↷ authentique ♡ Chang, Genevieve





Chang, Genevieve
DreamAndDance — Ariana — 10



name: Chang, Genevieve


Jenny - her co-workers call her this because her name is too long to say

↷ Bubbly Jen - given to her by Kai because she's happy and energetic every day

↷ Yunnie - short form of Gayun, her Korean name 가연. Her little sister and brother call her that sometimes

birthdate: 10/14/1994

age: 18

ethnicity: Chinese-Korean


English (fluent, it's her first language since she was born in the USA)

Korean (fluent, her mother's native language)

↷ Mandarin (conversational, her father's native language but they didn't speak much at home so she's self-studying)

French (conversational, her stepfather's family is from France, so she has to speak it when they visit)



ulzzang: Jo So Yeon

backup ulzzang: Park Hwan Hui

appearance: Genevieve has dark wavy hair but she dyed it light brown with reddish brown highlights. She has very pale skin that rarely blemishes and some people describe it as 'porcelain.' Which is ironic because she has lived in California so everyone expects her to have that sterotypical tan, Californian skin. Genevieve's eyelashes are quite long even without mascara and her large eyes turn brown in the sun.

Genevieve has a piercing on each ear (she did it when she was five).

Height: 164cm

Weight: 49kg

style: Genevieve is known in the bridal store for wearing sweaters. She simply loves sweaters with cute designs or sayings. Genevieve also loves wearing graphic tees and matching it with either jeans or shorts. She feels uncomfortable in skirts so she rarely has them in her wardrobe. For dresses Genevieve likes those that flow freely or have flowery patterns. Occasionally she'll show up to work in a dress. Her favorite kind of shoes are sneakers, sandals/wedges, and any kind of boots. She doesn't care much for heels. Genevieve also loves to pair hats or headbands with her outfits.

Everday: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Genevieve doesn't really care about how her hair is as long as it's out of her face when she is working. It's normally let down on her shoulders. Occasionally she puts her hair in a  ponytail or bun. Genevieve wears a pair of different earrings everyday, mostly studs, but she likes dangly ones too. Genevieve is always seen wearing this necklace, given to her by her father.



persona: The Smiling Chatterbox

personality: When you meet Genevieve for the first time, you'll realize she's an animated, silly girl within ten seconds of a conversation. Genevieve is described as a happy and cheerful girl who loves to smile and laugh. She basically laughs at anything with no reason. She even smiles to either hide emotional pain or trick her enemies into thinking they can't ruin her. Genevieve is also super energetic; she'll still be skipping around and giggling even with a few hours of sleep. Genevieve is the life of the party, and she's a rather loud and outgoing character, bringing laughter and cheer to those around her. She's a bit of a hopeless romantic, believing in magic, love at first sight, and fate. She would love it if people did spontaneous things for her. Genevieve's sensitive and emotional too; put her in front of a tragic or romantic film and she'll start tearing up.

Genevieve's open and very sociable. She loves to make new friends and is a social butterfly. When her friends are down, Genevieve will immediately come in to lighten the atmosphere. People flock to her if they're having a bad day, because she'll do anything to make her friends laugh, even if it means making a complete fool of herself. Genevieve has a kindhearted side and supports her friends no matter what. She may not be the best at giving advice, but she's excellent at listening and will lend her shoulder for a cry.

Genevieve's also extremely talkative and never shuts up. She always has something to say in a conversation. Myungsoo often uses Genevieve to help calm down nervous or stressful brides with her lively chatter. Though she is seen as a blabblemouth, Genevieve keeps secrets and promises shared with her. Genevieve enjoys having fun, but she's dead serious when it comes to work. She often stays up late at night to perfect or finish her work. But if her progress does not meet her expectations, she becomes short-tempered and frustrated. If you happened to speak to Genevieve in her agitated state, she answers in an irritated tone and pushes you away.

