subconscious flirt

people have always told me that I flirt constantly, I've always denied it because I'd never really tried to flirt but apparently it comes naturally to me... I understood what everyone was talking about last night though- as I was busy on the mashed line I was standing across from a guy who kept staring at, not my face mind you, but my s. I sorta shrugged it off until I noticed why he was so entranced- the shirt I'd warn had a very large plunging neckline and the action I was doing at the moment was... well, I looked very inviting... I probably should've reacted differently but ignoring my better judgment I began to exaggerate my movements- I found it hilarious^^


on another update on my life, I got a new computer, I love it so much^^ it's and HP Laptop and it has a freaking finger scanner^^ it wasn't to expensive either, just a little over 500^^

oh, and I've lost a bit of weight, which is both good and bad, bad being that it seems my s are the first to go... man, I sound like I'm obsessed with them, which I guess is kinda true since it's one of my favorite parts of my body, but still... I'm strange...


oh, and a HOL2 update will be coming around soon enough, when I switched over to my new computer I'd been working on it (damn near finished it really -.-) and I ended up not saving it into my writing file before my other computer was reformatted... which since it was turning out to be a pretty good chapter too -.- 


so yeah... I think that's all I've been up to, I gotta go to work soon so Maybe an update tomorrow or some time this week...


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