❄ Aurora Ice || Jaelyn Wu❄



Aurora Ice

Aurora Ice

Aurora Ice



Jaelyn Wu❄ 




Username : DreamAndDance

Activeness : 10

Nickname : The Supreme Ruler of the Universe Ariana (hi Kiki!)

Did you read the cheat sheet? : Yup

Want to co-author? : Sure! :D

If yes, why? : I always have a lot of ideas for story scenes, so I can contribute those ideas for Aurora Ice ^^ I haven't written anything on AFF, but if you want, I can send you some samples from my other writing accounts. Just message me!

I'm also a romantic kind of girl *blushes* so I love writing out date scenes and cute moments between our characters and their love interests.





Name : Jaelyn Wu

Other Name : Wu Fang Hua 吴方华 (Chinese), Woo Jaehwa 오재화 (Korean)

Nicknames : Jay, Lynn, Huahua,  JJ

Date of Birth  Age : 14.10.1994  18

Birthplace  Hometown : Victoria, Hong Kong, China  San Francisco, California, USA

Where do you live now? : Seoul, South Korea

Blood Type : B

Height ❄ Weight : 164 cm ❄ 49 kg

Nationality : Chinese-Korean

Languages : English (fluent), Mandarin (fluent), Korean (fluent), Cantonese (conversational), Japanese (conversational)






Ulzzang : Baek Su Min

Links : Gallery Gallery 2 Gallery 3 Gallery 4

Backup Ulzzang : Park Hwan Hui

Links : Gallery Gallery 2

Style : Jaelyn likes to wear clothes that make her feel comfortable yet fashionable. She matches colorful, vibrant graphic tees with shorts or jeans, so she has a casual look. Jaelyn's favorite article of clothing are sweaters. Her girly side shows when she wears cute sweaters and pretty looking tops, but she feels uncomfortable in skirts so she rarely wears them. She loves dresses that flow freely or have flowery patterns. For training Jaelyn normally wears gym shorts/sweats and matches it with either a tank top, sports bra, or a baggy cropped top, Her favorite shoes are sneakers, wedges/sandals, and any type of boots. Jaelyn tolerates heels and will obediently wear them to formal events, but sometimes she'll show up in sneakers. She loves to wear hats with her outfits.

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Dressy: 1 | 23 | 4 (pretend the heels are wedges/sandals)

Formal: 12 | 3 

Practice: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Airport: 12 | 3

Sleep/dorm: 1 | 2 | 3





Family :

 Father  || Derek Wu || Would be 48 || Derek was kind toward everyone, but he tended to be a little awkward too. He was described as someone who is 'weak boned' and too gentle to get mad || Derek was an intense workaholic, so he rarely spent quality time with Jaelyn. He did however, tried to make up for it by giving her gifts. Perhaps one of Jaelyn's biggest regrets was never getting close to her dad |Dead

 Mother || Choi Jinah || 47 || Retired ballerina, now a ballet teacher || Jinah's a little more outgoing than her husband, and has a determined personality. She won't stop until she reaches her goal. Jinah is also overprotective when it comes to family || Jinah and Jaelyn have a loving but somewhat hesistant relationship. Jinah cares for Jaelyn very much, it's just that Jinah isn't good at expressing her love to her daughter. Jaelyn always feels that she let her mother down simply because she quit ballet || Alive 

Grandmother || Choi Hana || 74 || Ballet teacher || As a teacher, Hana is strict and can be quite harsh. When she's herself however, Hana's humorous, witty, and maybe even a little on the fun side. She's kind of like the 'cool' grandmother |Hana loves to joke around with and troll people, and because she raised Jaelyn the two are extremely close. Whenever Jaelyn feels down, she calls Hana so Hana can make her smile with her jokes. Jaelyn is completely content in telling Hana anything because she knows Hana will support her anyway |Alive

Background :

Jaelyn was born into a fairly wealthy family. Ballet runs in her family, with both her grandmother and mother being formal dancers. Her father Derek was an engineer, born and raised in Victoria, Hong Kong. Her mother Jinah is an American born Korean, who was a dancer in the San Francisco Ballet. The two met when Jinah traveled to Hong Kong for a vacation, and married after two years of dating. After Jaelyn's birth, they moved back to California where Jinah immediately returned to dancing and Derek had no time to take care of his daughter. Jaelyn was mainly raised by her grandmother, and was often brought to her mother's performances. Despite being the only child, Jaelyn was barely pampered and fussed over by her parents. It was mostly Hana who gave her nurture. When Jaelyn was four, Jinah decided to enroll her into ballet to continue the tradition. Jaelyn inherited her mother's love for dance and showed natural talent in it.