When angered, Genevieve simply glares. It doesn't seem much, but you'll literally see her eyes blazing when she gives you the 'look.' She may even swear and slam doors. Genevieve can never hold a grudge though. She calms down quickly after an hour or two and soon you'll see her chatting happily to the person who made her angry, as if nothing happened. The only problem is that Genevieve trusts and forgives too quickly. Because of this she is always getting hurt and easily taken advantage of.

background: Genevieve was born  in San Francisco, California, as the second child into a semi wealthy family, with her mother Sunhwa being a profitable fashion designer and her father Derek a well-received hairdresser. As a child Genevieve's mother would often take her to work, and Genevieve was amazed with the beautiful clothes fabrics produced. Half of Sunhwa's successful designs came from Genevieve's ideas. But when Genevieve was six, tragedy struck. Derek was hit by a drunk driver on the way home from work. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital, and the family had to be supported by Sunhwa for the next five years. 

When Genevieve was eleven, Sunhwa began dating her middle school math teacher (must've been some parent teacher conference), and after a year of dating they were married. Shortly after the marriage the family decided to move to South Korea, Sunhwa's hometown. Genevieve's stepfather went to teach at an international school, and Sunhwa continued fashion in Seoul. Half-sister Isabelle was born two years later in Seoul.

Once she was finished with high school, Genevieve decided to pursue a career in fashion, to be like her mother. She was set on studying in New York, though Sunhwa wanted her to start small. And since Genevieve had always loved weddings, her mother suggested wedding dress making. Genevieve currently lives with her brother in an apartment they bought together.



Children/babies - She thinks they're cute despite their demonic other side and wants to raise a family in a few years

Any kind of animal - She isn't picky in choosing a favorite animal. She thinks they're all unique and adorable in their own way

Dancing - Her passion since childhood

Pastries - She has a major sweet tooth

Chocolate - Again with the sweet tooth. Plus it's delicious!

Stuffed toys - She loves cuddling with them and keeps a bunch on her bed

Traveling - Genevieve simply enjoys going on an adventure and exploring new worlds

Valentine's Day - Because she loves the romantic things lovers do on that day...and there's chocolate too

Drawing - Not only is it fun but it releases the imagination crammed in her mind and helps her as a pattern maker

Music boxes - They sound soothing to her, and they're also pretty to look at


Horror stuff - She'll freak out and can't sleep or go to the bathroom by herself at night afterwards

Boredom - She NEEDS to do something

Alcohol - Because it reminds her of her father

Coffee - It smells nice but she just hates the bitter taste of it. She instead eats chocolate as an energizer

Procrasination - She wants to get things done quickly, instead of just leaving the work for later


Tends to say 'motherfluffer' when she's shocked or amazed

Squeezes the people she hugs tightly

Dances around in the store when Myungsoo isn't there

Sings English songs while drawing




Trying out new foods - Genevieve loves eating and experimenting with restaurants




Mother Lee Sunhwa | 47 | Fashion designer | Free-spirited, independent, outgoing, social, creative | Genevieve and Sunhwa have a very healthy relationship, and Genevieve looks up to her mother as a role model. They often go out to shop and eat together. Sunhwa does her best to help Genevieve with dress-designing and gives her advice on the latest fashion.

Father | Derek Chang | Would be 48 | Hairdresser | Kind, quiet, a little awkward, calm, patient | Genevieve didn't get to spend much time with her dad, but she was definitely a daddy's girl. Derek would always buy her stuff even when she didn't ask for it. When Genevieve used to be naughty as a child, it was Sunhwa who scolded her, and never Derek.

↷ Stepfather | Louis Dupont | 48 | Teacher at an international school | Loving, patient, understanding, relaxed, down-to-earth | Genevieve does love Louis like a father, occasionally calling him dad and they get along quite well. Louis becomes fiercely protective over Genevieve when it comes to her welbeing and safety. But Genevieve's relationship is slow with Louis, since he doesn't want to replace her father.

Older brother | Michael Chang | 21 | Barista at Starbucks | Caring, a jokester, protective, lively, mischievous | Michael loves teasing Genevieve and ruffling her hair. He loves his little sister dearly, and always reminds her to take care of her health. When it comes to boys, Michael gets defensive of Genevieve and tends to hover over her while she's talking to boys. Genevieve often complains about it but she knows he's just looking out for her.

Half sister | Isabelle Dupont5 | Kindergarten student | Energetic, loud, bratty at times, somewhat bossy, playful | Genevieve simply adores Isabelle. She's very protective of her little sister, and looks after Isabelle like a second mother. Isabelle gets doted on a lot by her older sister. Isabelle in turn, tells Genevieve that she wants to be like her.


