Would you mind waiting?


So for my 1 year annivery I wrote  Silk [M] [Complete]  and I love it so much that I want to write a little sequel thing.

It point is that I don't want you lovelies to wait.... Silk took almost 2 months to write. I wanted everything to be perfect.....

so If I write something simiar it would take a long time too.

now the other point is that I have a chaptered fic coming up and I almost ready to uplaod! but I requested a poster and it is not done yet. I dont really want to start without it....


(Me, key     You, minho)



now, the question really is, Would you mind waiting for me?



the shot is going to be called Hairdye <---- so please look forward to this.


now the second Question is, Wait for the poster, and work on the chaptered fic or work on the shot?





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KrazyK #1
Tough to decide. I wouldn't want you to do something that you weren't completely satisfied with, so I think wait for the poster. As far as what to read from you first..just anything you do is great!
It's a hard decision... I don't mind waiting. And which to do first, depends on how long do you want the chaptered story to be. If it will have a lot of chapters, then do the chaptered story first. If it will have little chapters, then the shot is first ^^