Five years later, tragedy struck the Wu family. While performing Swan Lake, Jinah seriously injured her right knee, thus ending her career as a ballerina. A few months later, Derek was hit by a drunk driver on the way home from work. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. To support themselves Jinah and Hana started teaching at their own dance studio.

Jaelyn's love for singing began when she saw a man on the streets of San Francisco performing. She pestered Jinah into letting her take singing classes. At the age of 13 Jaelyn switched from ballet to hip hop after watching a video of the dance crew Beat Freaks, much to her mother's dismay. Once she entered high school, Jaelyn joined the school's hip hop club and she learnt locking, popping, and breaking from the members. She was part of the school's debate team, so her public speaking skills are excellent to this day. Jaelyn was also active in the dance team and choir.

In January 2009, Jaelyn went to Los Angeles for a dance competition. She was approached by a man there, who introduced himself as an SM scout. Jaelyn thought it was a scam, but he gave her an SM card and managed to convince her to try out the Global Audition in LA. Jinah was very disappointed, though nevertheless she and Hana pushed Jaelyn to audition. To her surprise, Jaelyn passed the audition on the first round.







Personality : At first glance, Jaelyn looks like a quiet, cold girl, but you'll realize she's really an animated, silly girl within the first ten seconds of a conversation. Jaelyn is described as a happy and cheerful girl who loves to smile and laugh. She basically laughs at anything with no reason. She even smiles to either hide emotional pain or trick her haters into thinking they can't ruin her. Ironically, she doesn't smile in photos because she thinks her smile isn't pretty. Jaelyn is also super energetic; she'll still be skipping around and giggling even with a few hours of sleep. Jaelyn is the life of the party, and she's a rather loud and outgoing character, bringing laughter and cheer to those around her. She's a bit of a hopeless romantic, believing in magic, love at first sight, and fate. She would love it if people did spontaneous things for her. Jaelyn's sensitive and emotional too; put her in front of a tragic or romantic film and she'll bawl like a baby.

Jaelyn's open and very sociable. She loves to make new friends and is a social butterfly. Jaelyn does however, tend to be closer to guys than girls because she feels that boys are better to get along. She's somewhat popular among the male K-pop idols. Though she is seen as a blabblemouth, Jaelyn keeps secrets and promises shared with her. When her members and friends are down, Jaelyn will immediately come in to lighten the atmosphere. People flock to her if they're having a bad day, because she'll do anything to make her friends laugh, even if it means making a complete fool of herself. Jaelyn has a kindhearted side and supports her friends no matter what. She may not be the best at giving advice, but she's excellent at listening and will lend her shoulder for a cry.

On and off stage Jaelyn is very charismatic and possesses great charm, which makes her likeable among fans. She deeply loves and adores all her fans, and tries her best to respond to fan mail. She keeps every one of the gifts given to her. Jaelyn's also extremely talkative and never shuts up. She always has something to say in a conversation, which makes it effortless for her in interviews, variety shows, and as an MC. Even though Jaelyn enjoys having fun, she's dead serious when it comes to work. She picks up choreography quickly and sometimes suggests her own flair in the choreography. She'll often stay up very late to practice her dancing. Jaelyn is always seen with a notebook, scribbling down dance positions and diagrams for choreography. But if her progress does not meet her expectations, she becomes short-tempered and frustrated. If you happened to speak to Jaelyn in her agitated state, she answers in an irritated tone and pushes you away.

