Working as the Executive Chef, it's Minah Kim!



꽃미남 라면게

Flower Boy Ramen Shop


getting hungry ?

username:  animesinger143

 nickname:  Mina! ^^

our journey begins

character name: Minah Kim

 date of birth + age:   04/26/1997 ; 16

birthplace + hometown:  Minah was born in San Francisco, CA and spent most of her time in Busanjingu, Busan, South Korea.

 height + weight:  153 cm and 54 kg

ethnicity:  Korean-American

 spoken languages:  English - Fluent, Korean - Fluent, Japanese - Basic

ulzzang 1:  Hye Jin

 ulzzang 2:  Park Bo Ram

other:  Minah is short and not skinny. She's a little on the chubby side with a small muffin top stomach. She wears black glasses.

 style:  Minah is okay with mostly any clothing. She hates the color pink and refuses to wear any clothing solely based on the color pink. She doesn't like to wear revealing clothes because she feels extremely uncomfortable in them. She likes to wear beanies and snapbacks a lot on her head. On a typical day, Minah would throw on a nice shirt paired with either shorts or skinny jeans and sneakers. She isn't used to wearing high heels a lot, but she wears them if she needs to. Minah likes to wear boots as well.
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6


finding yoursFinding yourselfelf

personality traits:  Optimistic, Open-minded, Chlidish, Worrywart


Minah is a hyperactive and optimistic person. She always tries to look on the positive side of the situation and makes the best of it. Minah always keeps a smile on her face and can turn any awkward moment into laughter and happiness just by saying one random thing like "Milk!" or "Cheese!" She could be the randomest person ever. Minah likes to see people smile and be happy. Her optimism also allows her to never give up. Once she sets a goal, Minah is determined to reach it. If she has a project or mission to take on, she will carry it on with determination. Minah does keep in her bad emotions because she doesn't want to be a burden to anyone else. She holds in her bad emotions in, and when she feels about to burst, she locks herself up in her room and silently cries while staring at the wall.

Aside from being optimistic, Minah is a very open-minded person. She doesn't judge people and loves to get to know them first. Minah takes notice of her surroundings. Even when people don't think she's listening, Minah is listening. She doesn't say anything when she hears something though. Minah thinks before she acts when something happens. She takes the situation in and tries to figure out the solution to the problem. She is open to suggestions and criticism from other people as long as they make sense. Minah is more of an advice giver. She tries to help someone to the best of her ability.

With Minah's hyperactive personality, there is bound to be some times when she takes things too far and become childish. Not to the point where she becomes a total brat, but to the point where she becomes annoying. Minah can often bug people too much and she becomes annoying.  For example, she would constantly ask "What are you doing huh?" or she would yell too much. She would be childish at an inappropriate time (when someone is REALLY pissed at her). Minah would sometimes forget people have their own personal space and their own personal time. When Minah is like this, someone needs to be there to scold her and tell her what she's doing wrong.

Even if Minah is childish, she does have another side to her. Minah can actually be a huge worrywart. She overworries and overthinks a lot of things. When someone is gone for more than an hour and they were supposed to be back in an hour, Minah starts thinking about the worst things that could have happened to them. She starts panicking and hyperventilating. Minah worries when someone is missing something or when a person didn't get enough sleep. She can make a big deal out of nothing and often needs to get slapped back into reality to realize it's not a big deal. Minah often makes sure people have what they need for the day and everything.


why did you run away:  Minah's main reason for running away was because she couldn't deal with her father ignoring her anymore. All she wanted was to be close with her father again, but it just wouldn't happen. So Minah knew it would be better to run away and just forget about everything. Forget about her painful past. She just couldn't deal with her father's expressionless face anymore. Minah tried and tried again, but her enthusiasm was wearing thin. Minah also didn't want to deal with how her father would always congratulate her older brother on the littlest things and nothing about Minah. Minah thought that if she didn't run away now, she would end up breaking down in front of her father. Minah feels so much guilt already for her younger brother's death; she wishes it was her who could've been killed instead.