Jung Ilhoon (BTOB) | 18 | Charismatic, risk-taking, upbeat, extroverted, cheerful | Ilhoon has been Genevieve's best friend ever since she moved to Korea. Genevieve tells Ilhoon everything, and she trusts his most honest opinion. He works at the coffeeshop across the bridal shop with Michael, so he's always visiting Genevieve and bringing free pastries for her to share with the other workers. Whenever Genevieve feels down, he goes out his way to make her smile.

↷ Choi Bomi (Michael's girlfriend) | 21 | Warm-hearted, curious, sweet, gentle, soft-spoken | Bomi and Genevieve share a strong, sisterly bond. Genevieve feels very comfortable talking to Bomi and she knows Bomi will always support her no matter what. Bomi sometimes nags at Genevieve but that's her way of being affectionate. The two girls also enjoy doing the same thing - making fun of Michael. 



plotline: The awkward perfectionist

backup plotline: The sensitive namja

love interest: Kim Jongin 'Kai'

backup love interest: Kris Wu

personality: When you take a first glance at Kai, you notice he has a pokerface that gives off a strong impression. It's impossible to know what he's thinking most of the time. He's normally hard to approach, and really hard to get along. Kai is a blunt person by nature. His mouth works faster than his mind, so he tends to speak the wrong things without thinking how it'll affect others. You have to understand that he's not socially active and get used to it. Kai likes to be bossy too.

He's very hardworking and strives to be the best. Kai often ends up physically injuring and wearing himself out because he pushes himself to the limit. He gets irritated at the slightest imperfection. Kai works with great earnest to achieve his goals, therefore he doesn't put much thought and time in girls. But...? (insert winky face)

Even though he's brusque Kai has a warmhearted side. He would like to treat everyone well, yet when it comes to expressing feelings he becomes awkward. He tries to be grateful to others but since his social skills aren't good it rubs off people the wrong way. Once you get past his awkward, blunt phase however, Kai is an excellent friend who will be loyal to the end.

first meeting: The two knew each other way before working at the bridal shop. Genevieve had been in all of Kai's classes ever since high school. She didn't interact with him much, because they were from totally different social groups. Kai was known as the 'Dance God' and pretty popular among the students. He didn't talk much however, yet people still crowded around him. Genevieve did find him intriguing, and she always felt that he was watching her. In the classroom she would often see him gazing at her or they'd bump into each other in the doorway.

Genevieve was standing outside the new bridal shop to look at the job opportunities when she noticed a boy inside working with fabrics and beading. She was very surprised to realize that the boy was Kai. Kai happened to look up and froze when he saw Genevieve. He ran out of the store to beg her not tell anyone about his job.

"Genevieve," Kai began, grabbing her wrist, "please, please don't tell anyone about this!"

Genevieve laughed lightly and tried to wretch her wrist from his grasp. "Kai, why are you so worried? It's just a bridal shop."

"That's what I mean!" Kai said in an exasperated voice. "The boys at school will make fun of me if they found out I'm making dresses. I was always known as the cool Dance God, the Dance God doesn't work with wedding gowns."

He looked so desperate and anxious that she had to nod at his request. "Oh Kai," she said. "I won't, but why are you here anyway?"

Kai flushed and he immediately dropped her wrist. He turned away from Genevieve and ran a hand through his hair nervously. "Um..." Kai stuttered. "I...I love designing and making dresses. It's my other passion besides dance."

"Sorry?" Genevieve asked, stepping closer to him. "I didn't hear you."

"I love making dresses!" Kai shouted, his face turning redder and redder. A smile slowly spread across Genevieve's face. Who knew cool, popular Kai was planning to be a future wedding dress designer?

relationship: They get along fairly well, considering he's a difficult person to be friends with. Kai loves to point out Genevieve's mistakes. He often says the wrong things in front of her, which offended her at first but she knows that he's not the best at expressing feelings. One can tell Kai deeply cares for Genevieve by the way he always checks up on her and buys her food when she's working overtime. She teases him about his pokerface, and tells him to lighten up and laugh along with her. Kai does find her fun to be around. Her bubbly personality brightens his mood. 

Kai and Genevieve eventually become a couple (see scene requests)




why do you want to work here?

