Girlfriend Application Form- Su Min


application form

which member do you want to be:Su Min

do you want to have a pairing with any other members: Yes,well anyone who chooses me :)  

do you want to have a pairing with any boys in SM or outside SM: Yes. In SM, Chanyeol or Outside SM, 

Likes: learning new things, Meeting new people, eating, dancing, pranks, and playing soccer. 

Dislikes: Being hungry, arrogant people, being bored, and doing nothing.

Hobbies: Soccer,Composing, Dancing, Playing pranks, and Making people laugh.

Habits: Biting her lip when she's nervous or scared.

Trainee Years: 2

Suggestion of nicknames: Min or Minnie

Password: 7girlfriends

Anything Else?: Nope~


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