Minah has lived a pretty okay life. She lived in San Francisco, CA with her parents, older brother, and younger brother. Her mother was a nurse while her father was a businessman. Minah and her family moved to South Korea when she was 8 years old due to a freak accident. Minah's younger brother was ran over by a car. One day, Minah and her younger brother were walking to the candy store. Her older brother was hanging out with his own friends. Minah accientally let go of her younger brother's hand to tie her shoe, and he ran off without her. Minah chased him, only to end up watching as her brother got ran over by a car. Minah had always blamed herself for the accident, and so did her father. Ever since the accident, Minah has been ignored by her father. He never acknowleged her presence. The family decided to move to South Korea to have a new life. Minah's mother opened up a cafe called "Craving for Treats," which was operated and run by Minah and her family. Above the cafe was their 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home.

Minah was amazing in school and did just about everything to get her father's attention. Business was booming for the cafe. Minah's older brother and mother also tried to get Minah and her father to be close, but her father would still ignore her. One day, Minah got Student of the Year, which was a reward given to someone out of the entire school. She showed it to her father, but he simply stared at the T.V., not acknowledging her presence. He didn't even say anything to her. Minah had enough as she quietly locked herself up in her room. She began thinking that if she left home, her father would have one less person to deal with in the house. Her family was alreayd having enough trouble paying for her older brother's college expenses. That night, Minah decided to run away from home. She thought it would be better if she was gone because her father wouldn't even notice. Minah packed all her stuff in her rolling suitcase and asked her older brother if she could sleep next to him on his bed.

When her parents and brother went grocery shopping the next day, Minah faked being sick and asked to stay home. Once they left, Minah cleaned up around the house and made it look as neat as it could be. She then grabbed all her stuff and left the house with a note to her parents and older brother. After walking around Seoul, she decided to come outside of Seoul and wander around. Then, a guy gave her a flyer to the Ramen Shop, offering a job to work there. Minah decided it was better than nothing and contemplated whether to take up the guy on the offer. Minah agreed and was well on her way to the Ramen Shop.


what would you do if you saw a family member?:  Minah would be very shocked. She would panic. If it was her older brother, Minah would be mad at him for trying to find her. Minah is so close to her older brother that he might understand why she ran away, but he would convince her to come back. If it was her parents, Minah wouldn't know what to do. She would run away if it was her mother, but if it was her father, Minah would freeze up. She would be scared; she would fear what would come next. Minah would think her mother would be ashamed of her so it would be natural of her to run away.

 likes:   Singing, the color blue, winter, bubble tea, sour candy, piggyback rides, chipmunks, cooking, listening to music,

dislikes:   the color pink, eggplant, bitter food, Thunder/Lightning, bugs, bad grades,

 hates:  Alcoholics, messy/unorganized stuff, Rude people, when people criticize her food that she makes,

habits:  Sings softly to herself when she is scared, Silent treatment to everyone when she is angry, Clutches her pants tightly when she's nervous

 hobbies:  Minah sings, plays tennis, cooks, bakes, composes lyrics, and composes music for the piano.

fears:   Minah is very scared of rejection and being alone. Minah doesn't like being alone, especially in the dark. Her real fear is being alone because Minah needs people there. She needs someone. Minah is also deathly afraid of thunder because ever since she was young, the sound of thunder makes her panic and think it's going to strike her.

1. Minah is left-handed.

2. She has no idea how to ride a bike nor swim.

3. Minah is obsessed with watching horror movies.

4. She doesn't go a day without going on her laptop.

5. Minah looks at people in the mall or places for inspiration on her songs.


defining quirk:  Minah is known for always overworrying and saying "But what if....!!?!?" Haha and every time she says that, people always say "Nothing bad will happen!!" Another small (but noticeable) thing she's known for is her childishness. Like always saying "Yay!"oiDoing what you love (or hate)

GPA:  4.0

 personal view on Eunchan's Rules:  Minah is pretty okay with all the house rules. She's fine with the curfew and is actually very excited for family time. She thinks it's a good way to be closer to everyone and have fun at the same time. She likes the idea of the chores, as everyone will do equal work.

how you act in school:   Minah will of course follow the rule about keeping her grades up. She always has her whole life. Minah has been maintaining a GPA of 4.0 or higher ever since. She's always tried her hardest to maintain her grade. As for the other students, Minah will acknowledge them and try to hang out with them more. Being a good student, Minah will try to convince her friends to become friends with the other students as well. She'll help them out and see it as a good opportunity to know more people.

 will you have to do a study session:  Minah won't think her GPA will fall because she'll try her best, but if the stress keeps building up...then maybe. She'll try her hardest to keep it up.