Jaelyn enjoys sleeping in and she can quite nasty if you try to wake her up. Unless it's a busy day and she has to rise early, she has a strict do-not-wake-me-up-until-ten rule. She won't hesitate to slap or yell at you in English if woken up rudely. When angered, Jaelyn will start cursing despite her intense dislike of people swearing. She can never hold a grudge though. Jaelyn calms down quickly after two or three hours and soon you'll see her chatting happily to the person who made her angry, as if nothing happened. She can also be stubborn if she doesn't get her way and refuses to budge until you give in, something she's trying to change.

Flaws : She trusts and forgives too quickly. Because of this Jaelyn easily gets hurt and taken advantage of by other people. When criticized, Jaelyn takes it hard, and scolds herself for being the way she is. She also overworks herself to exhaustion. 


❄ Dancing

❄ Any kind of animal

❄ Children/babies

❄ Chocolate

❄ Stuffed toys

❄ Fantasy/historical fiction books

❄ Traveling

❄ Pastries/desserts

❄ Hats, headbands, hairbows

❄ Disney and Pixar films

❄ Rilakkuma

❄ Drawing

❄ Hanging out with friends


Dislikes :

❄ Makeup

❄ Waking up early

❄ Swearing

❄ Coffee

❄ Puppets

❄ Procrasination


Hates :

             ❄ Horror stuff

❄ Bit *cough* big meanie girls

❄ Bullies, backstabbers, liars, the usual

❄ People who copy her own choreography

❄ Boredom

❄ Roses

❄ Alcohol, because it reminds her of her father


Hobbies :

❄ Walking in the city streets and recording street dancers for inspiration

❄ Drawing, but she prefers drawing scenery and food over people

❄ Making hairbows

❄ Trying out new foods (her members about this and call her a pig sometimes)

❄ Choreographing (seriously, you'll see her doing little motions or dance moves, even when she's eating)

❄ Making dream catchers


Habits :

❄ Choreographs when she can't sleep

❄ Says 'motherfluffer' when amazed or shocked

❄ Belts out raps when bored, whether it be in Korean, English, or Mandarin

❄ Listens to 2Ne1's "I AM THE BEST" when washing up in the bathroom in the morning and does a bunch of silly poses after

❄ Laughs out loud when someone farts, but turns it into a cough to avoid getting caught

❄ Often squeezes the people she hugs tightly

❄ Breaks into dance whenever there's music

Fears :

❄ Injuring herself seriously - since she loves dancing so much. It's basically the end of her life if she can't dance. Jaelyn doesn't want to end up like Jinah

❄ Losing the ones she loves - Jaelyn already lost her father, she can't bear to lose her mother, grandmother, members, and friends


❄ Jaelyn can her elbow

❄ Has been dancing for fifteen years

❄ She can eat four bowls of rice in one sitting. She's known for her large appetite

❄ Jaelyn has two Bichon Frise dogs, Hera and Sarang

❄ Is a huge fan of the English singer Ed Sheeran, has a poster of him among her K-pop collage in her dorm

❄ When she signs her name, she puts a smiley face with the y in Jay

❄ She was the female cameo in Super Junior's 'No Other' MV, SHINee's 'Why So Serious' MV, and MBLAQ's 'This Is War' MV. She was also a backup dancer for TTS's 'Twinkle' MV and f(x)'s 'Hot Summer' MV.

❄ Had braces as a teenager

❄ Most of Jaelyn's socks are either polka dotted or are in different colors

❄ She's severely allergic to roses. If she smells one, she'll break out into a bad case of hives and in some cases she can't breathe

Jaelyn's home screen on her phone is an image of her love interest...ssh! That's why she rarely lets people use her phone

 She secretly wants to dye her hair purple, and hopes the company will let her when she's an idol

❄ Jaelyn can cry at will (comes in handy sometimes)

❄ She carries a box of Band-Aids with her in case she or someone gets injured

❄ Jaelyn has contacts, but at the dorms she wears her glasses

❄ Her dream is to make Aurora Ice as popular as SNSD

❄ Jaelyn's never had a boyfriend or a first kiss because she's waiting for the 'right one'

❄ She really likes Rilakkuma. Get her anything Rilakkuma related and she'll love you forever

❄ One of Jaelyn's most prized possessions is a stuffed bunny toy she calls Dia. Dia was given to Jaelyn by her father when she was four





Best Friends :

