1: Apart from aff, what do you like to do in your spare time?

Listen to Kpop, Watch Kdramas, Watch anime, tumblr, stare at L.Joe, and eat food.

Wow, I didn't realized I did a lot of stuff besides AFF


2: Name a favorite of each:

Food : Chicken (come high five me Onew :3) 
Drink :  Dr. Pepper
Color : Black

3: Show a picture of someone you love

Isn't he a cutie? I lahh hims!!

4: Name a favorite of each:

Book : If it was on AFF, I'd have to say my favorite fics are

  1. The Bubble Tea Store
  2. Life as Zhang Yixing's
  3. Der Marchenclub [LOVE THIS!]
  4. Oh! Brother
  5. That Empty Bus Seat
  6. Fate Will Find A Way [First fic I ever read, but the author is very busy, and hasn't updated in a long while... I think]
  7. Haunted

​My favorite one shots

  1. Last Summer
  2. Color
  4. I Wish I Could Tell You (Sequel to Entry #35)

 ​Aha, I moved off the topic of the original question. My favorite "books" are

  1. The Fallen Series
  2. The Trylle Series

Movie: Pirate of the Carribeans, or The Dark Night

TV show : Supernatural or the CSI stuff

5: If you were given the opportunity to spend 48 hours with a celebrity, who would you spend it with and what would you do?
If I were to spend 48 hours with L.Joe... I don't think it's just going to 48 hours... The time will lengthen, so me and L.Joe can LIVE TOGETHER FOREVER! *cough* I mean, I will try to become his friend (girlfriend)


6: Name a LEAST favorite of each:

Food : -.- There's too much

Drink : Still Dr. Pepper

Color : Red


7: What do you spend most of your money on?
Food, sweets, merchendises... I would buy a ticket to Korea, but my uncle keeps on stealing my money, so all I'm left with is food and sweets -_-


8: What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing?
I perfer wearing underwear


9: Name someone you hate 
-___________________girls that touch L.Joe___________________-


10: If you were sat on a plane beside your favorite celebrity, what would you do?
There's a bathroom in the plane right? In the movies the couple "does it" in there. Well, you know where this leads to.

11: What is the strangest thing you have in your room? 


12: Name a weird talent you have.
Remembering the less important stuff, and forgetting the important stuff, or so my auntie says.

Yes she said L.Joe was less important. HOW DARE SHE


13: What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself?
You'll never marry L.Joe T^T


14: What are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house?
Any house is a dream house, if it's with L.Joe <3


15:  Where would you want to be right now?
In L.Joe's bed


16: Which band (current or past) would you want to go on tour* with? 

and maybe B1A4... or Bap...

17:  Are you an Anime fan?
Duh! Gonna watch Mirari Nikki after this. Did you know Akise Aru IS SMEXY! He's 14 too. YESSSSSSS


18: Why is your favorite band your favorite?
Do you actually want me to explain? If I do, how many years will this take?


19: What was the most bravest thing you've ever did?

I haven't done anything yet... But if I were to, it's send a tweet to L.Joe lmfao


20 :  Who is your inspiration?
Water bottles, pens, straws, pillows, blankets, teddy bears and mic stands.


21 : What is one of your favorite song lyrics? (Who is it by?)
Your luv, plus my luv... Supa luv. You know you want it. How does that sound?

Supa Luv by Teen Top


Hey Shawty, my baby.

Girlfriend by Teen Top (and yes, just that. I just got an eargasm just cuz L.Joe said that)

And there's a lot more, but too lazy to write it.



22 : Post a pic of yourself


Don't I look pretty? Lmfao, I jk.



23 :  Would you want to be famous and why? 
yesh. cuz i want to be with L.Joe

24 : Who would you like to be when you're older?

...a pillow. to be more specific... L.Joe's pillow

25 : If you could be best friends with anyone who would you pick and why?
Chunji. Cuz he reminds me of me. and im not taking away the erted part.


26 : If you could steal anyone’s singing voice for yourself (ursula style) who’s would you steal
nobody. cuz what if I stole Tiffany's voice, and my cousin falls in love with me T^T

27 : What band shirts do you own?


28 : If you had to pick a ghost to haunt you who would it be and why?
ummummmummmumm, JR

30 : If you could have any super power.
Time control, teleprotation, and perfect eyes [as in i can see through anything *wink* *wink*]


31 : Least favorite celebrity?

32 : Female crush?

Amber, and Jessica

33 : Male crush?
I have 48 and up bias's... We ain't got time for that!

34 : Who would you want next to be answering these questions?
Say: "You have been tagged."



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