✣ The Lucky Fan ↝ Character name


(change this into your ulzzang's photo)(delete all the brackets)

Your Character's Name

Username | What should I call you




the lucky fan





Who Am I


Full Name: 




Ulzzang’s name: 

Pictures: (Link me to a gallery)

Backup ulzzang’s name: 

Pictures: (Link me to a gallery)




Personal Space


Personality: (1-3 paragraphs)

Habits: (Max 3)

Trivia: (put anything else important about you here. Unlimited)


Family Member: (Relationship | Name | Age | Job | 3-5 words personality)

Best friends: (max 2) (Format same as above)




The Boys



Bias 1:

Personality: (few sentences)

Bias 2:

Personality: (few sentences)

Backup Group:

Bias 1:

Personality: (few sentences)

Bias 2:

Personality: (few sentences)




Juicy Details


What was it: (Concert? Fan meet? Variety show?)

What did you do: (to get his attention?) 

What did he do: (to you at the stage? Serenading you? Chasing you around? Anything, unlimited.)

Backstage moments: (What did he do once you’re at the backstage? Anything, unlimited.) 

The chase: (The way one of you tries to get the other's attention after the concert. Anything. The crazier the merrier.)

Handling the hate: (Your reaction toward all the hate and bashing.)




Lil bit More


The good stuffs: (Anything else you want to add? Put any scene request, any hidden fantasy that you have here. The more detailed and juicy, fluffy, or angsty this part is, the higher the chance I might end up writing your application. Unlimited.)



Zoe is a paradox wrapped in contradiction. She likes stability but craves adventure. She judges herself to be a shy person but secretly dreams of the bright limelight of fame. Quiet and tranquil, but once in a while that venomous jolt of impulse will cause her to color half of her hair a neon pink (or get a golf ball-sized tattoo on her inner arm). 

She's flexible and she goes with the flow. Taking whatever's thrown to her and doing it with all her will (it's so hard for her to say no). She's a fast learner but she gets bored easily too, often abandoning everything once she thought she'd mastered the art. Talking about art, she's more of an art person than a math, logic person (more feeling compared to thinking). She easily forgets painful memories and never holds grudge, but cherished memories will stay with her till death (embarassing memories too).

She has a very strong internal morality code of conduct. Once she made her mind over a certain subject (such how bad it is STEALING ANOTHER GIRL'S MAN YO) it is hard to change her belief (which is why she felt such... Guilt? Over her feelings cause seriously she's stealing a maaaan). But she's good at morphing herself to fit with her surroundings, often causing people to think that she's a two-faced hypocrite (when in turn she's just good at blending in to survive this complicated stuff called socializing). 

She finds it hard to 'congratulate' herself. Often putting too much pressure on her shoulders when she doesn't have to. Trust issue regarding handing over her responsibilities. 





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hyemicloud #1
Here's mine~! :D Finally finished it..
Hope you'll like her.. and please tell me if i made any mistake
here's mine!^^
sorry it's late...
Here's my app :D http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/601014 sorry for any mistakes and the english x_x
here is my app

hope you like it! if anything is wrong tell me =)