★★★ H.U.G.S M ★★★ [Moon Jing] ★★★

 H.U.G.S M

Dear Boy, I like you. Will you go out with me?

xoxo, Moon Jing

P.S I'm a feisty girl who will break the rules ;)

P.S.S I love you!



Username: DreamAndDance

Your name: Ariana

Activeness: 9


★Tell Me Tell Me

Character Name: Moon Jing

Hangul: 문진아

Chinese: 陈晶

Nickname: Jingle Bell, Baby Jing, Iron Jing

Date Of Birth: October 14th, 1994

Age: 18, almost 19

Ethnicity: Korean-Chinese

Birth Place: Victoria, Hong Kong, China

Hometown: San Francisco, California, USA

Languages: English (fluent), Mandarin (fluent), Korean (advanced), Cantonese (okay, but broken)

Height: 165cm

Weight: 50kg

Blood Type: B

Others: English name is Reneé Jessica Moon, Korean name is Moon Jin Ah


★Bad Girl

Personality: Most think Jing is the older twin because of her mature looks. She has an innocent face, but don't be fooled by that. Jing has a sharp tongue and speaks her mind without thinking, which can get her into trouble. She tends to be blunt and sometimes her words can seriously hurt a person's feelings. Jing's sarcastic, so don't try to sass her or she'll say something extremely witty and it'll make you look stupid. When angered, Jing is terrifying. She won't hesitate to swear at or speak rudely at the person who angered her, whether it's her own sister, a member from her group, or even a sunbae. If there are things in the room with her, she might throw it at you. Jing may seem strong and tough on the exterior, but inside hides an insecure girl afraid of failure. When she was a trainee, many of the girls told Jing she'll never make it as a star. Jing pushes herself to the limit to prove them wrong, but at the same time she's terrified of proving them right. If she feels that she doesn't work hard enough, Jing will lock herself in her room and listen to depressing songs while sitting down with her hands on her head. She refuses to cry, because she believes that it would show her weak side, and Jing never shows her weak side.

Despite these flaws, she has a kindhearted and caring side. Jing's willing to help people in need, but she'll never ask for help if she's in trouble. She'll normally deal with her own problems. Jing has been an avid dancer since childhood and loves to be in the center of attention, although she'll eagerly share the spotlight with her fellow members. She can be a bit of a show off sometimes but she won't brag about it out loud. Jing has a decent singing voice too, but she isn't interested in getting the position of a vocalist. She'd rather dance than sing. Once you get to know Jing better, she's an outgoing and loud character who's fun to be around. If you need to be entertained, call Jing and she'll take you to the wildest place to be entertained.

Like JaeHwa, Jing loves to be sociable and make new friends. She does however, tend to be closer to guys than girls because Jing believes boys are easier to talk to and get along better with. Whenever her friends are upset, Jing will immediately jump to the rescue. Jing also can be fiercely protective of her friends and isn't afraid to hurt whoever harms her friends, both physically and verbally. She may not be the best person to ask for advice, but she's an excellent listener and will lend her shoulder for a cry, Jing's a daredevil and is very adventerous. She loves thrilling things such as looped roller coasters and motorcycles. She can be a rulebreaker too and occasionally sneaks out of the dorms to sit on the rooftop or go for a night ride on her motorcycle. Jing also enjoys sleeping in like JaeHwa, but she'll obediently rise and won't complain. She'll even get up before sunrise and climb to the rooftop to watch the sun.

Background: Born on October 14th, 1994, Jing is the younger twin of JaeHwa by ten minutes. The Moon twins were put into ballet at age 3. Jing later pestered her parents to let her join the taekwondo academy next door because she thought it would be cool to learn self-defense and scare all the kids at her elementary school. When she was 13, Jing switched from ballet to hip hop after watching the dance crew Beat Freaks on TV, much to her mother's dismay. Once she entered high school, Jing joined the school's hip hop club and she learnt locking, popping, and breaking from the members. She was part of the school's debate team, so her public speaking skills are excellent to this day. Jing also expressed interest in the drama class, and despite her brilliant stage presence and dance experience, was given smaller roles in the school's plays/musicals.

Along with JaeHwa, Jing was popular back in school, although several students were afraid of her fiesty personality and sharp tongue. She had many admirers, but they were either terrified of confessing or she didn't bother returning their feelings. She didn't give a care on what some of the unfriendly girls said about her, and often made snide remarks to get them to leave her alone. Jing dated a guy or two, but they got too clingy and possessive. Jing hates it when boys are like that. When Jing found out JaeHwa had been betrayed by her friends, Jing vowed to protect her older sister.

