Find Your Heart Piece ♥ {Moon Kaeun}

Find Your Heart Piece!



{Moon Kaeun}


name: Moon | Kaeun (Kammi)

age: 20

birthdate: June 21st, 1993

birth place: Gwangju, South Korea

hometown: Melbourne, Australia

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Japanese (basic)

her job: Currently helps out with her mother's newly opened bridal store

education: Wesley College ; Monash University (Bachelor of Biomedical Science)




Kaeun may have an adorable baby-face, but in reality she is the type of person who won't hesitate to flip the middle finger at people simply because she feels like it. Laid-back and chillaxed most of the time, she has a strong '"IDGAF" attitude towards almost everything in life now that she's out of high school. If she does happen to be aggravated, she will be intensely silent and bottle her anger up no matter what, although coming across such a situation is highly unlikely already. 
Kaeun possesses a strange sense of "dry" humour, often she uses this as an advantage to squeeze her way out of awkward moments. You can literally see her squirming to find an escape! She can be playfully competitive at times and tends to have silly debates and arguments over trivial matters, just for the funs of it. Her head rules over her heart. Kaeun is an intellectual person and sadly, this also blocks her emotional flow as well. Despite this, she is still undeniably oozing aegyo out of her actions and animated facial expressions, much to her chagrin.

Beneath the surface lies a loving and compassionate heart for her loved ones. Kaeun is very filial, and although she may not be the best at expressing her nurturing side but it is evident that she DOES care. She has a somewhat traditional view towards love in general, and yearns for security and comfort. Kaeun has an intuitive understanding of how others feel but often has trouble with that when it comes to herself - secretly longs for a certain special someone who can help her with that!



Kaeun was born in the heart of Gwangju to an average family in 1993 before moving to Melbourne in 1997 by the choice of her father, a hopeful pilot who went to seize the golden job opportunity as an aircraft captain for Qantas after much experience back up in Korea. Her younger sister, Kayoung, wasn't born until much later in 2001. Kaeun, as the older sister, was always told to look after her since her birth. From there, she has developed a sense of reponsibility to protect her little sister, as well as her family and friends.

She may be academically-gifted and on top of that, puts in a lot of hard effort into her studies too. But Kaeun was a moody and hypersensitive girl under all that stress, and so she was pretty much a sourpuss all of the time during her adolescence. It was only until she realised that her moodswings weren't getting her anywhere with her relationships when Kaeun decided to stop letting her emotions get to her.


- teal
- deep, heart-to-heart conversations
- bacon, bacon, and more bacon!
- cooking up desserts
- acoustic versions of songs
- romantic fairytale stories - as much as she denies it!
- onesies 
- photobombing and other fellow photobombers



- raw onions
- being called "fat"
- strong odours of any kind
- anything related to history
- flattery - how do you even respond to it without being awkward?!
- dubstep music
- over-formality

- rushing things

- busking on the streets with her guitar
- taking selcas & scrapbooking
- designing cartoon characters
- yoga
- speedskating


- clapping her hands and bending over when she's laughing hard
- repeating after people in a chipmunk voice just to piss them off - the "parrot" effect
- mumbling her thoughts to herself
- "" in her sleep
- overuse of emoticons in EVERYTHING - typing, texting, writing, etc.



- has a ridiculous fear over flies

- her Japanese is picked up from her love for anime and Vocaloid since she was young, as well as from her bestie

- graduated high school with an ATAR of 96.45
- her little sister, Kayoung, is an IVF baby
- secretly prefers The Wanted over One Direction
- is diagnosed with scoliosis
- VERY obsessed with Candy Crush - currently on level 254
- she actually has a decent voice, but she never had the guts to sing in public
- as strange as it may sound, she finds births "fascinatingly miraculous"
- blew up a pie in the microwave before because she misread "10 secs" as "10 mins" on the package




face claim: Yewon (Jewelry)

back-up face: Uee (After School)





-mother; Moon Nari | 51 | bridal store manager

-father; Moon Byunghun | 56 | Qantas aircraft captain

-sibling; Moon Kayoung (Kassi) | 12 | student

best friend; Oka Midori | 20 | met each other in an international student program during high school | Shy, modest, but quite giggly at times, Midori is a timid girl by nature. She is very in touch with her feminine side, but don't let her fragile facade fool you - she is a person with BIG brains! | Midori screamed. And squealed. She immediately went into fangirl mode when she heard the news for the first time, promising Kaeun that she will watch every single episode even without English subs!  




height: 161cm

weight: 64kg


-casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

-home: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

-formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

-date: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4




love interest: Jang Dongwoo | INFINITE

age: 23

Dongwoo may look slightly intimidating and mysterious with his sharp eagle-like eyes, but he's actually a pretty adorkable person! He's like a crazy maniac - he gets amused over the most silliest things ever and laughs at anything. He comes off as stupid and gullible most of the time with his kookaburra laugh, but his occasional bursts of insight and wisdom proves that he's a lot more than your typical happy-go-lucky joker. He is passionate in everything he does and does so with a pure heart. Dongwoo, in fact, is a big softie. He strongly believes that crying is not a weakness, but it's a strength. Dongwoo's the type of person who feels every single emotion to the extreme.


how he act with you ?:
Dongwoo basically never shuts up. But Kaeun doesn't seem to mind, even when he throws in an inappropriate joke to the mix. Of course, even in his hyperactivity he can still surprise Kaeun with his random inspirational and philosophical quotes. Little does he know that his actions are slowly rubbing off her...


how you act with him?:

Initially, Kaeun is a little detached from him. She may seem easygoing and harmlessly friendly but there's still a part of her reserved for herself, partly to "study" Dongwoo's unique character before letting herself go. His goofy dinosaur-like smile gradually melted away her "coolness", and she begins to warm up to him. 


back-up love interest: Nam Woohyun  | INFINITE

age: 22

He's the type of person you want to punch in the face for being so ridiculously cheesy! Woohyun is a romanticist, he is like THE perfect boyfriend any sane girl would like to have. He is quite a charming gentleman, but he does have his silly moments as well. Woohyun is very quick-witted, he likes to tease and make funny remarks every now and then. He strives for honesty, nothing can really fool him except for himself. Woohyun is a lot more confident than he really is at times and often falls victim to insecurity, which is why he's often so clingy with other people. Overall though, he's a very sweet guy.


how he act with you?:
Woohyun stalks. And showers Kaeun with much love. He may even follow her down the toilets with a rose behind his back - oh so romantic. He really tries his hardest to impress Kaeun but soon it'll click into mind that maybe this girl needs a little more of who he REALLY is rather than what he can do for her...


how you act with him?:

She knows Woohyun's a sweet guy. She knows that Woohyun really treasures her. But sometimes, his antics drive Kaeun nuts! Later on, she'll realise the deeper story behind his over the top actions and will try to reconcile with him, stabilising the relationship between them.




username: J4N1C3

nickname: Janice

activeness: 9





And I really need to stop describing Dongwoo like an animal...eagle, kookaburra, dinosaur, etc. OTL It doesn't help that his name sounds like "animal" in Mandarin Chinese too..."dong wu" LOL!!


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