네버 랜드 || Neverland || S.M. New Co-ed Group || Lee Aurora




Lee  Aurora



Hello, Hello

Username - DreamAndDance

Activeness - 10

Nickname - Ariana

Link - Clickeu



Name - Lee Aurora (리오로라)

Age - International (18) Korean (19)

Birthday - October 14th, 1994

Blood Type - B

Birthplace - Seoul, South Korea

Hometown - San Francisco, California, USA

Ethnicity - Korean French

Languages - English (fluent, native tongue), Korean (fluent, father's first language), French (conversational, they didn't speak it much at home), Japanese (conversational, SM is currently having her take classes), Mandarin (basic)

Height -  164cm

Weight - 49kg


You're look Great!

Ulzzang/Idol/Actor/Actress - Park Chorong

Pictures - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Back Up Ulzzang/Idol/Actor/Actress - Kim Seul Mi

Pictures - Gallery

Style - Aurora likes wearing comfortable clothing with lots of color. She also likes sweaters, plaid shirts, and graphic tees. Don't expect her to wear skirts often because she feels uncomfortable in them. Same goes for heels. Aurora prefers sneakers, boots, and sandals. She'll only wear heels to formal events, music videos, and photoshoots.

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3

Practice: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Airport: 1 | 2 | 3

Dorm/sleepwear: 1 | 2 | 3



Background - Aurora was born in Seoul, South Korea, to a semi-weathly family. Shortly after her birth, the family moved to San Francisco. Dance has always been a huge part of Aurora's life. Her mother, a former dancer of the Paris Opera Ballet, enrolled her into ballet to continue the tradition when she was four. Aurora inherited her mother's love for dance and showed natural talent in it. Along with that, Aurora's father had her take piano lessons. Her passion for singing began when she saw a man on the streets of San Francisco performing. She pestered her parents into letting her take up singing classes. At the age of 13 Aurora switched from ballet to hip hop after watching a video of the American dance crew Beat Freaks, much to her mother's dismay. Once she entered high school, Aurora joined the school's hip hop club and she learnt locking, popping, and breaking from the members. Aurora was also active in the dance team and choir.

In January 2009, Aurora went to Los Angeles for a dance competition. She was approached by a man there, who introduced himself as an SM scout. Aurora thought it was a scam, but he gave her an SM card and managed to convince her to try out the Global Audition held in LA. Aurora's father was very disappointed, as he wanted her to become a doctor like him, but her mother pushed Aurora to audition. To her surprise, Aurora passed the audition on the first round. There at SM, Aurora was willing to learn how to rap, which she proved skilled at.

Personality - When you meet Aurora, the first thing you notice is her smile. She is described as a happy and cheerful girl who loves to smile and laugh. She basically laughs at anything with no reason. Her laugh is quite contagious. Aurora even smiles to either hide emotional pain or trick her haters into thinking they can't ruin her. She's a rather loud, outgoing character, and can easily lighten up a tense atmosphere. She's a bit of a hopeless romantic, believing in magic, love at first sight, and fate. Aurora is a social butterfly, she simply loves to make new friends. Aurora's also extremely talkative and never shuts up. She always has something to say in a conversation, which makes it effortless for her in interviews and variety shows. Though she is seen as a blabblemouth, Aurora keeps secrets and promises shared with her. People flock to her if they're having a bad day, because she'll do anything to make her friends laugh, even if it means making a complete fool of herself. Aurora is a great listener, and will lend her shoulder for a cry.

On and off stage Aurora is very charismatic and possesses great charm, making her likeable among fans. Even though Aurora enjoys having fun, she's dead serious when it comes to work. She picks up choreography quickly and often stays up very late to practice her dancing and rapping. Aurora is extremely critical of herself and dedicated to her work. She becomes short-tempered and frustrated when her progress does not meet her expectations. If you happened to speak to Aurora in her agitated state, she answers in an irritated tone and pushes you away. When angered, Aurora tends to stomp on people's feet (girls too) and even swears. She can never hold a grudge however. Aurora calms down quickly after an hour or two and soon you'll see her chatting happily to the person who made her angry, as if nothing happened. Unfortunately, Aurora trusts and forgives too quickly. Because of this she can be taken advantage of by others and easily gets hurt.

Do not be fooled by that cute face of hers, Aurora is a beast at rapping. She hates it when people judge her rapping ability by her appearance. Aurora has been an avid dancer since childhood and loves to be in the center of attention, although she'll eagerly share the spotlight with her fellow members. She can be a bit of a show off sometimes but she won't brag out loud. Aurora has a decent singing voice too, but she isn't interested in getting the position of a main vocalist. She'd rather dance than sing.



