1st Kpop song?

So random and outta curiosity, what was y'alls first Kpop song and who was it by.

Mine was Sorry Sorry by Super Junior, when I heard it al first I thought it sounded funny, but then after a while I listened to it about three times in a row and then I started listening to more of their music and I found myself falling in love *_*


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Mine was "Perfection" by Super Junior-M. I actually saw their MV on tv when I was on vacation in the Philippines.
Haru Haru by BIGBANG ❤

Oh! Sorry Sorry was one of my first kpop songs too! :D
Lalala - Se7en ♥
Dejavu- ss501
Ring Ding Dong by SHINee, and I couldn't tell who was who. xD
Hands Up by 2PM
The first song I knew lyrics to was Lovey Dover by T-Ara
The first song I actually liked and the song that got me into KPOP in the first place was Power by B.A.P <3
Girls Day Twinkle Twinkle