❄ Zhang Yixing 'Lay' || 20 || Idol in EXO || During her trainee days, Jaelyn was paired with Lay for a dance collab. At first, they couldn't get along since each insisted the way they danced was correct. Of course, they were both wrong, and they apologized. They've been best friends ever since || In general, Lay is very caring and polite. He can easily forget things and is never on time. Lay tends to be a little shy, but once he talks, he can be quite funny. He's a bit of a fool but you can't help but love him. He works himself to the core || Jaelyn and Lay always talk in Mandarin among each other. She respects and admires him as a dancer. Jaelyn tells Lay everything, and she trusts his most honest opinion. They love and care one another very much. He lets her call him by his real name, Yixing. If Jaelyn is feeling down, he goes out his way to make her laugh || 10

❄ Lee Hyunjae 'Eunhyuk' || 27 |Idol in Super Junior || They met on the set for Super Junior's music video 'No Other.' || Eunhyunk passes off as an arrogant and awkward, but in reality he's humble and extremely hard-working. He is awkward yet respectful around girls. Eunhyuk is very dedicated to dancing and will work until he sees himself as the best. He is also very dorky and very funny, as seen in variety shows || They have such a tight, brother-sister bond. Eunhyuk tends to hover over Jaelyn protectively when she talks to guys. She constantly complains about it but she knows that he cares for her deeply. Like Lay, she confesses to Eunhyuk about anything. He occasionally teases her and flicks her hair at her face for fun, and when she pretends to get upset he panics and immediately offers to buy her chocolate. You have to be crazy to break the two apart || 10



❄ Park Sunyoung 'Luna' || 19 || Idol in f(x) || The two girls met on the set of 'Hot Summer.' They both happened to have the same sneakers and switched without knowing. When they found out about the different shoe sizes, they laughed and introduced themselves || Luna is extremely talkative, as seen in interviews, but she describes herself as blunt and not the best person to ask for advice. She is also cheerful and funny, which fans love || Luna and Jaelyn share a strong, sisterly bond. Jaelyn feels very comfortable talking to Luna, and she tries to help Luna with Chinese since Luna wants to learn. They're very similar in their likes and personality, which is probably why they get along extremely well || 8

❄ Kim Kibum 'Key' || 21 || Idol in SHINee || They bumped into each other when Jaelyn first arrived at SM as a trainee. Key accidentally spilled coffee on her and dragged her to the bathroom to help her clean up, much to her embarrassment because it was the men's bathroom || He's a rather diva-ish guy, and he has a great sense of fashion. Key is seen as an umma-like figure and cares for those around him dearly. Key is very loud and complains sometimes in the most dramatic way || One can say Key is Jaelyn's fashion consultant. She normally lets him pick her clothes when she needs assistance, and if there's free time they enjoy shopping together. He likes to fuss over her like a real mother || 8

❄ Xi Luhan || 23 || Idol in EXO || Jaelyn went to the dance rooms for a private night session, but walked in on Luhan instead. She apologized and started to leave, but Luhan asked her to stay || Luhan has an image of an innocent, cute boy. He's sweet, quite friendly, and maybe a bit on mischievous side. Luhan gets camera-shy, and especially hates to do aegyo, despite his adorable manner || Sometimes, as a joke, Jaelyn calls Luhan her unnie or jie jie because of his lovely appearance. He's very caring towards Jaelyn, and always reminds her to take care of her health. They go out to eat together, occasionally inviting Sehun and Lay to come along with them || 7.5

❄ Son Naeun || 19 || Idol in APink || They met during Music Core || Naeun is a very sweet and caring girl. She describes herself as dull and normally won't start a conversation || The two girls aren't exactly close, but they're close enough to go out to eat and text each other if they have the time. Jaelyn has expressed that she would like to know Naeun better because she thinks Naeun is a nice girl |4

❄ No Minwoo || 17 || Idol in Boyfriend || They met during M! Countdown. Minwoo was busy practicing his choreography but he didn't see Jaelyn behind so he smacked her in the face || Minwoo has a cute and lively personality. He has excellent leadership skills, but can be short-tempered and huffy at times || Jaelyn is very loving and gentle towards Minwoo. She treats him like a little brother and sometimes nags at him, but that's her way of being affectionate. She does her best to be a good noona to Minwoo || 7

