Let's Play A Game Application- Choi Hanuel


the lovely application~ 


Username: kpop_boss98
Activeness: 8-9/10 When I'm not in school 
Name: Sky

Character Basics--

Full Name: Choi Hanuel
Nickname(s): Sky or Hannie
Birthday + Age: 07/30/97 + 15 years old 
Race: Half-Korean and American
Appearance:    Ulzzang: Park So Ra

-Description: She is the princess of eye smiles. She is very good at doing aegyo, but doesn't enjoy doing it. She has long brown hair and big, bright eyes. She has the top of both of her ears pierced and a tongue piercing that no one but her parents and the members of the company know about, because she takes it out for shows and performances. She loves putting on eyeliner, but thinks it's a hassle to take off so she rarely wears it.
Style: Her usual style of casual clothes is a big, loose shirt and some loose jeans. She loves wearing sweatpants and a tanktop. She only wears short when it's humid or if she ran out of jeans to wear. She loves wearing bright colors though. Her closet is full of colorful shirts and some jeans/shorts. Her formal style is a short flowy dress or a nice shirt and slacks. She has about 5 dress in total in her closet because it is rare for her to wear them. She only wears a dress for special occasions. 



 ll to friends: She is kind and caring. She is always taking care of people and refuses to not care at all. She is protective and sometimes jealous that her friends don't have to worry about who they are friends with, while she does because of the company. They often visit, so she is always preparing food for herself  and her members to eat and just in case her friends show up. She hates it when they get teased so she is always standing up for them.

ll to enemies: She kills them with kindness. She is kind to everyone and doesn't mind that they aren't accepting of her kindness. She knows they hate her, but she always attempts to be friends. She is always smiling even if they say mean things to her or play pranks on her. She doesn't mind because inside she believes that they are actually really nice people and just need to be shown what kindness is.

ll to crush: She is shy and always blushes. She has a hard time pretending she doesn't like him because of her "open-book" face.  She likes playing hard to get. She pretends to act like she doesn't like him at all in attempt to get his attention when he's around other girls. She gets jealous a lot and always storms off to go walk around to calm her emotions when her crush is flirting with other girls.


  • Eating
  • Dancing & Singing
  • Drawing
  • Telling jokes
  • Playing with animals except cats
  • Caffeine
  • Music
  • Watching cartoons
  • Cleaning
  • Sleeping
  • Meeting new people
  • Comedy/Action/ Horror movies


  • Cats
  • Clowns
  • Being bored or hungry
  • Arrogant people
  • Being woken up really early


  • Playing soccer
  • Composing music
  • Writing
  • Window shopping
  • Being a dork


  • Biting her lip when she lies, is nervous or scared
  • Tapping her foot loudly when she's bored
  • Is hyper when she's tired
  • Can't go to sleep unless she's listening to music
  • Walking around when she's mad or annoyed


  • Bugs
  • Clowns
  • Dolls


  • Choi Sulli + 18 years old + She is a singer for SM in f(x). She is my sister. She was the one that encouraged me to try out as a idol. 

Model Info;

ll o1: Both casual and formal clothing. She would look good in both.

|| o2: She would be a model with a bit of attitude, depending on her mood that day.

|| o3: Her model persona would be a The Dorky, Smiley, & Cutie Model because in every photo she would be smiling or laughing. She would only be able to hold a poker face for a very short period of time.

►Seuggwan + 15 years old

►Mingyu + 16 years old
Others: password:joshua hong is a life ruiner.


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