Why can't I move on? :'(

Been two months since our break up. i still haven't moved on. :( he has a new girl now and I'm here alone by myself. why do I still hope that he still loves me like he uses to? Why do I feel so helpless? Why? Probably, there are lots of answers but why can't i plant that in my mind? I still love him. i do try to forget about him. but gaaah! My brain stops working everytime. I need help. please help


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hear me out,thats when having a bias is worth something,they are really useless in your life so far,only got you spending money on albums and wasting your time learning they height and but giiiirl it's time to obsess over them
who is your bias?is he good looking?I bet that he is waay hotter than your stupid ex,think a lot about him,or them,since there is lots of korean dudes for you to choose
when you see how great your oppa is,any other guy would be below the standards (just don't take it too far or else you are never getting another boyfriend :P)
*points below* what she said. Keep yourself busy. Do the things you want to do. :) it'll get better, trust me
Don't worry you're not the only one.

I haven't complete move on yet.
It's been 18 months since he broke up with me.
I was his first girlfriend, first kiss.. first everything,
after 14 months of spending our wonderful times together, he broke up with me; "I just don't want to hurt you anymore" he reasoned out.
But the truth is- he had an affair; I guess he was tired/bored with me.
It effing hurts that he lied to me, because well.. I thought he was different from the other boyfriends I had.
I love him more than anything, anyone else.

Now my advice to you is, every time you want to cry, cry your heart out! No one is preventing you to do it. Get busy; focus on you studies or something.

I guess, what I'm trying to say is do whatever you want.
Just don't prevent yourself from thinking of him; it makes it harder.