♫ ❣ ღWᴏɴᴅᴇʀLᴜx ~ Aᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ (Zenelle Li)♫ ❣ ღ


WonderLux ~ Application










 [[ Zenelle Li / Nelly / The Mechanical Ballerina ]]





Hello Mate 




Nickname:  Ari/Ariana


Username: DreamAndDance


Profile Link: Link :)


Activeness: 9


layout credit goes to «✴«


Who is SHE?

▶◀ Name: Zenelle Li (ethnicity is Chinese)

▶◀ Nickname(s): Nell, Ellie, the Eating Machine, Chocobaby

▶◀ Age:(16-20): 18, turning 19

▶◀ Birthdate: October 14th, 1994

▶◀ Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

▶◀ Hometown: San Francisco, California, USA (moved there when she

was 10)

▶◀ Languages: English (fluent), Mandarin (fluent), Korean (fluent)

▶◀ Bloodtype: B










 Let's Dig a Little Deeper.....





     ♦As Zenelle♦ Zenelle is described as super energetic and can be positive about anything. She belives the most beautiful thing a

person can have is a smile. Ironically, she doesn't smile in photos because she thinks her smile isn't pretty. Zenelle laughs

and smiles all the time, whether to hide emotional pain or to trick her haters into knowing they can't ruin her. Zenelle is the life of

the party, and she's a rather loud and outgoing character, bringing laughter and cheer to those around her. Zenelle is definitely a

romantic kind of girl and would love it if people did spontaneous things for her. She's a bit of a softie who cries in romance or

tragedy films and loves stuffed animals. Zenelle would definitely be the little kid of WonderLux, because of her crazy and childish

personality. At first glance, she may look like a quiet, shy girl, but you'll realize she's really an animated, silly girl within the first

ten seconds of a conversation.


⇔Zenelle as a friend⇔ Though she is seen as a blabblemouth, Zenelle keeps secrets and promises shared with her. Zenelle is

also very open. She is a social butterfly and can easily make new friends. She does however, tend to be closer to guys than girls

because she feels that boys are better to get along. When her members and friends are down, Zenelle will immediately come in to

lighten the atmosphere. People flock to her if they're having a bad day, because she'll do anything to make her friends laugh,

even if it means making a complete fool of herself. Zenelle has a kindhearted side and supports her friends no matter what. She

may not be the best at giving advice, but she's excellent at listening and will lend her shoulder for a cry.


≈Idol/dancer Zenelle≈ Zenelle deeply loves all her fans and tries her very best to respond to fan mail. On and off stage she has a

very charismatic and cheerful appeal, which makes her so likeable among fans. Zenelle can never shut up; she's extremely

talkative and always has something to say in a conversation. This makes it easy for her in interviews. She'll normally play along

with the MCs' jokes and doesn't mind them poking fun at her. Even though Zenelle enjoys having fun, she's dead serious when it

comes to work. She picks up choreography quickly and sometimes suggests her own flair in the choreography. She'll often stay up

late to practice her dancing.


►The other side of Zenelle► Zenelle enjoys sleeping in and she can quite nasty if you try to wake her up. If WonderLux doesn't

have any plans for the day she has a strict do-not-wake-me-up-until-ten rule. She won't hesitate to slap or yell at you in English if

woken up rudely. When angered, Zenelle will start cursing despite her intense dislike of people swearing. But she'll calm down

quickly and return to her happy self. She'll never be able to hold a grudge against someone. She can also be stubborn if she

doesn't get her way and refuses to budge until you give in,something she's trying to change. She takes it hard when people

criticize or ignore her, and scolds herself for being the way she is.


▶◀ Loves

- Children/babies

- Any kind of animal

- Chocolate

- Dancing

▶◀ Likes

- Hats/headbands/hairbows

- Traveling

- Historical fiction/fantasy books

- Pastries/desserts

- Disney and Pixar fims

- Drawing

- Stuffed toys

- Trying out new foods

- Aegyo

- Basketball

▶◀ Dislikes

- Makeup

- Waking up early

- Puppets

- Swearing

- Procrasination (but she still does it)

- Coffee

▶◀ Hates

- Horror

- Backstabbers, liars, the usual

- Bullies

- People who copy her choreography. Like come on, get some ideas of your own!

