Without U Foreword Layout

Sandara Park
Sandara was Lee Donghae's childhood best friend and formerly was his number one fan before she made her journey to become part of the entertainment industry. She used to be Donghae's fiance, at least that's what she thought and what his parents wanted him to become. When Donghae wanted to come into the music industry and defy his parents' wishes for him to run and manage the spa, she went along with him. Unfortunately, she learned that he was only using her and as revenge she swore that she would become a part of the entertainment industry just so she can show Donghae that she could be equal to him and actually be noticed by him. After getting into GDE, she was put into the Love Me program to help her actually gain love from others.
She later was asked to be part of the Donghae's Prisoner music video, which she agreed to take part in. Originally she was going to use it part of her revenge plot, but instead took it as an acting experience. She was later casted into a drama called Dark Moon, which she was co-starring in with Choi Siwon, a fellow actor that's in GDE alongside her. After the sucess of Dark Moon, she started to develop some feelings for Siwon, believing that she was no longer in love with Donghae. But she could be wrong. Especially since she is now about to find out what project she was going to be involved in next which involves her former lover.
Original Japanese manga/anime character: Kyoko Magami
Original Taiwanese drama character: Gong Xi
Lee Donghae
Donghae is a guy that is the son of the owners of a Japanese hot spring spa. However as a child, he resented ever being part of that family and had dreams of becoming part of the entertainment industry, particularly a singer. His childhood best friend was Sandara Park, who he actually now considers to be his enemy, or at least that's what he thought. Personality wise, he's rather arrogant but at the same time he does have a soft side. He was never really actually able to react to Dara's tears and would always just stare at her. In a way that is his Achilles' heel.
He has a major dislike for Choi Siwon because Siwon is more popular than him and would do anything to prove that he's the most handsome, irresistable guy in the industry. Donghae does have a thing for girls that are well endowed and never really saw Dara as a potential partner, therefore using her as a housekeeper for his apartment. However during the past few months, he's been drawn to Dara. His past is overall a mystery to everyone except Dara. Anytime that he's threatened that his past is being brought up, he either tells or he changes the subject.
Now he is about to debut as an actor and Dara is at his side when acting. Now the question lies on whether he will be able to show that he loves her or if he can't live without her. Will he be able to show that he is as good as Siwon to Dara and prove that he needs her in his life? Not as an enemy but what they used to be.
Original Japanese manga/anime character: Shō / Shotaro Fuwa
Original Taiwanese drama character: Bu Po Shang / Shang Jieyong
Choi Siwon
Siwon is one of the most well known actors in Korea. He is best known for his seriousness when it comes to his work and will always act professionally. Unintentionally, he is known to be Donghae's rival as well even though he actually had to look up Donghae's name on the internet because he didn't know who he was. When Dara got to GDE, he didn't support her for the reason she joined the industry. He couldn't especially since it went against what the meaning of being an actor was. However, he does support Dara and even admires her natural skills of being an actress.
He's the son of the original actor for his character in Dark Moon although the only one that even knows about this is JYP. In his younger years, he actually has met Dara before and was referred to as the fairy prince by her. Although Dara is somewhat unaware that he knew that they knew each other ever since they were younger but hasn't exactly revealed it to her. Like Director Shin, he wants to make a name for himself and be nothing like his father. When it comes to acting, he does have difficulty knowing how to act like someone that's in love. He always goes by the script and always keeps a tight schedule, unless he's sick and forced to stay home.
Although he isn't getting an actual role in Dara's new drama, he's there to support her alongside her best friend, Bom. Out of everyone in GDE, the one he wants to protect the most is Dara. Although, that might end up changing once he finds his truth love.
Original Japanese manga/anime character: Ren Tsuruga
Original Taiwanese drama character: Dun Helian
Park Bom
Bom is Dara's best friend who is a fellow member of the Love Me program. She is a talented actress, who actually thinks that Dara is an idot at times. But she cares about Dara in her own way and never wants to see her hurt. On the side of being part of GDE, she does work by roleplaying certain people for money to help her family out. When Bom first met Dara, they were both at the audition to being put into the company. She had gotten past the point Dara was in but because, she, like Dara, lacked in the ability to make others love her, she was put into the Love Me program.
She had also appeared in a commercial with Dara, which started off both their stardoms. However, they are still under the Love Me program because they haven't officially gotten enough points to graduate from the program yet.