job: Executive Chef (Barista as backup)

 views on your job:  Minah loves her job and wishes she could do it forever. Since she's had experience practically her whole life with the cafe, Minah grew up used to the cooking and the stress of preparing the food. (Her mother and mother's coworkers drilled her through it.)

work ethic?:  Minah tries her best all the time to be an amazing chef. She follows orders and it up when she doesn't get what she wants. Outside of her job, she is childish. However when it's time to work, it's time to work.

 chore:  Minah would prefer Organizing stuff and Cleaning the bathroom.

favorite family activity:   Minah enjoys talking and a lot of interactive games like Twister, Apartment Game, "I Love You" game, "Of Course," and other games that require body. She thinks it'll break the ice and warm everyone. However, the one thing Minah can't stand is board games. She thinks they're boring and wants to get up and move.

making a home

do you like living with the band of misfits:  Minah likes it and finds it interesting. She considers them her second family and looks up to them all because they actually acknowledge her presence. She feels accepted and at home. She feels like she matters.

 favorite male:  The Handsome Oppa  

least favorite male:  The Tempermental Flowerboy

 what kind of roomate are you?:  Minah is organized and tidy when it comes to her room. However, there are some days when Minah is just lazy (cough cough those days) and she is extremely grumpy and messy. Minah snores in her sleep and also sleep-talks. She grinds her teeth and is a messy sleeper. She takes short showers and is always the first one up. Minah is a morning person, no matter how many hours of sleep she gets.

pet peeves:  Minah hates people who are so messy and unorganized. She also hates people who don't do anything at all and just eat all the food. Someone who will lie around watching T.V. all day will get on her nerves. Someone who is also a control freak and thinks they're the boss when they're not also gets her.

 are you respectful?: Minah treats Eunchan and the handsome oppa respectfully.  She respects their decisions and listens to them. Minah thinks of the handsome oppa like the dad she never had. Eunchan reminds Minah of her mother, so she treats them like her parents: with respect. Minah does joke around with them and is playful with them. However sometimes, when Minah thinks something is just plain unfair, she will resort to complaining to them. Minah does go to the two of them for advice whenever she needs it.

do you like animals?:  Minah is okay with animals, but she doesn't LOVE them. She's all right with having them around and doesn't hate them.

 do you see yourself fighting with the others?:  Minah wouldn't fight with the others unless they are or do one of her pet peeves. She'll try to cooperate with everyone and be equal. Minah is going to try to compromise if she ever got into a fight.

finding love

plotline:  the Hopeless Cause

 his name:   Jung Guk (Bangtan Boys)

back up:  Jongup (B.A.P.)  backup plotline: The Kind Hearted Gangster

 what kind of guy is he?:  Lazy, Soft-hearted, Violent, Aggressive

expansion:  He's a very lazy person. He doesn't like doing work and chores; you're going to have to really FORCE him to do it. He complains a lot and usually asks someone else to do his work, but that always fails. Though he may be lazy, he's actually a sweet and soft-hearted person on the inside. He's one of those guys that does silent acts of kindness. For example, if you fell asleep on the couch without a blanket and it's cold, he'll put a blanket over you. If you're working really hard and you mutter that you're hungry and no one else hears it but him, he'll bring you some food.

Aside from being lazy (and somewhat nice), this guy is also very violent and aggressive. When someone even so much as picks on him, he makes a big deal out of it and starts to argue back. He starts to cuss and then throw punches. He has a very tough exterior and likes to keep it that way. This guy has a short temper and can be broken easily with just one insult. He's capable of putting someone in this hospital. He will throw things and start a fight for no reason. His violent self and aggressiveness sometimes can be bad luck to him. When he tries making friends with someone, he often starts calling them a weird nickname and rubs them the wrong way, even when he doesn't mean it. He eventually pushes people away because he knows that people who are his "friends" just fake it so he could be their own personal bodyguard to keep someone away. He often gets angry at himself when he can't do something right.


 his background:  People would be surprised to find out that he's actually pretty rich. His father is the CEO of a big electronics company in South Korea and his mother was a famous fashion designer. What made him such a...hopeless cause, you ask? Well, his father always forced him to learn business, computer,  and techy stuff, but he just wasn't feeling it. His father hopelessly wants his son to become the future CEO of the company, but Jeong Guk/Jongup has a secret passion for baking. His mother would always put him down and say that he'll never become a baker and that he should stick to learning business. Jeong Guk began to separate himself from his parents as he got to middle school. He never told anyone of his parents and his background. He would always try to bake in the school's home-ec room instead of at home because he knows his parents would never approve. As for school, Jeong Guk just...gave up. He would always stare blankly at the board and wonder what the hell he was doing there. He didn't like school, he just liked to bake.

