I love BABYs and this needs to stop

I notice SOME BABYs are so humble. Humble is a very good thing. But going too far is another, and sometimes can be pretty annoying. 

First of all, nope, I'm not a -hurt exotic if you've chosen to see me this way.

And no, I'm not trying to cause fanwar because that is really stupid and I don't get why there are still a lot going on after one year. 

Anyways here's my point: 

SOME BABYs keep saying that BAP isn't getting THAT much recognition. 

And I'm here like... What?

Okay, maybe I don't follow BAP that much, but even if I wasn't an exotic, I could clearly see that they are doing pretty well themselves. 

Their first US tour, and 10,000 seats sold out within AN HOUR?

Maybe I'm getting the definition of recognition wrong here, but that's amazingly awesome for a group who had just made their debut within a year. (i hope they get a little break soon. TS, DO YOU HEAR THAT? Give the boys some rest!!) 

Now, there are also some, I found, keeps saying that EXO is overrated

Now, I'm butthurt. 

How is EXO overrated comparing to BAP? 

They have a lot of fans, yes, but BAP has a pretty amazing number as well, considering the fandom always go against each other.

And the fact that some of you keeps saying that BAP isn't getting THAT much recognition IS overrated. 

And oh yes, I'm comparing here. Don't get butthurt like me. 

Everyone compares. So if you're going to use that excuse, drop it. I'm not even trying to cause wars here. 

So how is EXO really overrated? 

Everyone keeps saying this, but they never got into details. 

Is it about the blogs around here? Because then you're definitely getting something wrong. 

You can always CHOOSE to add friends who are BABYs, or EXOtics if you want the spams of each group. 

And don't tell me that it's the tags on AFF as well, because that's really ridiculous if you come to think about it.

So what if the table is turned? 

What if BAP is the 'supposedly' overrated one? 

What if EXO comes from a smaller company and not SM? 

Well, I would love them both anyways. 

So here's my conclusion: 

Stop saying that such and such isn't getting much recognition or is overrated. 


I'm prepared for the hate. 

But meanwhile, to those who have said that, please go and think about it.


Thank you. 


p.s: maybe someday i'll write a blog about how crazy exotics are. And some who's just really annoying.

but really, i don't find the first one a problem. 

maybe i'll write a blog about the second one. 







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I was just about to post something related to this. Hmmm, I encountered blog posts here how they are getting tired of seeing EXO in the blog and the story sections. Well, most AFFers who are active bloggers and writers are EXO fans. They just made a comeback so naturally, there would be lots of spam blogs, reaction blogs and the stimuli they receive from reading/watching too much exo inspires them to write. Plus the theme of the album is just a source of plot bunnies. But the thing is we have tags. Click the tag of their group.

And I also find it ridiculous how some are complaining about the number of exo fics while the groups they like have less. Well, one, we can't demand writers what to write. Second, why don't they do something about it? Like write their own or organize contests to increase the number of fics for their group. And if they just hit the correct tag or filter their search by using the correct set of tags, I believe they'd find fics that aren't EXO-centered.

-.- Yeah, I believe BAP is pretty much popular here as well. I mean, I know their group name. That should mean something LOL When their MV coffee shop was released, the blog section was filled with BAP related posts. And like you said, they sell.
baby_moon #2
I'm a baby and an exotic and I definitely agree to what you are saying. They are both awesome and I hate it when the two fandoms start having those fanwars!