Bom gets easily annoyed whenever Dara tries to convince her to do something that she doesn't want to do. And will reprimand her for it. But in the end will always give into Dara's ways. She doesn't exactly want to think about love because she wants to take care of her life as well as her nieces and nephews first. But all of that could change eventually. She tries to support Dara in everything she does, and will give advice to her whenever she needs it. She also has a hidden talent of singing but she doesn't really sing enough to actually let others know of it because she insists she's horrible at it.
Original Japanese manga/anime character: Kanae Kotonami
Original Taiwanese drama character: Jiang Nan Qin
Park Jiyeon
Jiyeon is an actress that's under the same company as Donghae, which is Porori Agency. She is also Dara's classmate. Initially, she has a strong dislike for Dara, mostly because she finds that there is possibly more between Donghae and Dara than what they are telling her. She is a fangirl of Donghae and is rather clingy to him. Alongside Dara, she has appeared on the Prisoner music video, playing the angel that was Donghae's love interest. Whenever she doesn't get her way, she would always threaten to leave the set and project. In a way, she's rather spoiled and would stop production.
She is on the new project that Donghae and Dara are on, but is no where near being happy about her role due to she thinks she's a better actress than Dara is. Although she does harbor jealous towards Dara, she does sympathize with her a bit in the way of hearing a little bit about the past that they had. Unfortunately it isn't enough. Now is her chance to try to get Donghae to at least notice her and make him hers.
Original Japanese manga/anime character: Nanokura Mimori
Original Taiwanese drama character: Kuang Meishen
Park Jinyoung, better known as JYP, is the president of GDE. He is very extravagant when it comes to presentation and will always be playing some sort of character whenever anyone is around. He is the mastermind that came up with the Love Me program since he actually pitied Dara a bit when she came in. Mostly because his granddaughter really liked her. Although he may seem silly at times, he does take work rather seriously, even going as far as pushing Siwon to resign as an actor. He has a rather trollish personality and will often randomly pop up at someone's shooting or project just to see how things will turn up
Original Japanese manga/anime character: Lori Takarada
Original Taiwanese drama character: Luo Li
Jung Juri
Juri is Donghae's manager, who was the person that somewhat exposed Donghae for his true nature when Dara discovered Donghae flirting with her. Although she and Donghae had a little history together, she couldn't help but notice that Donghae was slowly falling in love with Dara, although he hadn't fully realized it yet. In a way, she's actually supported Donghae with Dara and tried to get them together every chance she got. However, whenever there was something that could annoy Donghae, she kept it from him and didn't say a word in hopes to ease Donghae from going through any sort of pain. Juri used to be a former talent but because she lacked quite a bit, she ended up becoming Donghae's manager instead.
Original Japanese manga/anime character: Aki Shoko
Original Taiwanese drama character: Yangyang
Brian Joo
Brian is Siwon's manager and was one of the first people to actually notice that Siwon had a thing for Dara and always tried to push Siwon to confess to Dara about his feelings. He mostly makes sure that Siwon is on time and tends to ride in the passenger's seat when Siwon is driving. As a manager of GDE, he does show respect to everyone that is under the company and at times, he does favor Dara a bit and give her some sort of advice. He is rather mischievous in the way of trying to get Siwon and Dara to have some alone time and would always politely excuse himself. No matter what Siwon's choice in life is, he tries to lead hin hin the right direction.
Original Japanese manga/anime character: Yashiro Yukihito
Original Taiwanese drama character: Du Jin
Kim Saeron
Saeron is JYP's granddaughter but not by direct blood. In fact, she tends to call him harabolji due to his old looks. She's the daughter of JYP's adoptive daughter who he took under his wing for a friend. Although she isn't really related to him, she acts almost exactly like him. At a younger age, her mother died and her father blamed her for killing her mother for wanting to have her there for her birthday. Or at least that's what she thought. She looks up to Siwon and Dara, and is rather close to them. Out of the whole company, other than JYP, she shows the most respect to them, and even calls them "oppa" and unnie." She is somewhat like a mini Dara since she sort of acts like Dara and listens to Dara when she's giving her advice. Out of everyone at GDE, she is the one that supported Dara the most, other than Jjangmae.
Original Japanese manga/anime character: Takanada Maria
Original Taiwanese drama character: Maria
{Please do not steal this layout... I'm actually editing the foreword layout for my DaraHae/SiBom/DaraWon Skip Beat spinoff right now and I'm currently editing it in my blog I also changed the role...}


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