Awful [part 2]

secondly, my grades...they're really bad, well

to my family that is. every member in my fa-

mily can get 85 and above but not me. i just

got my grades recently and this is what i got:

-English: 83

-Literature: 90

-Chinese: 91

-Maths: 76

-I.T: 92

-Science: 85

-Bahasa: too ashamed to tell


this is not good, to my family is low. in my school

it's average. i feel stupid, i tried as hard as i could

but i can't seem to get high marks. i would always

have stupid and careless mistakes in my maths,

science and bahasa, well i can't do anything about

it. it just stays like that. as they say, magic always

comes with a price, i guess grades do too. and it's

too much to bear. and this is not even the last bit

of problems in my life.



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You should focus more on your study :) do it before you really late.
otl I have to focus on my own study too
Your grades are high, but not that high. Maybe your parents would like it if your grades were higher than 85, I.T and Chinese are high enough. You should try staying away from the computer. Do homework or study first. If that's hard for you, then try re-calling what you studied in school, that way you could totally get higher grades ^^
jiosne #3
At least you got those results ... My results are way worst the you, you are like 3 times better then me LOL >.<