Yamamoto Tamaki | 15 | Student | 5 | Brother - Tamaki and Aika have a very close relationship. Aika loves her little brother dearly, and Tamaki always calls her to remind her to take care of her health. Ever since Nagisa's death, Aika's been very protective over Tamaki.
Best friends:
Park Sunyoung (Luna) | 19 | f(x)
Kim Kibum (Key) | 21 | SHINee
Jung Ilhoon | 18 | BTOB
Kim Jongin (Kai) | 19 | EXO
Gong Minji (Minzy) | 19 | 2NE1
Henry Lau | 23 | Soloist, Super Junior
Kim Hyoyeon | 24 | SNSD


How did you get into S.M?: Scouted
Trainee years?:  4 years
Trainee life:  Aika's training days weren't very eventful, but there were a few hiccups along the way. Some of the trainees bullied her because they saw her as a threat. It was tough for Aika to enter dance studios with groups of girls whispering and pointing openly at her. Aika almost quit training, not only because of the bullies but also from the work expected from her and she often got extremely homesick. She couldn't keep up with the homework from school and the intense training schedules. Eventually though the bullies eventually left her alone and she soon started making friends with those who could speak Japanese and English. Aika told herself to work hard to accomplish her dreams. So every night, Aika stayed past midnight perfecting her dancing and vocals. She pushed and exerted herself to the point where she became ill, but it was worth it. 

got a boy

Love Interest: Kris Wu | 22 | EXO
Personality: Kris has the appearance of a cool, mysterious, bad boy. He has a sharp, steady look in his eyes, which is probably why people are somewhat afraid of him. Aika calls him the Ice King because of his looks. People often find him very arrogant, when instead he's really is an innocent, warm hearted guy. He takes excellent care of s, and immediately goes to their side if they're in trouble. Kris protects s no matter what, even if it means getting hurt in the process. He is very open to the people he's close to but likes to be alone at the same time. Known as the 'Fashion King' of EXO-M, Kris is looked up as a gege and is seen as one of the most responsible members of EXO. Despite this, he is the laziest member of EXO. Kris has a very strong physical presence, he can't be overlooked. He won't let anyone bring him down, and puts every bit of his heart and soul into his work.
How you both met up?: They met during Aika's training days. She was out at the supermarket near the SM building buying chocolate, but when she got to the cashier she realized she forgotten her wallet at her dorm. Kris happened to be behind Aika in the line, and saw her hesitation. So being the kind person he is, he offered to pay for Aika's stuff. Outside the supermarket, Aika apologized and promised to pay back Kris. She mentioned to Kris that she was an SM trainee, and after exchanging phone numbers they walked back to the building together. Since then, they've been close friends and as a joke Kris reminds Aika to bring her wallet whenever she goes shopping.
Relationship: Crushing/friends
Back-up love Interest: Kim Jonghyun | 23 | SHINee
Personality: Jonghyun is known for his cheerful, sensitive personality. He hates being called cute because he believes he's manly. Jonghyun absolutely hates losing to anyone and at times can become very competitive and arrogant. It's also been proved that Jonghyun is good at getting himself out of sticky situations, mainly by changing the subject and waiting until people forget about it. He'll flare up at people who interrupt him, yelling at them to shut up. When his progress doesn't meet his expectations, Jonghyun will become short-tempered and frustrated, just like Aika. Jonghyun is also very emotional, and he cares about his work so much he'll cry if he feels he doesn't work hard enough. Other than that, Jonghyun's a sweet, charismatic guy who describes himself as a romantic. He is also very talkative.
How you both met up?: One day after a private dance practice, Aika wanted to change out of her sweaty clothes but she was too lazy to return to her dorm. So she stripped in the dance room, except Jonghyun happened to enter for his own practice. He started laughing as she was wearing Rilakkuma underwear and he thought it was funny. She screamed and threw her shoes at him. When she was done changing, Jonghyun returned, and introduced himself with a sly smirk on his face. Jonghyun calls Aika 'Rila-pants' because of that incident and she smacks him in the arm in retaliation.
Relationship: Friends

only one

Stage Name: Maika (means dancing flower in Japanese)
Persona: Fire Flower (another name for fireworks. Because when Aika dances and raps, she lights up the stage)
Individual Fanclub Name: Fireflies
Individual Fanclub Color: #ff6633
Position: Main dancer, main rapper, sub-vocalist (MC)
Backup Position: Lead dancer, lead rapper, sub-vocalist (actress and MC)
Talking Twin: APink's Chorong - 1 | 2
Vocal Twin: Girls' Day Sojin - 1 | 2
Rap Twin: Secret's Zinger - 1 | 2
Dance Twin: MissA's Min - 1 | 2 | 3
Twitter: @fieryMaika
Instagram: @thatsaika
Facebook: Yamamoto Aika

goodbye baby

Suggestions : Promotions in China maybe? Since I see some of the applicants are Chinese
Serenity Songs: My My - APink (for a cute, sweet concept)
Dear Mom - SNSD
Paparazzi - SNSD (for a y concept)
Run Devil Run - SNSD
Red Ruby: Goodbye Baby - MissA
Give It to Me - SISTAR
Abracadabra - Brown Eyed Girls
Blue Sapphire: NU ABO - f(x)
Volume Up - 4Minute
Serenity Trio: Baby Steps - TTS
Shanghai Romance - Orange Caramel
Comments: Wow, I actually finished an application within two days. It normally takes me a week or longer to finish...I'm so proud of myself LOL xD
I hope Aika's background wasn't too confusing! She lived in Japan for 5 years, 7 in California, and 8 years in Korea
Scene Requests:
- Truth and Dare with EXO and Serenity
- Serenity goes swimming, but when her members playfully try to push Aika into the water she has a full panic attack because she remembers her sister
- A dance/song/rap battle between EXO and Serenity, and Aika goes against Kris for rap
- Serenity's first fight and argument?
- Aika tries to teach her members how to the make mochi, but all 9 members end up setting their dorm kitchen on fire
- Serenity bonding as friends, maybe watching a movie or go shopping
Extra: Nope :) if you need a co-author, I'm here ^^ and I'll try to come up with more scenes for Serenity

author's note ;

credits for the layout goes to spirited layouts. make sure to fill it in properly to get accepted :D clicky ~ 


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