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AFF Username: Janice123 .

AFF Link: Click Me!



Character Name: Jang Jung Ho.

Nickname: Jungie.

Height: 178cm.

Weight: 59kg.

Birthday: January 14, 1993 - 18 years old.

Blood Type: A.

Place of Birth: Gwangju, South Korea. 

Ethnicity: Full Korean.

Orientation: Straight.



Appearance: Picture 1

                        Picture 2

                        Picture 3

                        Picture 4

Ulzzang Name: Park Jae Hyun

Likes: Music, guitar, sleeping, browsing on the internet, books, rainy days, cold pizza, tea, excercise, fresh air, vacations

Dislikes: Waking up, alarm clocks, cute things, curry, hot weathers, chocolate, ice cream, muffins, cookies

Hobbies: reading books, listening to music, drinking tea, excercising, playing guitar, browsing on the internet

Habits: looks around when thinking, taps finger when waiting, sniffs when nervous, does small smiles when happy

Trivia: has piercing on left ear, takes him at least an hour to be able to sleep, allergic to prawns, has a small tatoo around his wrist saying 'Guns don't kill people, people do.' in Korean writting, never been to a theme park, naturally curly hair, wins card games and rock paper scissors most of the time

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (semi-fluent), Japanese (basic)



How long have you been a trainee in A Entertainment?: 3 years and 6 month

How did you get into A Entertainment?: Was saw playing guitar and singing on the streets and so he was given a contact number to A Entertainment, where he auditioned and passed.

Specialty/Talents: singing and playing guitar

Others: None.



Personality: A quiet type. He is very calm and layed back, he will only speak if it's necessari. He usually listens to people and not other people listen to him. He's confident and talented but he is usually just chilled down. He is a great person to be a friend because he is thoughtful and looks out for his friends. He can be sometimes a bit scary since he has this dark, mysterious aura around him. Sometimes, he can be judgemental but not over the top. He's competative but he doesn't show his emotions because he believes that no point of giving emotions if you're not going to actually do it. Thinks before he speaks. Organazied and wise, he is clean with his things and also cleans the house frequently. Sometimes he is called an 'emo' or 'chic' but he's not, he is just a quiet person. He doesn't mind talking he just don't speak when there's no need. He usually takes care of younger people who are a bit wild and hyper, he acts more mature than some people. He smiles if he thinks a joke is funny or he just think something is cute or charming.

Family members: Jang Jung Do [father. 47 years old. Restaurant owner]. Han Eun Ji [mother. 46 years old. Nurse]. Jang Mi Sun [sister. 12 years old. Student].

Family Background: Family is middleclass and they are a very loving family. Parents are supportive on Jung Ho's dreams as being a singer so they gave him his full support thought they worry sometimes about his future since a singer is not a stable job. Sister who is loving and caring but can sometimes be annoying. Jung Ho is usually a very good son though he is quiet, he is responsible and does things what he;s suppose to do, he sometimes gets shouted at because he's sometimes too quiet so his parents thought he was sick but he isn't.



Stage Name: Jung Ho

Position: Main vocal, Lead vocal/vocalist, dancer.

Persona: Mysterious Vocalist Boy, Beastly Vocalist

Reason: Mysterious Vocalist Boy- he has a mysterious vibe around him and he's a vocalist and a boy. Beastly Vocalist- beast are usually dark and mysterious.

Individual Fanclub name: Mystical

Reason: Because he is mysterious.

Fanclub color: ----------

Other Jobs: Model- did a small photoshoot on a fashion magazine.



Crush: f(x)'s Krystal, T-ara's Jiyeon, Kara's Jiyoung

Have you both met before?: No. But Krystal is usally cute and girly which is the opposite of Jung Ho. Opposites attract each other so they became close quick, I guess.

Best Friend: Lee Jun Hyo- 19 years old. July 4, he's a confident person who is easy to talk to but he's also a party animal, they are classmates in High School.


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