Marshmallows [Review Shop] | OPEN!! ♥

~ H E L L O  T H E R E , B E A U TI F U L  S T R A N G E R ~ 

Want an honest & professional review?
Want good writing advice?
Reasons for your mistakes and how to correct them?
!! H E A D  O V E R  T O  M A R S H M A L L O W S !!
Your one-stop-away review shop for writers to learn, explore and find good reads!! We provide bite-sized pieces of...
a)  what you did well, and how to make your story better
b) what you did wrong, why, and how it affects readers's flow of thoughts
c) how you can perfect your mistakes
d) tips on improvement 
Every review comes with a pack of bitesized marshmallows. So what are you waiting for? Head on down to
Marshmallows today to place an order ~ Only 7 slots left!! :D 



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Skydragon717 #1
It's really cute!! ^^