❄ Park Cheondung 'Thunder' || 22 || Idol in MBLAQ || They met on the set of 'This Is War' || Thunder has what they call 'Prince Syndrome.' He has a 4-D personality, though he can be timid. Thunder also at telling jokes and gags || Jaelyn likes to have a friendly conversation with Thunder whenever they see each other. She finds him interesting and sweet. Jaelyn does however, hate it when he jokes around. She pokes him in the stomach to shut him up || 5


Rival :

❄ Yoon Bora || 23 || Idol in SISTAR || Met backstage at Music Bank. But the two girls already knew each other from online comments || Bora is described as very relaxed and sweet. People find her lively and cute || Bora and Jaelyn are actually very polite towards each other. Jaelyn greets Bora with a respectful bow and calls her unnie while Bora returns the gesture. But they are also awkward, and whenever they try to start a conversation it always ends up being one-worded answers and uninterested nods || 1.5

Why are you rivals : Many of the netizens and Bora's fans compare Bora's dancing and rapping to Jaelyn, which irks her endlessly. While the two girls have a neutral relationship, the media loves to portray their rivalry as nasty.


Love interest : Kim Jongin 'Kai'

Backup Love Interest : Kris Wu (EXO)

Date of Birth ❄ Age : 14.01.1994 ❄ 19

Group ❄ Company : EXO ❄ SM Entertainment

PersonalityOn the outside, Kai seems arrogant and very competitive. He has a fierce, y, playboy-like image among the media. In reality, Kai is actually extremely shy and gets embarrassed easily. He is definitely a hardworking and pushes himself to the limit. He also has a charismatic and charming aura that attracts people.

How you met : One day after a private dance practice, Jaelyn wanted to change out of her sweaty clothes but she was too lazy to return to her dorm. So she stripped in the dance room, except Kai happened to enter for his own practice. He started laughing as she was wearing Rilakkuma underwear. She screamed and threw her shoes at him. When she was done changing, Kai returned, and introduced himself with a sly smirk on his face.

How you act around each otherThey like to tease and make fun of each other. Jaelyn adores Kai and enjoys watching him dance. They hang out in the dance rooms to choreograph together and they send each other dance videos for inspiration. To Kai, Jaelyn is someone he can trust and he loves talking to her. Her smile and laugh always brightens his mood. Occasionally they'll hug, which makes both blush. They text each other frequently too. If you see Jaelyn on her phone with a goofy smile on her face, it's most likely she's messaging Kai. Jaelyn is fiercely protective of him. If Kai gets injured, she calls him immediately not only to see if he's alright but also to yell at him for scaring her. Anyone but themselves can tell they harbor feelings for each other. Some of the fans even ship the two together (KaiJae). Jaelyn and Kai both get extremely jealous if they see one another talking to the opposite .

Love rival : Jung Ilhoon

Backup love rival : Kim Donghyun (Boyfriend)

Date of Birth ❄ Age : 04.10.1994 ❄ 18

Group ❄ Company : BtoB ❄ Cube Entertainment

Personality : Ilhoon is quite mature. He uses good vocab when he talks, and always tries to create his own style when it comes to rap. Ilhoon is very dedicated to his work, and gets angry with himself if he can't meet his own expectations. Ilhoon is also lively and very talkative, whether it's around strangers or friends, just like Jaelyn.

How you met : They met backstage at Inkigayo. Jaelyn went to get a drink from the vending machines but the drink was stuck in the opening. Ilhoon saw Jaelyn struggling with the bottle and he walked over to help her get the drink.

How you act around each other & why is he a love rival?Ilhoon teases Jaelyn whenever they're together, though it's gentle and brother-like. Ilhoon also ruffles her hair affectionately or throws his arm around her shoulders, often inciting rumors. Ilhoon normally loathes skinship but he allows only Jaelyn to hug him. She hates how she has to call him oppa even though he's only ten days older than her. While Jaelyn holds feelings for Kai, her heart rate quickens whenever Ilhoon smiles at her. She thinks he is cute and hard to resist. Ilhoon has developed a crush on her from the moment they met. She's not exactly his type, but he finds her fun to be around and they both get along well so he refuses to lose her to anyone else. He's too proud to admit to others that he likes her. Ilhoon hates seeing Jaelyn with Kai, especially since a lot of fans support their relationship.