Jing and JaeHwa were scouted by an SM representative during a dance competition held in Los Angeles in January 2009. Jing was at first skeptical of joining, but JaeHwa and the SM scout managed to persuade her to audition. On the first round, Jing immediately got in, much to her surprise. JaeHwa however, had to attend a callback before joining her sister.


- Dancing (locking, breaking, popping, tutting, etc.)

- Motorcycles

- Traveling

- Sour candy

- Any kind of animal


- Makeup

- Roses. Not only is she allergic to them, they hurt a lot too!

- Spiders

- Bit *cough* big meanies

- Boredom


- Replaces Korean words with English when she can't think of the right Korean phrases to say

- Snaps her fingers when she loses her train of thought


- Dancing

- Taekwondo

- Driving her motorcycle (is that a hobby?)


- Jing has been doing ballet since the age of 3, but switched to hip hop at age 13

- She is also trained in taekwondo, and has a black belt

- Jing puts a smiley face or a star after her signature

- She owns a Bearded Dragon named Sokka. JaeHwa strongly dislikes Sokka.

- Jing can her elbow

- She can do a 180 degree tilt leg extension because of dance and taekwondo. It is her signature dance move

- Secretly keeps a box of stuffed toys in her dorm

- Jing has a motorcyle license. Her motocycle is a black Kawasaki Ninja 650r, which she lovingly calls it Lightning

- She is the younger twin of Moon JaeHwa by ten minutes

- Jing's favorite video game is Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Her best character is Pikachu or Kirby

- She is allergic to roses. If she smells one, she'll break out into a bad case of hives and in some cases she can't breathe.

- Jing had major body issues when she was fourteen, but got over it

- Has a secret love for Pororo and Snoopy

★Pretty Girl

Idol faceclaim: Seohyun from SNSD/Girls' Generation

Backup idol faceclaim: Krystal from f(x)


★Only You

Family members:  

♛Father - [Moon Kyung Ho | Hairdresser | 50 ]  

♛ Mother - [Juliana Chen | Ballet teacher | 49 ]

♛ Sister - [Moon JaeHwa | H.U.G.S.K | 18 ]

♛ Brother - [David Moon | Student at Lowell High School in San Francisco | 14 ]


Best Friends:

♛ [Huang Zi Tao | 20 | Lead rapper/vocalist of EXO-M]

Friends: [five only] 

♛ [Xi Luhan | Lead dancer/vocalist in EXO-M]

♛ [Henry Lau | Idol in Super Junior, but is now a soloist]

♛ [Kim Hyoyeon | Lead dancer/rapper of Girls' Generation]

♛ [Jo Kwangmin | Main rapper/dancer of Boyfriend]

♛ [Minzy | Rapper/vocalist in 2Ne1]


★Follow Me

Twitter account: @JingleBell_HUGSK

Instagram account: @thatsJing


★Shine Bright

Persona: The Fiery Cherub (Jing may look cute and all, but just wait until you get to know her personally)

Stagename: Jing

Fanclub name: Crystal Bells

Fanclub colour: Silver and blue

Training years: 4 and a half years

Anything happened before debut?:

CFs: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4 (she felt silly in that one) | Link 5 | Link 6 | Link 7

MVs: MBLAQ's "This is War" MV and SHINee's "Why So Serious" MV. She was also a backup dancer for f(x)'s "Hot Summer" MV and recently danced in SISTAR's "Give It to Me" MV.

Positions: [put 'A' as first choice, 'B' as second choice and 'C' as third choice]

[ ] Main vocalist, leader, cf queen, actress, mc

[B] Sub vocalist, visual, mood maker, actress, cf queen
[C] Maknae visual, main vocalist, princess of charm, actress
[ ] Main rapper, triple threat, dance battle queen, actress, cf queen;taken by co-author
[A] Main dancer, face of the group, selca queen, actress, cf queen, mc


Chose two:

[ ] Solo [A]  Sub-Unit [B] Collaboration [ ] None


★ Pretty Boy

Love interest: Huang Zi Tao

Personality: Tao is pretty much a sensitive and emotional guy. He's also a conservative, introverted person, and seems to have lots of insecurities. But he's definitely a hard working and honest person.

How you met: While at SM, Tao was often bullied by some of the Korean trainees and one day Jing happened to be nearby when he was bullied. She defended him, and even punched one of the trainees to make them stop. Before Tao could thank her, Jing left quickly. The next time they met, Tao started talking to her and they've been best friends ever since.