- Dancing

- Chocolate

- Children/babies

- Hello Kitty

- Playing the piano

- Rapping

- Hats and headbands

- Animals

- Amusement parks

- Traveling

- Disney and Pixar films


- Horror stuff

- Black coffee

- Waking up early

- Liars, backstabbers, the usual

- Clowns

- Boredom

- Failure


- Belts out raps when bored, whether it be in Korean or English

- Squeezes the people she hugs tightly

- Before going onstage, Aurora listens to SHINee's "Replay." It helps ease her nerves since it's her favorite song

- Laughs out loud when someone farts, but turns it into a cough to avoid getting caught

- Choreographs short dances when she can't sleep

- Screams "TOUCH MY HAT AND DIE" if someone tries to steal her hat (they still do it because her reaction is funny)

- Sings French nursery songs while she does her hair in the morning

- Taps her feet to music


- Aurora has been dancing for fifteen years

- Can cry at will (comes in handy sometimes)

- She has a Yorkshire Terrier puppy named Astrid and a Holland Lop bunny named Chika

- Was a backup dancer for TTS "Twinkle" MV and f(x)'s "Hot Summer" MV

- She was the female cameo in BTOB's "Insane" MV and "2nd Confession" MV. She was also in Beast's "Shock" MV (Japanese version)

- Had braces as a teenager for two years

- Aurora puts a smiley face after signing her name

- She really likes Hello Kitty. Get her anything Hello Kitty related and she'll love you forever

- Carries a box of Band-Aids everywhere with her in case she or someone gets hurt

- Is a huge fan of SHINee, Super Junior, EXO, and BTOB

- Wants to learn Mandarin, and watches Chinese dramas to improve it (or she just pesters Kris to teach her)

- Aurora has never been to France despite herself being half French

- She's a fan of the English singer Ed Sheeran

- Aurora's favorite song to play on the piano is Taeyang's "Wedding Dress"

- She's always seen wearing this necklace, given to her by her older brother on her 14th birthday

- Had her ears pierced when she was five

- Aurora's Instagram is @midnight2dawn

- Takes a lot of selcas...and she's not afraid to admit it!

Secrets - Her phone's home screen is a picture of Tao, her bias in EXO...ssh! That's why she rarely lets anyone use her phone for fear they'll make fun of her

- She never had a boyfriend, therefore no first kiss


Love is in Air~

Family Members:

Dad - Lee Kyungho || 47 || September 25th, 1965 || Doctor

Personality - Kyungho is kind toward everyone, though he tends to be a little awkward too. He is described as someone who is 'weak boned' and too gentle to get mad. Kyungho is also an extreme workaholic, but he always tries to make space to spend time with his family.

Mom - Marie Dupont || 47 || February 14th, 1966 || Ballet teacher

Personality - Marie's a little more outgoing than her husband and has a determined personality. She won't stop until she reaches her goal. Marie is also quite overprotective when it comes to family, and somewhat nags at her children but that's her way of being affectionate.

Sibling(s) Brother  - Lee Henri || 21 || April 17th, 1992 || College student

Personality - Henri is a bit of a quirky fool but he's very serious when it comes to his sister's welfare and always calls her to make sure she's fine. At the same time, he loves to tease Aurora. He's full of self-confidence, yet he gets embarassed easily around girls.


What do you want your girlfriend/boyfriend to be like?- Someone who's taller and a little bit older than her. She's attracted to outgoing guys who love to laugh and have fun. He shouldn't be afraid to do derpy/dorky stuff with her, and he has to enjoy skinship because Aurora loves hugging and holding hands. Aurora wants him to be his true self around her, and she'll do the same. Someone talkative like her, so it'll never be boring between the two of them. Bonus if he's a dancer, so they can dance sillily in public together.



Training Duration - 4 years (2009-2013)

Group Applying for - Tinkerbell

Stage Name - Aura (영기)

Persona - Cherry Bomb (Another name for fireworks. Because when Aurora dances and raps, she lights up onstage like fireworks)

Fanclub Name - Dawn 새벽 (the French meaning of her name)

Fanclub Color - #ff99cc

Position - Main dancer, main rapper, sub-vocals, visual

Back Up Position - Sub-vocals, lead rapper, main dancer, visual

Past Scandals - She's very close to EXO's Kris Wu, so they hang out a lot with each other and sometimes initiate skinship. This of course, made the media go crazy and they began posting pictures of the two online. Everyone thinks they're dating, when they're actually not. Aurora looks up to Kris as a big brother.

- Aurora was apparently spotted kissing BTOB's Jung Ilhoon on the set of BTOB's "2nd Confession" MV. In reality, there was a bug in her hair and Ilhoon was helping her get it off. It just looked like they were kissing from behind (she was sitting down while he was kneeling in front of her)

Singing twin - Girls' Day's Sojin 1 2

Rapping twin - Fiestar's Yezi 1 2 3 (starts at 0:23)

Dancing twin - MissA's Min 1 2 3


Goodbye :)

Comments - This is a really creative story. I like how you're going to pair the applicants together instead of having them with idols :)

Scene Requests

- Aurora and her love interest are put in a CF together

- She goes out to lunch with Kris, and the media makes a huge deal out of it

- Truth and dare with all 12 members of Neverland (I have some ideas if you want. Don't worry, it's rated PG lol)

- Aurora's love interest gets her a Hello Kitty plushie for her birthday

- Neverland goes shopping, and the Tinkerbell members help the Peter Pan members 'spice up' their wardrobe

- Song/dance duets with the couples

- The girls and the boys have a competition to see which sub-unit cooks the best (with their manager as the judge)

- Aurora and her love interest go to an amusement park, where she drags him on roller coasters and merry-go-rounds

- Peter Pan loses a bet to Tinkerbell, and the boys have to get their nails painted and makeup done by the girls. The girls secretly record all of this and post it online without telling the boys

Thank you for participating! <3












i love you. no. i'm kidding. or am i?









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