Teaser- 4th Reveal



Who is the 4th idol to make it to the cast?



Look closely.....










It's SNSD's Sunny!



The Ageless Soccerer



She may look like a child because of her short height, But she is definitely not young. Sunny, the Ageless soccerer was born before everyone else in the Circle of  Diamond but is always treated like a child. She is however a nomad soccerrer who doesn't have a  specific socerry house she belongs to. She is an outcast since their Soccery house was attacked.  Since then...she was left alone with no more education to soccery. Therefore, her abilities in soccery never really developed and she always gets spells wrong.

But she is the chosen soccerer to be part of the Circle of Diamond to find the next bloodline... so what can she help?! Can she really help or will she just cause them disaster?


"A soccerer will be born with the mark of the current bloodline on her shoulder symbolizing her being part of the Circle of the Diamond (Diamond Circle). She will be from the clan of the Hafic Soccery House."


Hafic Soccery house was her socerry house...and the mark taht showed up a few days ago...is the proof that the prophesy is talkign about her.


A few more Cast will be revealed as days go by! :)








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