B.L.U.E. Application Form-


Beep, beep! Pick up the phone, Kim Seuki!








the real you

username | kpop_boss98

profile link | 

name | Lizzie

activity |8/10 when I'm not in school


royalty, coming through!

name | Kim Seuki

date of birth | July 30, 1997

age | 15 (international age) 16 (korean age)

ethnicity | Korean/ American

birthplace | Denver, Colorado

hometown | Busan, Korean

languages | English and Korean (fluent), Mandarin (basics) 


prettier than a diamond~

Idol face-claim | Jiyoon (4minute)

visuals |   

Back-up idol face-claim | Ailee (Soloist)

visuals |   

height + weight | 5'3 + 54 kg (120 lbs)

blood type | B

other |  Has both of the tops of her ears pierced and a tongue piercing.


into my world

personality | She's a happy virus. She always takes care of her elders, though they don't like it when she does. She doesn't like to be babied and showered with gifts. She has two different attitudes; one for her private life and one for the stage. She loves acting and meeting new people, but she's a bit shy when she first meets a person. She is very playful and is rarely serious unless she is practice or is on stage. She is very serious about her career and strives to do her best. She is very outgoing and lives her life to the fullest.

background | She was always a happy child. She was outgoing, but then her parents were divorced when she was 7 years old. Her older brother was the one that always took care of her. She was shy in school after her parents' divorce. She convinced her brother to audition for  SM and he got in. She was so proud of him, but she was left alone to take care of herself. Her mother was always out, she rarely came home due to depression. Her father secretly kept contact with her and her brother because her mother didn't want her children to talk to him.  At age 11, her older brother convinced her to audition after seeing her sing at the SM practice room, when she came to visit him. She auditioned and got in, but she didn't use her brother in the references. She trained for 2 years and got placed in a girl-group called B.L.U.E.


likes | 

  • Food
  • Music
  • No common sense
  • Dancing
  • Singing/ Rapping
  • Comedy and Action movies
  • Coming up with jokes and puns
  • Asking questions
  • Confusing people
  • Playing with puppies
  • Skinship
  • Laughing

dislikes | 

  • Staying still
  • Being sad
  • Being hungry
  • Clowns
  • Mumbling
  • Alcohol
  • Cats
  • Homework

hobbies | 

  • Playing soccer
  • Drawing
  • Eating
  • Showing off
  • Pranking people
  • Reading 
  • Playing games with the members 

trivia | 

  • Favorite color is neon green
  • Never had a relationship
  • Younger sister of EXO-M's Xiumin
  • Wants to be an actress and idol
  • Favorite food is fish cakes
  • Loves variety shows
  • Is often compared to her brother which is good and sometimes bad for her.
  • Is amazingly very clumsy
  • Her ideal type has to be someone who is funny and likes skinship.
  •  Is not  judgemental unless you judge her.
  • Is a jokester and loves making people laugh.
  • She gets annoyed easily, but has a good poker face to cover up.
  • She had a short-temper.
  • She sometimes gets over-excited about things that aren't that surprising or special.
  • She is a genius but acts like an idiot.
  • She loves smiling therefore there is hardly any time she isn't smiling.


them lovely chingus


  • Kim Min Soo/ 50 years old/ Shop Owner
  • Kim Sun Hee/ 46 years old/ Housewife
  • Xiumin (Kim Min Seok )/22 years old/ Rapper in EXO-M

best friends

  • Chanyeol/20 years old/Rapper in EXO-K
  • Tao/ 18 years old/ Rapper of EXO-M
  • P.O./19 years old/Maknae&Rapper of BBC
  • Hyoyeon/ 24 years old/ Rapper of SNSD


  • Zelo/16 years old/ Rapper in B.A.P.
  • Kai/18 years old/ Main Dancer in EXO-K
  • Himchan/22 years old/ Rapper & Vocalist in B.A.P.
  • Lee Hi/ 16 years old/ Singer 
  • JR/18 years old/ Rapper& Leader of Nu'est
  • Zico/20 years old/ Rapper & Composer of BBC
  • Sunny/ 24 years old/ Singer of SNSD


sorry, but the paparazzi needs me!~

stage name | Hanuel

personal fanclub name | Melodies

anything happen before debut? | Appeared in  TVXQ's Humanoids MV and SHINee's Juliette MV as a back-up dancer and SHINee's Juliette MV. I also meet my love interest before debut.

training years | 2 years and 4 months

position [put '0' as first choice, '-' as second coice] 

[ ] Leader, main rapper

[ ] Lead dancer

[ ] Lead vocalist, visual

[- ] Main vocalist, face of the group

[o ] Maknae, main dancer

[ ] Co-leader, second main vocalist

[ ] Second visual, second lead vocalist

[ ] Second main dancer

[ ] Second main rapper 






it's not a scandal, it's love!






love interest | Tao

how you met | I was on a school trip to China. I had gotten lost and asked a lot of people for directions. Tao happened to be one of those people, he helped me find the place our class was supposed to meet at. I thanked him and he shyly asked for my number. I gave it to him, in hopes that he was n't a stalker. He texted me and asked how I was doing. I answered that I was fine and was now living in Korea as a trainee at SM. He replied back quickly saying he had debuted at SM. We agreed to meet as soon as he came to Korea. A month later, he came and we met up for coffee. We talked and formally introduced ourselves. We got to know each other as we went window shopping. We continued to text and meet up. I began to fall in love with him and confessed, he also said he had fallen for me. But we both it would be better for both of us, if we didn't date or get involved with each other. 

current relationship | Crushes & Best friends

love rival | JR 

back-up love interest |  Pyo Ji Hoon (P.O.)

how you met | We met at school. We bumped into each other in the hall and found out we both were trainees (back before he debuted) and I began to fall in love with him. He debuted first, so we became distant. We kept contact, though.

current relationship | Friends

back-up love rival | Zico


final words...

questions, comments | None I can think of...

scene request(s) | I don't really have one.

password | oppaoppa


credits to: hansolli 


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