A little bit about me :3


1. What was the last TV show you watched?
i don't watch TV
2. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed?
wine. For church purposes, ofc
3. Have you ever lied to get out of a date or relationship?
Yes. In an RP though coughs
4. What do you think of velvet knickers? 
Wot dafuq
5. Have you ever been in the back of a police car?
nope. Don't plan to any time soon either
6. Post a screenshot of your tumblr dash
dont have a tumblr
7. Post a screenshot of your facebook newsfeed
Dont use Facebook 
8. What do you normally order in a bar/pub?
idk I'm underage. 
9. Have you ever wanted to be a police officer?
10. What is your usual everyday dress code?
find whatever is clean and throw it on
11. Do you lift weights?
12. Sherlock or Doctor Who?
idk never watched either tbh
13. Do you know self defence?
OH HELL YES. Taekwondo pays off yknow. 
14. What fandoms are you part of?
too many to list. But my main ones are B2UTY, LEDA, Love Beat, Aileean, and whatever Bangtan's fandom name is. 
15. Who is your OTP?
JENMY (Jenny x Me)
16. Glitter or feathers?
how about no
17. Daisies or buttercups?
18. What countries have you been to?
The US and Mexico
19. Do you think schools should bring back corporal punishment?
no thankyou
20. Post a screencap of a Google maps view of your hometown, state or county.
No, I'd rather not
21. Have you ever self harmed?
I've banged my head against the wall and purposely made myself bleed does that count
22. Do you look after your body?
not really. I'm quite proud of my flab. 
23. How much sleep do you get per night?
with insomnia, sleep doesn't exist
24. If you could take only one trip with the Doctor in his TARDIS where would you ask him to take you?
25. Do you think women look good in suits?
Not really
26. Matches or lighters?
27. What is your favourite type of cake?
Ice cream cake ♡ 
28. Who was the last celebrity you spoke to and what did you say?
Jay Park, and I told him hi. And he said "hi new wife" lolol
29. Do you get starstruck?
Not really. Idk why. Maybe because I'm a soon to be star myself /slapped/ no. 
30. Who was your favourite author as a child?
idk I never payed attention to authors' names


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