Application For Toxic

AFF name: Janice123

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Character Name: Shin Ji Wook

Nickname: Wook-kie, S.J Wook

Ethnicity: Proudly full Korean.

Languages:  Korean (fluent), Japanese (basic)

Age: 18 years old.

Birthday:  June 23

Height: 1.78 

Weight: 59kg

Blood Type: A

Orientation: Straight

Looks Like:Pre debut          





Name of Ulzzang: Shin Ho Seok

Style:              Dorm/ Indoor clothing: Shirt, jacket or some kind of second layer with either baggy jeans or pants. Sometimes with a hat and scarf if winter.


                         Outdoor clothing: Something that has swag yet gives that cool and sweet feeling. Something y but not too revealing. 


                           Training/ Excersice clothing: Something comfy but looks good at the same time. Easy to carry but fashinable.


Personality:  Can be called as joker and prankester. Really sweet and cute but always gets blamed even when innocent since he's a bit of a joker and he usually causes trouble. He has a really manly side where he always tries to be a gentlemen to girls. Has a personal charisma and can be a bit of a playboy but he doesn't date due to his career. Outgoing but can be shy when there is a girl. Watches out what he says on TV but really funny when not in front of the camera. Sometimes girly and cute when he jokes around with s.

 Sometimes annoying but really trust worthy and thoughtful. Has a selfish side and wants everything to be his but when he fails to get what he wants, he moves on quickly because he thinks that he'll get it someday. Somtiems cocky and too over confident with his looks but always gets teased by s but he has his good laughs. When waking up, he will sleep even if you clap your hands or turn on loud music, he is also lazy and moody first thing when he wakes up from his nap time.

Talents: Rapping, MCing, CFing, Dancing, Modeling

Likes: Sleeping, taking selca, joking around with friends and families, junk food, dancing, Naruto on internet, browsing on the internet, texting, chatting with friends, rapping

Dislikes: Waking up, colds and flues, spiders, singing

Hobbies: watching anime, chatting with friends, updating twitter and me2day accounts, playing with friends, joking around

Habits: Sleeping with a pillow over his head, wiping chopsticks before eating, chewing gum before performing, raps when nervous, acts cute when his crush is around, lips when trying to get attention

Trivia/facts:  Has a tatoo at the back of his neck saying 'Guns don't kill people, people do'. 

                                  Has a ear peirce with both ears but only uses left one simetimes.

                                  Doesn't like reading books.

                                  Wants to grow a six pack but sometimes lazy for excerise.

                                  His background on his laptop is SNSD.

                                  Has 3 sisters.

                                  Speaks gibrish when tries to speak English.

                                 Doesn't like school but enjoys learning.

                                 Always wears a hand made bracelate he got from Thailand.

                                 Snores quietly.

                                 Doesn't like kimchi but likes other Korean food.

                                 Was the class president when he was in High School- just because no one wanted to volounteer.

                                 Goes to his mom when he's sad.

                                 During his training he focused a lot on singing since he wasn't much of a singer.

                                 Best Girl Group- 2NE1, SNSD and Kara. But he likes all, his opnion changes from time to time.


Backround: Surrounded by three lving but always nagging sisters and two loving parents who supported his dreams to be an idol. Lives on a stable home with 3 bedrooms where he ahs his own and they've never had any financial problems. A really loving family with a few ups and downs with their relationships.

Parents: Shin Ji Wong, father, 46, easy going and trust children a lot. Shin Min Eun, 43, caring and worthy.

Siblings: Shin Ji Eun, older sister, 25, bossy but supportive. Shin Min Ryu, younger sister, 15, talktive and competative. Shin Eun Jae, 12, smart and outspoken.

Other things I have to know about your family?: They are very close so all children goes to their parents if they are sad since that was what everyone did when they were a little kid. 



Background: Greets people well and shows them respect. Sometimes breaks the rules but only minor rules. Had a lot of advices from his sunbaes during his trainee life so it was fun but a lot of hard work was involove and he would get scolded sometimes if he's a bit lazy.

Before Audition: His family is close with JY.Park and so he asked if he can audition and he showed his talent to him and JY.Park accepted him as a trainee. Danced and rapped during the audition but JY.Park told him to sing but he said he wasn't good but JY.Pak still accepted him and told him that he needs to work on his vocal.

How Long where you trainee?: 4

From which Entertainment are you?: (YG, JYP, Cube, J.Tune) JYP


Stage info

Stage name: Ji Wook

Position: Main Rapper & Sub Dancer

Persona: Lazy Charmer

Fan club name: Cheering

Fan club color: Grey, black

Trivia: (problems with singing or dancing maybe? things like this) Sometimes have a probalem with singing but JY.Park trained him so his singing is a bit better but still sometimes has problems with singing.



Friends: 2PM's Junsu, Miss A's Min, Shinee's Onew, Kara's Hara

Crush: SNSD's Yoona- has a very charming face, 2NE1's Sandara Park- cute personality, f(x)'s Krystal- fun to be with.

Lover: f(x)'s Krystal or SNSD'S Yoona

Ex-lover: None. 

Rival: 2PM's Nickhun- just because Nickhun is really charming and he gets all the girls so it's kinda a minor rivalry.



Do you have any wish regarding your character?: Nothing.


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