
Ok I serious need help! What do I do? I can't focus on my stories anymore, because A brick. I don't know what to do with my life?! I know I am still young and all but i want to accomplish something during my years now!  6 years go by fast. I just need you guys to help me! Do I go to Korea , become a trainee there and maybe live with a sibling who is willing to go? Or do I stay in the states and do YouTube videos hoping it will get me somewhere and hopefully be a international [doubting that will happen]  or do I go to school , finish college and study in Korea? ... Help! I am so freaking helpless and I need guidance! Please my fellow kpop lovers!!!!!



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well, you should stay focused in school first. always think about a plan B! (incase plan A doesn't work~) but i think there is a chance for everyone... it doesn't hurt to try because you don't wanna start thinking about the "what if..." but my donsaeng, HWAITING !!!~ <3
Wait become a trainee? As in at a company? :O yeaaaah do that, but its also good to finish college and then move to Korea...but you could also move there now and study in Korea which will be awesome and helpful! YouTube might take some time, but thats just my opinion. Good luck in making your choice! <3
I say try to study in Korea at this point. Either way, you're going to end up in Korea, yes? I say definitely look at getting college done. In the mean time, really focus on your health and practice. That way, when you do go to audition, and worse comes to shove that you don't make it, you have at least finished college and have a back up.

That or try to become a support staff?

Whatever happens, good luck! ^ ^