Relationship: Best friends

How you treat each other: Jing greatly respects Tao and admires his will to work hard. They like to joke around and tease one another. Tao is more open and talkative whenever he's with Jing, and they know they can trust each other with anything. He may be the only person besides JaeHwa Jing will cry in front of. It's unsure whether Tao feels the same about Jing, and she refuses to confess because, 'guys do the confessing, not the girls.' If she's feeling particularly mischievous, Jing pinches Tao's cheeks, blinks her eyes, and says 'byui byui' just to make him get stuff for her. She likes to watch him practice wushu.

Backup love interest: Xiumin

Personality: Xiumin has a very calm exterior, but he can be playful when least expected. He is the neatest and cleanest member in EXO-M, and Xiumin wouldn't let embarassment get in the way of having fun.

How You Met: Xiumin passed her in the hallway one day just as she was close to tears. When he expressed his concern, Jing snapped and told him to back off. Instead of leaving her alone, Xiumin sat next to her and did his famous baozi faces to make her laugh.

Relationship: Friends

How you treat each other: The two almost have a sibling-like relationship. They'll insult each other, then laugh suddenly and start chatting like good friends. Whenever Jing buys food, Xiumin steals some from her. She won't throw a fit, but later she gets her revenge by tickling him into apologizing. Jing also helps him with his Mandarin.

Love rival: Park Cheondung (Thunder)

Personality: Thunder is a sweet guy who seems to have 'Prince Syndrome.' He's extremely terrible at gags and telling jokes. Thunder is always the odd one out among s in everything. 

How You Met: They met when Jing was in MBLAQ's music video "This Is War."

Relationship: Friends

Why is he your love rival: Because of their intimate moment in "This Is War," Thunder slowly fell for Jing except he's too shy to confess. He can tell Jing likes Tao but since Tao doesn't react to it, Thunder does whatever it takes to win Jing's heart. He gets jealous when he sees Tao and Jing together, and turns away when Tao places his hand on Jing's shoulders or leans in for a hug.

How you treat each other: Very chummy, will often call each other to go out to eat or shop. Jing hates it when he tells jokes though. She'll push him or poke him in the stomach to shut him up. They have this brother-sister relationship, and Thunder does care for Jing deeply, always reminding her to take care of her health. She is currently trying to convince Thunder to let her take him on a motorcycle ride.

Backup love rival: Lim Hyunsik

Personality: He is very relaxed, gentle, and optimistic. The problem is he can be too relaxed when he can't afford to be.

How You Met: Jing sometimes would tag along with her sister when JaeHwa went to film BtoB's "Insane." There, Hyunsik noticed Jing standing by the set and introduced himself.

Relationship: Acquaintances/casual friends

Why is he your rival: Hyunsik finds Jing interesting and wants to know her better. At the same time, he feels strangely drawn towards her.

How you treat each other: They're polite with each other, but they're definitely not awkward strangers. They text and talk on the phone if they have the time. 


★Baby Baby

Singing Twin: f(x)'s Amber Link 1

Dancing Twin: MissA's Min Link 1 Link 2 Link 3

Rapping Twin: Hello Venus's Lime Link 1 Link 2

Talking Twin: SNSD's Seohyun Link 1



Best friend in the group: Maknae visual, main vocalist, princess of charms, actress

How you interact: Jing looks after the maknae protectively, since she always wanted a younger sister. They'll spend their time talking and laughing with each other. But being the crazy, reckless daredevil Jing brings her on motorcycle rides and wild, fun places.


What's happening

Scene request: 

- Jing making Tao get stuff for her. 'Byui byui' moment xD

- An interview of H.U.G.S involving questions about EXO

- Tao gets injured and is sent to the hospital. When Jing visits him, she begins to cry and scolds him for being so careless

- The H.U.G.S. members go shopping and bond as friends

- An anti-fan gives Jing roses, and she has a severe allergic reaction right before a show. Her love interest and love rival are with her and they both her to the hospital

Comments: Yay, it's the younger twin! Don't you think Seohyun and Chorong look somewhat alike? :D It took me a while to find idols who look similar teehee. I've always wanted a twin sister :3 I'm a little worried about getting both of them in since there's so many amazing applicants, not to mention another set of twins! If you had to pick one of the Moon twins, I would prefer you pick JaeHwa since Kris is my number one bias in EXO  ^///^ but I'm rather fond of Jing too. It's your decision though :)

I was going to put TRAX's "Oh! My Goddess" since Seohyun herself is in it but the co-author has it in her app.

Suggestions: N/A - I've put them in JaeHwa's app



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