I'm crazy...x3


Yeah, I'm going to answer these questions. Why? Well, I'm bored ._.

I'm not sure if anyone will read this...but at the moment I'm happy that I have something to do *kekeke~

If you ARE going to read it...thanks for being interested in me and my life ♥

Hahaha~ Lets start~ ^-^




Name Mone -> It's my nickname ^^
Gender Female
Age Turning 19
Screen Name  Banana_Dreams
Birthday 2nd December
Race European? xD
School/Grade -
Job Interior design consultant and in my free time I'm a dance teacher ^^
Status Single
Hometown Lets say near Vienna :)
Current Town Still...near Vienna ^^"
Parents Still Together? Yes~
Siblings I'm an only child...
Pets All pets I had died...there were too many to name them all ._.
Smoker No, it's not healthy ^^
Drinker Uhm...depends? xD Well, here you are allowed to drink alcohol with the age of 16...
No comment ._.
Orientation Straight 
Hair Color Original: Blond
Is It Dyed? No
Eye Color A mixture out of blue, green and grey ^^"
Height Let's say I'm not the tallest...xD
Style I like all kind of 'styles'. But let's say I prefer jeans over skirts :3
Glasses/Contacts/None? None
Freckles Nop
Body Type Ehm...my BMI is perfect...ö.ö
Shoe Size EU: 36-37, USA: 6
Piercings My ears ^^
Want More? Don't know yet~
Tattoos? No
Want More? -
Braces? Never had...
Overall Best Feature: I like the shape of my face and my eyes...
Overall Worst Feature: My nose -.-
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? By apperance I go after my mum...my personality is more like my fathers ^^
Favorite Color Seriously...I don't have one Ö.Ö
Worst Color -
Favorite Number 5 and 14
Favorite Animal Black Panther...I really like feline predators. But I kind of like all animals...yeah, I also like bugs and spiders ^^
Least Favorite Animal Well, I'm afraid of sharks...they are beautifull and interesting..but scary ^^"
Favorite Flower Lily...they are soo pretty *-*
Favorite Food Don't know...but meat is a must for me xD
Worst Food Uhm...I'm not a fan of vegetables >.>
Favorite Junk Food Does chocolate count? ._.
Worst Junk Food Uhm...
Favorite Restaraunt There is a restaurant called 'Tomato'...the food is really good there ^-^
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor Chocolate and hazelnut ^^
Favorite Candy I'll eat everything *hahaha~
Favorite Alcoholic Drink Uhm...I liked mixed drinks. I like drinks that are sweet ^^ They are known as alcopops? ._.
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink Coca-Cola ♥
Worst Alcoholic Drink Pure alcohol is disgusting -.- / I'm not a drunkard, I hate drinking! I just answer the questions ^^"
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink phew...
Favorite Genre of Music Hahaha! K-POP! ♥
Worst Genre Heavy Metal I guess...ö.ö
Favorite Band/Artist 2PM ♥
Worst Band/Artist idk...
Favorite Song Currently 2PM's A.D.T.O.Y and Smokey Girl from MBLAQ...waiting for Infinites comeback :D
Worst Song There are a few I don't like...which doesn't mean they are bad...
Favorite Radio Station -
Favorite Book Too many to name them all ^^" I love reading so the list wouldn't fit here xD
Worst Book Uhm...the books I had to read in school? ö.ö
Favorite Type of Movie I love fantasy, romcoms and superhero movies :3
Worst Type of Movie I'm not fond of horror movies and disaster films...
Favorite Movie Phew...I'll name just a few. Iron Man (1,2 and 3), Thor, The Avengers, Captain America, Sherlock holmes, The da vinci code, bollywood films, Letters to Juliet, Red riding hood, The brothers grimm, Harry Potter, My Sassy girl, Hachi: A dog's tale, Beastly, I am number four, Brotherhood, Nights in Rondanthe, The three musketeers, Australia, The good; the bad; the weird, The curious case of Benjamin Button, Ninja Assassin, Just go with it, Grown ups, The dark knight, A knight's tale, Footlose, Step up (all till now), Underworld (all till now), Despicable me (yes, I love animated movies ^^), Men in black, Disney films like...The lion king or Hercules...and so on...these are only a few movies I enjoyed watching...I'll stop now ö.ö
