
YAY!!! I made an acccount!!

My name's still the same though... BabySeobbie!!!

BUT... I'm really clueless about this site and I do not know what I'm doing..T_T"

Oh well, I'll just figure it out like what I did with AFF^^



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All I know is that I made an acc. also in that site but I just kind of forgot what name I placed. haha ^^ But... I son't know too what I would do in that site :PPP
I don't know how to work it either!! And I've been on for a bit. I go on like every two weeks to catch up on my b2st news. If you wanna add me, I'll add you as soon as I go on.... heheh like never but I WILL, SmileyFace is my name~~ Awesoome name, right?