One day he tried to bake in his home kitchen, but his father caught him. Jeong Guk's father beat him and told him that he was stupid for following his dream. His father said that he needed an heir to the company, not an "idiot who doesn't know what he's doing." This hit Jeong Guk as he decided to run away from home that same night. The next day, Jeong Guk told his parents he would sleep over at a friend's house, when instead he was actually running away.


why did he run?:  Jeong Guk was tired of his parents' constant pushing him around. He wanted to be free, to do what he wanted. He felt like they were the reason for everything bad. His parents were the reason he didn't try at school and have friends. They were also the reason for him becoming so violent and aggressive. Jeong Guk knew if he escaped from them now, he could at least have some of the freedom he always wished for.

 his defining quirk?:  He is always cracking his knuckles all day every day.

interactions:  Minah and Jeong Guk are on a mutual level. Though Minah dislikes how he's so lazy and everything, she keeps it in and just deals with him. They would greet each other, but Jeong Guk would distance himself from Minah and not talk to her. Minah would try to strike up a conversation and get to know him more, but he would always turn her down. One day during school, Minah found him in the home-ec room totally immersed in baking. Minah watches him from the door, and he notices her there. Minah apologized, ran away, and ever since then, Jeong Guk has been slightly changing his attitude (for the better) everyday to Minah.

 scene requests:  If it's okay, could they go out together to get some food? c: or maybe a small date? That would be cute!

how are his grades:  His grades are all Ds and Fs. He barely passes anything, but he's forced to come to class now because of Eunchan's rules. He needs a place to stay so he has no choice. In school, Jeong Guk is very antisocial. He prefers to hang out alone, even if some people give him a chance to become friends. He emits this scary aura to people that just make them to not approach him. Minah tries to talk to him at school, but he always ignores her. However, Minah is determined to become friends with him as she continues to talk to him every day during lunch. 

 what's his job?:  Barista (Street Vendor as back-up)

does he like it?:  Jeong Guk isn't really satisfied with his job. He knows how to do it, but he longs to become a baker. He wants to be able to bake things and see the dough rise. He wants to smell the dough and everything blended in together.

 how is he at home?:  Jeong Guk is a very messy person. He doesn't pick up after himself, wakes up late, and takes forever in the bathroom (mainly to shower). He snores really loudly and sometimes he sleepwalks.

what did you think of him before coming here?:  Minah only heard about him from the rumors, but nothing more.

appreciating your family

father:  Kim Myung Soo  | 43 | Owner of Cafe | Myung Soo and Minah are very distant. Myung Soo doesn't even acknowledge her existence. If she talks to him, he simply stares at something else and not talks. Myung Soo acts totally normal with his son and wife, but not with his daughter. Though the rest of the family thinks he blames her for the death of his other son, Myung Soo is actually scared of going back. He knows it's too late to apologize to his daughter because so much has happened already.

 mother:  Kim Na Young | 42 | Owner of Cafe | Minah and Na Young are very close. Minah and Na Young tease each other and have a playful relationship. Na Young gives Minah the freedom to do what she wants, but she also disciplines her daughter well. Na Young supports Minah in whatever she chooses to do, and Na Young knows that Minah is making the right decisions. Na Young is very caring and supportive of both her children.

siblings:  Kim Sunggyu (Infinite) | 24 | Baker at  Family Cafe/Barista at Starbucks | Sunggyu and Minah are very very close. Minah often tells things to her older brother that she never tells her parents. Sunggyu is very protective of Minah, and Minah looks up to her brother a lot. Sunggyu tries to help Minah get attention from their father as much as he can, but it doesn't work. Sunggyu is also very supportive of Minah and takes care of her when their father doesn't. Minah and Sunggyu have a love-hate relationship, but at the end of the day, they love each other.

