Annyeong readers. Okay, so first let me hug you all! *hugs* I have over 160 subs for my story Pieces and you all have no idea how happy that has made me! I'm so happy right now!!!! And I have over 70 for Deadly Secrets! *dies* I love you all so ing much! 

Moving on. 

There is this contest that I am thinking about entering ... I don't fully know if I am going to because, well, I have self-confidence issues. However, that is NOT the point! ^^ My point is that I want you all to help me with this story that I may or may not enter into the contest. Whether I do or not, I am definitely going to put the story up on this site (the contest is for a different site) because ... well, I can and I want to. 

So, shall we start with figuring out what the hell I'm going to write? Yay! Let's begin:

That's all the questions I have for right now :) I really want to know your guys' opinions because you can tell what I'm better at than me! :) And because I love you all so much, as stated above!

Moving on.

On July 20, I am leaving to go to Chicago for about a week for this seminar thingy. I will not be able to update any of my stories and I highly doubt that I will be able to check up on this site (I'm hoping I can, but I doubt it). I just wanted to forewarn you all before I suddenly vanished for a whole week. ^^

Moving on.

I think that's it ... Anyway, thank you all for being so supportive and patient with me! I get writer's block a lot (hence why my one story - Take My Hand - hasn't been updated in froever) and I get busy with life. *hugs* Thanks again!!




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Dangerousluv1 #1
*hugs* Your writing on all those topics are really good! It was kinda hard to pick just one. Wow, just voted and the results for who your oneshot should be on is tied! Hope you have a fun time in Chicago!
Ik you wanted your readers to pick for you because you weren't sure, I just wanted to ask just in case ^^
btw I chose something different than what you usually quite on here, hope you don't mind! But I'm sure that you're VERY capable of doing it~ Hwaiting!
I'm gonna say this before I put in my choice for the polls. Are you comfortable writing each choice? What is your specialty for writing?(because I think you might've said self-harm, but I'm not sure, but clearly you can write all of these really well!) As for the pairing, do you have one that you write about the most? If so than that could go two ways: your more experiences with writing about the couple more than the other, or you can go with the one that you haven't done as much as the other for a different result.

I kinda understand I rambling and that I haven't even voted yet....sorry xD But I will choose something now so...yeah~ We will miss you when youre gone :( Stay safe! *huggles*