How did you get in the agency? : Was scouted

How were your trainee days : Jaelyn's training days weren't very eventful, but there were a few hiccups along the way. Some of the Korean trainees bullied her because they saw her as a threat. It was tough for Jaelyn to enter dance studios with groups of girls whispering and pointing openly at her. One time Jaelyn even got a letter from her bullies pressuring her to quit. She almost did, not only because of the bullies but also from the work expected from her and she often got extremely homesick. However, she made friends with the Chinese trainees and the bullies eventually left her alone. Jaelyn told herself to work hard to accomplish her dreams. So every night, Jaelyn stayed past midnight perfecting her dancing and vocals. She pushed and exerted herself to the point where she became ill, but it was worth it.

Number of years of training : 4 years

Persona : Cherry Bomb (Another name for fireworks. Because when Jaelyn dances, she lights up on stage. Plus, she's as lively and energetic as fireworks)

Stage Name : Jay

Position : Lead dancer, rapper, choreographer, MC

Backup Position : Lead rapper, MC, umma, co-composer

Fanclub Name : Firecrackers

Fanclub Color : #ff6699





Twitter : @smile4Jay

Instagram : @ohsnapitsJay

Facebook : Jaelyn Wu (English)



Comments : I hope you like Jaelyn! She's partly based on me ^^ and I also hope you consider having me as a co-author! I love writing, but I can never start on AFF lol. And yes I know Kai and Jaelyn's ship name , you can change it if you want xD

Oh yeah, if there's 9 members in Aurora Ice, shouldn't there be 3 girls in each subgroup? Because in the subgroup Lights there are only 2 members...just wondering

Suggestions : Maybe promotions in China or even the USA, since I see most of the applicants are either half Chinese or are from America. For concepts I think the girls should start with a sweet, innocent schoolgirl concept since they're young but later transit into a ier, more mature group to represent them rising to the idol status.

Sweet, Cute Concept

❄ APink - My My

❄ SNSD - Gee

❄ Hello Venus - Do You Want Some Tea

y, Mature Concept

❄ SNSD - Run Devil Run

 Girl's Day - Female President

❄ SISTAR - Give It to Me


Scene Requests :

❄ Eunhyuk sees Kai's picture on Jaelyn's phone, and confronts her. "JAELYN WU WHY IS KAI ON YOUR PHONE?" "Eunhyuk oppa, why did you go through my phone? And why do you care?" "I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO KNOW AND CARE!!"

❄ At Show Champion (later in the story), Ilhoon secretly asks Jaelyn to go on a date with him, and Kai happens to pass by. She's unsure to reply because of Kai, but she feels bad saying no to Ilhoon so she agrees. Afterwards, Kai refuses to talk to Jaelyn

❄ Staying up late continuously takes a toll on Jaelyn's health, and during a rehearsal she passes out and has to be taken to a hospital

❄ A dance collab for Kai and Jaelyn

❄ Awkward moments between Bora and Jaelyn

❄ It's a hot day so the mischievous members of Aurora Ice start spraying water at each other in the dance rooms and are scolded by their manager

❄ A variety show with EXO and Aurora Ice, and the MCs ask the girls who they would pick as their boyfriend in EXO. For Jaelyn, she doesn't want to reveal her feelings for Kai, so she answers Lay

❄ During an interview, one of the interviewers farts and Jaelyn starts laughing loudly, while the rest of the Aurora Ice members shake their heads at her

❄ One night, the members of Super Junior turn off the power switch in Aurora Ice's dorm and decide to scare them. The girls then plan to get back at Super Junior

❄ Ilhoon asks Jaelyn to watch a movie with him (hoping to make a move on her), except she misinterprets his request and brings Lay and Eunhyuk along, much to Ilhoon's annoyance

❄ Someone (maybe one of Bora's crazy fans) gives Jaelyn roses and she has a severe allergic reaction


Password : Clickeu 







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