TSEnt | Unique Goddness






About your ...

Username: Baby_June06

Link: My Profile 

Activite: 10/10

On Stage:

Stage Name: Angel

Birth Name: Angela Park Bora 

D.O.B: 16/06/1996

Age: 17

birthplace: Paris, France

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Ethnicity: Chinese [25%], Korean [25%], Japanese [50%]

Languages :

Korean [Fluent], Chinese [Fluent], Japanese [Fluent], English [Fluent], Tagalog [Basic], Spanish [Basic]


Angela is the sweet, kind and quiet girl. She rarely talks, not because she's shy or anything. It's because she's the observant type of girl. Even though she seldom talks to people, she will always a smile on her face. Angela puts friends and family as her top priority. She'll always be there for anyone who needs help. That's what people love the most about her.


Angela is the youngest in her family, she has an older sister named Park Boram. She's a mixed of Korean, Chinese and Japanese. She was born in France because the Park family were on a vacation there. She was forced to go for an audition by her sister, because she knew Angela's potential to become an idol is huge. 




Likes :

1) Cheesecake

2) Disney movies

3) The color pastel blue and baby green.

4) Amusement parks

5) British accents

6) Pikachu

7) Reading

Dislikes : 

1) Dirty room

2) Alcoholic drinks.

3) Scary movies.

4) Stuck ups

5) Bugs

Hobbies : 

1) Reading 

2) Baking

3) Taking candid pictures.

Habits : 

1) Bitting her lips when she's nervous.

2) Mumbled in other languages when she's angry.

3) Walks out of the room when she's annoyed about something or someone.


How peoples see me as:

Ulzzang Photo : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Style: Simple clothing and vintage styles.

1) Casual : A | N | G | E | L | A

2) Formal : A | N | G | E | L | A

3) Dorm wear: A | N | G | E | L | A

4) Practice: A | N | G | E | L A

Height: 165 cm 

Weight: 44 kg




⇒ Park Boram | 19 | Ulzzang       



⇒ Desmond Park | 38 | Doctor | Loving and kind father. Always trying to spend time with his family, even though he's busy with works.

⇒ Ayumi Yukiwara | 36 | Former model & singer | Gentle mom that always be there to listen to her daughters' problems.


1) DeeDee 


Loves: Daehyun of BAP

Best friends: 

⇒ Nana | After School | 22 | Easy going and sweet

⇒  Nam Ji Hyun | 4 Minute | 23 | Crazy and loud

⇒ Park Chanyeol | EXO K | 21 | Happy virus and always trying to make Angela laugh


⇒ Kim Jaekyung | Rainbow | 24 | Supportive and kind

⇒ Lee Ah Reum | T-ARA | 19 | Innocent and naive


⇒ Park Ji Yeon | T-ARA | 20 | Bipolar that hates Angela for no particular reason.



Vocalist : ♦ Check this out ♦

Dancer : ♦ Check this out ♦



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