Oh my gosh! Do you even have to ask? I simply love weddings! I remember the day when my mother remarried. She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress, like a goddess. The way she smiled...oooh, it was simply radiant. As I grew older, I was invited to other weddings. And each time I was there the bride was beaming and twirling around in her gown. I love seeing brides smile and be happy on their special day. That's why I want to work in a bridal shop...this may sound cheesy but I really want to create smiles and beautiful memories.

what do you want to work as?

Well, my first option is a pattern maker, but if I can't, then an embroider. If that's not enough then a bead specialist.

what are you good at?

I'm good at, well, creating patterns and choosing the right fabric for a dress. My mom used to take me to work, so she taught me details on how to pick fabrics and whatnot. I'm also good at coming up with ideas for a wedding gown. You should see what I have on my sketchbooks. *laughs* 

are you going to live here too?

I'm currently staying in an apartment a few blocks away with my brother, so I don't need to live in the shop. But I will if I can't finish the day's work or if we're swamped with orders.

what do you think of your boss?

Um, I honestly think he's a good boss and man. I just don't like it when he gets snappy and all. Myungsoo, you seriously need to take a chill pill sometimes. You can hurt people's feelings by just yelling at them. You need to take care of health too! You're making people worried by staying up repeatedly. Other than that I think Myungsoo is someone you can rely on. He's violent with his words occasionally...ssh don't tell him I said that! And a crush on him? I heard he has a girlfriend. Why are you asking me this if he does?!



comments: THIS IS A BRILLIANT STORY IDEA ASLKDFHJAKLJBSCKL!! I lovelovelove weddings :D if you ever need another co-author, I'm here, though I seriously doubt it since there's already three of you working on this story. But yeah, I'm always happy to help with ideas and scenes.

I hope my background wasn't too confusing, I was never good at writing character background. I also hope I portrayed Kai as the awkward perfectionist correctly...there are many websites talking about him being blunt and awkward around people so I thought he'd be perfect as the awkward perfectionist :3 I had to put him as the Dance God sorry xD

scene suggestions:

The bridal shop accidentally sends the wrong dress to a bride, and they have to race to the wedding to fix it

Models for the website are needed desperatedly, so the workers are put on the spot (maybe have them pair up with their love interests as couples for the photo shoot)

Genevieve secretly tries on a few wedding dresses late at night. Kai walks in the shop because he forgot something and is speechless when he sees her in a gown

It's a slow day in the shop, so the girls to stage a fake wedding for fun. But they're caught by Myungsoo in the end (xD) and have to rely on Hana to save them from getting scolded

A young bride clashes horribly with her strict mother-in-law, and the staff try to soothe their relationship out

One night Kai notices Genevieve asleep while working. He smiles and carefully puts his jacket on her as a blanket before sitting next to her. He pushes her hair out of her face and quietly watches her (lol I hope this sounds romantic instead of stalkerish)

↷ A bride's family accompanies her in picking a dress and the younger sister flirts with Kai, making Genevieve jealous

Celebrity wedding maybe?

Sunhwa secretly applies Genevieve to a fashion school in New York, and Genevieve has to pick between New York and Authentique

Ilhoon comes to visit Genevieve, and Kai mistakes him as her boyfriend

Genevieve crazily dancing around in the store when no one is there (but Kai is secretly recording her)

Kai and Genevieve are locked in the storage room together. Is it an accident or someone did it on purpose? No one knows...except maybe a few scheming workers in the bridal store

The workers of the bridal shop are invited to a wedding, and Kai asks Genevieve to dance with him. It is there that he confesses that he likes her (without actually saying it though) Can it go like this:

"You know, you're really beautiful in a wedding dress," Kai says as he spins Genevieve in a circle. "I should seriously consider marrying you."

Genevieve freezes, and she shoots him a startled look. "W-what?" she stammers. Kai smirks, amused at her loss of words. "Kai...you do know people are a couple before getting married right?"

"Of course," Kai says before dipping her. Genevieve flushes when he tightens his hold on her back and draws her closer to him. "And you're my girlfriend, so why shouldn't I make you Mrs. Kim?"

Genevieve mouth drops open, but she decides not to answer. When has she ever been his girlfriend? Does...does Kai like her? Genevieve barely has time to register this before Kai's lips crashes into hers.


anything else?

(a) (bridal) (shop)




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