Worst Movie Ever Hmmm...I don't know the name anymore...>.<
Favorite TV Show Doctors Diary (Don't know it it was aired in other countries, The Mentalist and Ghost Whisperer~
Wost TV Show -
Favorite Season of the Year Summer
Worst Season Spring
Best Friend I've two best friends ^^
Worst Enemy A old schoolmate of mine...
Favorite Day of the Week Saturday
Least Favorite Day of the Week Monday...
Favorite Sport Soccer, Basketball and Jogging? xD
Sport You Hate Wrestling...
One thing you cant get enough of 2PM *drools*
One thing you hate more than anything That I can't visit a 2PM concert? ö.ö
Are You Single? yeah
If not, who is your bf/gf? -
How Long Have You Been Together? -
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? *Hahahaha...2PM's Chansung! I'm kidding... I'm currently not interested in man ._.
First Kiss Let's say first real kiss -> with 16-17 I guess...
Ever Kiss in the Rain? Yes
In a Movie Theater? Yes
Underwater? No ö.ö
First Love Am I supposed to write down a name? ö.ö Let's say my first love was my first boyfriend ^^
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? Never
Been Cheated on? I don't think so...
Used Someone? No
Been used? Could be...
Lied to your bf/gf? Yes
Ever Made out With Just a Friend? Never
Do you Flirt a Lot? I don't know...for some eye contact is already flirting, so this is hard to answer? xD
Longest Relationship With my first boyfriend/first love -> not exact 2 years
Shortest Not exact 2 years xD...Yeah...as I said...I only had one 'real' boyfriend ^^"
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? No...I wouldn't like it ._.
Ever Get Flowers? Yeah, on valentines day and on my birthday -> boyfriend
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? Yes!
Do you Believe in "The One"? Yes!
Do you Fall in Love Fast? No
Ever cried over someone of the opposite ? Yeah
Ever Been Dumped? Yes
Ever dumped someone? Yes
Ever been rejected? No
Ever dated someone more than once? No
Do you ever make the first move? *hahaha~ I'm old-fashioned...so no ^^
Double dates or single? At first single...but I used to double date with my bf and my best friend and her bf ^^
Do you want to get married? Sure~
Hair Color I like dark hair...but my ex is blond so...xD
Short or long? Neither short nor long...something in the middle? ^^
Eye color? I love all~ But I really like dark eyes, almost black ^^
Style I don't care, as long as it suits him ^^
Age My ex was nearly 4 years older...so, I guess up to 6 years? ö.ö...and down to...2 years? ö.ö
Height I'm short...I like tall guys ^^
Weight He has to be healthy ^^
Muscular or skinny? To be honest...I love sporty guys, so I guess muscular? :3
Boxers or Breifs? Boxers...
Do you care about looks? Honestly, yes. Because if you don't find the person in front of you attractive, you won't start a converstaion with him/her. But the good thing is...every person likes a different type/style ^^ So it can be that some of you would thing a guy is 'unattractive' and I would love his looks :3 Is this explanation understandable? ö.ö
Can you drive? Yeah~
Do you have a car? Yes ^^
Do you have a cell phone? Yup~
Are you online a lot? Yeah ö.ö
Can you speak another language? *nods*
Do you do well in school? Yes ♥
Do you collect anything? Books and DVD's ^^
Have an obsession? K-POP, Books, DVD's and writing stories~
Do you hate yourself? Sometimes ._.
Ever smile for no reason? Oh yeah! xD
Talk to yourself? *hahaha! Yeah ^^" 
