Pandemonium ♡ 복마전 ♡ Boy group App


user info ; ♥

username | Janice123 [mangoes]
profile link | Click Me~
name | Janice

character info ; ♥

full name | Kai Lee [Note: first name then last name]
nicknames | Kai
preferred name | Kai
age |  [between 15 and 18] 17 years old.
birthdate | [including year] June 5, 1994.
blood type | O
height |    cm please 182cm
weight |  kg please 65kg
birthplace | Shanghai, China
hometown | California, USA
ethnicity | Only accepting Chinese or Taiwanese Chinese
spoken languages | Korean does NOT have to be one. Chinese[fluent], English[fluent], Korean[semi-fluent]

appearance info ; ♥

appearance | Picture 1 
                     Picture 2
                     Picture 3
                     Picture 4
Four HQ photos. Well known Ulzzangs only please as I will be frequently changing the pictures and I need Ulzzangs with a large amout of images.
ulzzang name | Kang Hyuk Min
piercings | One on his right ear.
tattoos | Tatoo at the back of his neck saying 'Guns don't kill people, people do' in Chinese writing.

personal info ; ♥

personality | Kai is a confident guy who acts sometimes cocky when he's with his friends or people who are close to him. He is not well mannered nor pays that much respects that's older to him since he lives in California which means he just treats everyone as a friend. He can sometimes be annoying and irritating when he feels bored since he goes up to people and plays silly pranks. But Kai is not all confident and cocky, he can be very helpfull. Back in California, his family and him likes doing charity events to help children who are suffering all around the world.
Kai must be sometimes lazy and fooling around but he is very serious on helping other people. He can also be emotinal when he speaks of his granddad who raised him from when he was 3 'till he was 7, but his granddad sadly died when Kai was 10. Kai is very outgoing and speaks without thinking but he can be very enjoyable to watch and easy to talk to, he is a good advisor and a friend you can lean on when you're sad.
He is easy to wake up in the morning but he doesn't like doing jogging in the morning nor any excercise in the morning just because he's been used to excercsing on the evenings. He is a picky eater but he tries to change that personality of him since he thinks he's being sensitive. Kai is also friendly and fun to be with, he will do crazy things and even if you do get in minor troubles, you surely will have a good time. He can be very grumpy and angry when you judge him without knowing him, people call him names like 'arrogant' and 'ignorant' when they even haven't bonded with him.
likes | Do NOT dot point please! Seperate with commars. Electronic gadgets, video games, manga books, lasagna (fav. food), theme parks, parties/night clubs, charities, perfumes, shoes, belts, bubble gums, geeky glasses
dislikes |Do NOT dot point please! Seperate with commars. Morning excercise, kill joys, judgemental people, coffee, hospitals, books with no pictures, maths
hobbies |Do NOT dot point please! Seperate with commars. Watching animes or reading manga, playing video games, helps charities, clubbing/partying, taking pictures with friends
habits | rubs forehead when confused, sniffing and facing the floor when embarassed, lips when thinking, clicks finger when trying to come up with something
trivia | Kai wear geeky glasses just for the fun, mostly wins on rock paper scissors and card games, used to be on boys' scout, had good grades except for maths when he was in school

background info ; ♥

background  | Kai was born in Shanghai. Kai's parents moved to USA when he was 3 years old so they can earn more money, Kai's grandparents took care of him, he was really close to his granddad because they had fun playing on the park and just chatting together. When Kai was 7 years old, his parents came back to take him with them to USA, he was sad but he still went since he wanted to be with his parents.
At first, he couldn't speak English and chose not to speak when in he was in school, but his parents taught him and gave him an English tutor and so he was a fluent speaker when he was 10 years old, but also, when he was 10, his granddad died because of his cancer. Kai was very heart broken that his parents didn't let him go to China because it will make it worst for Kai. Kai decided to live happily since he knew that his granddad would want that for him. 
So he became confident, made friends and lived happily in USA. While he was in USA, he became biual.
When he turned 15, he went back to China because his parents opened their own bussiness since they had enough money. He didn't fit in right away because his attitude was a bit different from others. So he tried to adjust and in no time, he had new friends.
One day, he wanted this amazing pair of shoes and his parents said it was too expensive so Kai confidentally took his guitar and sang on the streets to make money, he earned quiet a lot since his vaoice it very heavenly. One day, he sang a song and one of the Star Emprire staff and he asked Kai to contact them so he can audition. At first he hesitated because his parents would get angry but they surprsingly didn't, his parents told him to go for it. So he went and auditioned, but on the audition, he didn't even sing yet and the staff told him that he is already a trainee since the staff that gave him the contact number actually recorded him singing so he didn't need to audition like the others.
This is very important. Tell me about where you were born, your family, what life was like as you grew up. Also please tell use just HOW you got accepted into Pandemonium. Be creative. I like people who think of unique situations.

relations info ; ♥

parents  | Chen Lam Lee [47 years old. Father. Runs his own coffee shop]. Mei Lin Lee [45 years old. Mother. Helps out on coffee shop]. [Note: First name then surname]
siblings | Xiao Mei Lee [12 years old. Sister. Student]
other relations | Chun-hua Lee [64 years old. Grandma. Rettired Nurse]

relationship info ; ♥

love interest | Another group member
Idol love interest, this will be the person who is your boyfriend in the story.
are you already dating | No.
Tell us if you two are already together or not.
first impression | Not met yet but something along the lines we're close and we didn't realize we're falling in love. I don't know you can make it up since I don't know other member's characters...
Tell me when you first saw them and what you thought of them.
how did you meet? As trainees.
Tell me how the two of you meet/met.
friends | Jay Park [24 years old. Close] , Tiffany Hwang [22 years old. Friends]
name - age - how close your are
rivals | No thanks

stage info ; ♥

stage name |  Kai
individual fanclub name | Panda [becaue he had really dark eye bags when he was a little kid]
Make one.
individual fanclub colour | ------------
position  | Lead Vocal
Tell us what position you want to be
side jobs | Used to do small radio host in school but nothing big.
includes modelling, MCing, radio host. Optional.


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