Kim Jae Hyun | Died at 6 | Deceased | Jae Hyun was a very curious child. Minah would always have to hold his hand everywhere they went. Aside from being close to Minah, there wasn't much of a relationship to develop.


 do you miss them:  Of course, Minah misses her family. They raised her and everthing. However, Minah knows it's too late to go back now. Going back would just be shameful. She would have to live with it her whole life. Minah often thinks about her family, but it up and moves on because she knows she needs to.

do you regret leaving:  Though she misses her family, Minah doesn't regret leaving. She thinks it'll be easier for her family to have one less person in the house and she'll finally be able to experience things she's never experienced before. Minah thinks that since her father doesn't notice her anyway, he won't notice that she left the house.

 bestfriend:  Lee Eun Mi | 16 | They have all the same classes together. | Believe it or not, these two best friends are the exact opposite. Minah is so chipper, while Eun Mi is so negative and tomboyish. They have a love-hate relationship, calling each other names and hitting each other. They do understand one another though, and are closer than most people. The two of them can tell what the other is feeling and what happened just by looking at their facial expression. Eun Mi is one of the very few people who can see past Minah's smile.

do you go to school together:  Eun Mi and Minah do go to the same school together. They basically do everything together, and it doesn't bother anything at all. However, Eun Mi does need to hide the fact that she knows where Minah is from her parents.

 do they know about the ramen shop?:  Eun Mi approves of the ramen shop, but she does think Minah could just live with her. However, Eun Mi is okay with it nontheless and supports Minah the whole way.

would you move back:  Minah would not go back home because she had already gotten too close with everyone in the ramen shop. How could she go back home? They were her second family.

in your own eyes (answer in character!)

what do you think of the ramen shop?:  Minah is okay with it. She doesn't hate it, and she just thinks it's better than nothing. She doesn't judge it by its appearance because she knows (hopes) that the other people are worth living with.

 what do you think of Eunchan?:  Minah looks up to Eunchan as her second mother (believe it or not). She is okay with Eunchan and likes her. Minah has no problem with Eunchan and has a lot of fun with her.

What do you think of the kind gangster?:  Minah thinks the kind-hearted gangster is actually pretty cool. She's gotten somewhat close to him enough to figure out that he's not all tough and scary like everyone says he is. She thinks he's really nice.

 what do you think of the angry flowerboy?:  Minah absolutely dislikes him. No matter how boycrazy she is, Minah absolutely dislikes him. And she likes everyone.  She thinks he's nothing but a conceited who has nothing better to do but waste other people's time. She will not get along with him at all and have plenty of arguments with him.

what do you think of handsome oppa?:  Minah idolizes the handsome oppa. Not only does she think of him as an older brother, Minah sees him as a father she never had. So naturally, Minah would want to be close with him. However, she could never see him like in the love way.

 what do you think of the secretive smarty pants?: Minah finds him okay. She doesn't talk much to him because she kind of envies his intelligence. Minah is jealous of how smart he is and whenever she feels his "cold aura," Minah just wants to move away.

what do you think of the hopeless cause? : Minah definitely knows that he is capable of doing something. She is not letting him go until he talks to her and becomes friends. However, as Minah tries to talk to him more, she begins to develop feelings for the guy.

 what do you think of the sunny loser?:  She's actually really good friends with them. Considering how their personalities are somewhat alike, they talk a lot and joke around with each other.  Minah has a lot of fun with him and hopes to be good friends. Sometimes they would have arguments over what cartoon character is better.

what do you think of the star athelete?:  Minah thinks he's a little too perfect. She's good friends, but at times, she has this weird feeling, as if she knows he's hiding something. Nonetheless, she's good friends with him and they get along pretty well.

final thoughts

did I forget anything?:  No not really! :) The app is awesome! I love the layout.

 questions, comments, concerns?: Good luck with everything and everyone! Oh! I noticed a girl took my first ulzzang already so you can just go for my 2nd ulzzang. And if you have a problem with the plotline I chose, I'll choose the Kind-Hearted Gangster as my backup just in case and I can make another background and everything for him. XD :) I don't have any concerns! I just hope you have fun reading because I had a hell of a battle typing this out!

any scene suggestions or requests?:   Hmm a water fight sounds fun! XD I think they should all go to Lotte World and somehow separate into the couples. :) That would be cute!



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I love yer app! So sorry I didn't post your app last night, just got around to reading it >.<

Gosh everything is practically flawless! Thanks for applying!
Thanks for applying! Ahahah, she's cute. And Jong Kuk unfff. She's so determined to figure him out lol. I'm sure it must be hard though, since he's so... dark.