Do you have any regrets? Of course...
Believe in magick? Magic? Yeah...but not the kind you see in theaters xD
Do you support gay marriage? YES! I support it ♥
before marriage? hmm...that's hard ö.ö I think it depends on how you were raised? ö.ö
Do you trust people easily? Sometimes...
Forgive easily? Sadly yes xD
Do you have a secret no one knows? Yup ^^
Do you get along with your parents? Most of the time...
What about other people? I'm a open-minded and funny person. I love to talk and meet new people...so I guess yes ^^
How do you vent your anger? My mood gets down and I have to be alone...otherwise my parents or friends have to suffer...>.>
Do you like George Bush? Honsetly...I know him but I don't care about him...I'm Austrian xD
Goal Before you die? A husband, children and all in all a happy life ^^
Biggest Fear That someone I love dies...
Biggest Weakness I can't see people cry ._.
Do you play an instrument? I can play the guitar ^^
What do you want to be when you grow up? An interior designer? Since it's my current job xD
Are you...
A daydreamer? Most of the time x3
Shy? Towards strangers, yeah...
Talkative? Yeah ^^
Energetic? Oh yes! :D
Happy? Most?
Depressed? Not often...
Funny? If you are as crazy as me you'll understand my humour ^^
Boring? When I tell people about books...yes ^^
Mean? Only to people I don't like...
Nice? Most of the time~
Caring? Yeah
Trustworthy? Yeah
Confident? When it comes to my skills I'm confident...but my looks...let's say I had some bad experiences...
Friendly? Yes ^^
Smart? Yeah
Sarcastic? A lot! xD
Dependable? Yu~
Quiet? Not really ^^"
Weird? Hell yes! xD
Adaptable? *nods*
Strong (emotionally)? I barely cry...is this strong? xD
Strong (physically)? Yeah...I'm sporty. Used to play soccer...so I guess I can kick pretty hard? *hahaha! xD
Mature? I am...but I like being childish more ^-^
Logical? Yup ^^
Religious? half half...my mother is really religious ^^
Modest? No...
Indesicive? No. I know what I want and what I don't want ^^
Sympathetic? Yes
Polite? I guess, this was really important for my mother so...^^
Creative? Oh yeah! :D
Fun to be around? Hmmm...need to ask my friends ^^ 
Loveable? "Mum?!" xD
Easily Amused? *nods*
Outgoing? Yeah
Daring? Depends~
Clumsy? *hahaha! sometimes ^^
Nosy? hmmm...depends ^^
Lazy? *nods*
Scary? I hope not xD
Optimistic? I guess :3
Persuasive? I'm enthusiastic...maybe? ö.ö
A good listener? Depends on who wants to talk to me...
Curious? uhm...yeah...
Determined? *nods*
Artistic? I guess
Honest? Not always...sometimes it's better not to be ö.ö
Respectful? I respect my family, my parents and my friends...others have to respect me and I'll respect them back...
Concieted? No...I'm not confident with my looks...
Cocky? No...
Controlling? No
Playful? *hahaha! As I said...I love to be childish ^^
Easygoing? I guess ^^
Carefree? uhm...so-so
Hot Headed? hahaha~ maybe~
Serious? Not really...but it depends ^^
Thoughtful? Yeah
Considerate? *nods*
Stubborn? Hell yeah! ._.
Romantic? Depends...I hate it if it is too cheesy...>.<
Ambitious? *nods*
Jealous? Hmm...it's been a long time since I was the last...idk...
Insecure? Yeah...but I try not to show it ^-^
Obsessive? uhm...idk? No?...
Attentive? Yes
Helpful? *nods*
Punctual? *hahaha~ Not really... Only for things that are realllly important like work ^^
Rational? Not always...
Sincere? Yes





So...this was it ö.ö

If you came till here...thanks for reading ^-^

I saw this on Yvonniees blog...so it's from her :D

Now a little 'present' from me...idk if it is a present for you but...no matter what, I'll post a selca ^^"

This pic was taken yesterday...so it is brand new xDD


*anyoung* :3




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You look so cute <3333