▶◀ Habits

- Replaces Korean words with English when she can't say the right Korean phrases

- Plays with her earrings

- Taps her feet to music

- Pokes her cheeks when bored

- Choreographs dances when she can't sleep 

- Uses Lady Gaga's "Pokerface" as a warm up song for dance

- Listens to 2Ne1's "I AM THE BEST" while getting ready in the bathroom and does a bunch of crazy poses.

▶◀ Trivia

 - Zenelle is known for her large appetite. She can eat four bowls of rice in one sitting.

- She loves the English singer Ed Sheeran, and has a poster of him in her dorm.

- Zenelle can do a 180 degree tilt leg extension from dance, which soon became her signature dance move.

- She has a hamster called Percy and a Pomeranian puppy named Chachi.

- She had her ears pierced when she was only three years old.

- All time favorite song is Replay by SHINee. She'll never get tired of playing or hearing it.

- Zenelle has never had a boyfriend or a first kiss because she's waiting for the "right one."

- She can her elbow.

- Gets along extremely well with members of SHINee and EXO.

- Has been doing ballet for fourteen years.

- When she signs her name, she puts a smiley face with the y in Nelly




123. ❇What you see is what you get❇

Ulzzang Name : Baek Su Min

Back-Up Ulzzang Name : Jo So Yeon

Height: 164cm

Weight: 48kg

Other features : Has one piercing on each ear

Fashion : Zenelle likes to wear clothes that make her feel comfortable yet fashionable. She matches colorful, vibrant graphic tees with shorts or jeans, so she has a casual look. Her girly side shows when she wears cute sweaters and pretty looking tops, but she feels uncomfortable in skirts so she rarely wears them. She loves dresses that flow freely or have flowery patterns. For training Zenelle normally wears gym/basketball shorts and matches it with either a tank top or a sports bra. Her favorite shoes are sneakers, wedges/sandals, and any type of boots. Zenelle tolerates heels and will obediently wear them to formal events, but sometimes she'll show up in sneakers.

Casual: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3  | Link 4

Dressy: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 (pretend the heels are wedges/sandals)

Formal: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3

Practice: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3

Airport: Link 1 | Link 2

Dorm: Link 1 | Link 2






 One's Roots are Everything

FAMILY (Fill in as needed)


Father ¦ Darius Li ¦ 50 ¦ Basketball coach ¦  Playful, loving, understanding, considerate, caring¦ Darius and Zenelle are like best buds. They joke around and Darius loves teasing his daughter about her social life. He taught her how to play basketball despite her mother's complaints. They even have cool handshakes.

 Mother ¦ Emily Pang ¦ 49 ¦ Ballet teacher ¦  Strict, tough, somewhat intimidating, ambitious, protective ¦ Zenelle loves her mother, but Emily barely shows signs of affection toward her. Emily was Zenelle's ballet teacher, and Emily pushed her daughter to the limit. It's a bit awkward now since Emily's furious Zenelle quit ballet to join SM. Emily even ignores Zenelle's phone calls and emails to her.


FRIENDS  ( No less than 2) 


Close  gege ¦ Kris Wu ¦ 22¦ EXO-M ¦  Mysterious, cool, serious, warm-hearted, caring ¦ Zenelle adores Kris and he in turn thinks she's the most adorable thing ever. If they have free time they'll often play basketball. She normally makes fun of him for taking extreme care of his appearance, and he retaliates by commenting on her height and chocolate obsession. If she can't go to her best friends for advice, Zenelle will go to Kris. They're always talking in Mandarin or English, with a few Korean phrases mixed in.

Close oppa| Kim Jong In "Kai " | 19 | EXO-K | Hard working, fierce, competitve, respectful, a playboy | Kai and Zenelle love to compete against each other in sports. Her mother was his ballet teacher back in Korea, so the two were childhood friends. They lost contact after Zenelle moved to California but reunited when they bumped into each other at Music Bank. Sometimes he'll try to flirt with Zenelle, which results in her elbowing him in the stomach. He calls her "Little Ballerina," since they used to do dance together.

Sunbae/oppa ¦ Kim Jonghyun ¦ 23 ¦ SHINee ¦ Charismatic, funny,  sensitive, hard working, cheerful ¦ See below for interaction.

Gege | Huang Zi Tao | 20 |  EXO-M | Shy, introverted, lonely, honest, loving | Tao is probably one of the friendliest people Zenelle has met, and she  admires his determined, hard working personality. She loves to talk to him and does her best to bring him out of his shell.

Oppa | Xiu Min | 23 | EXO-M | Neat, silly, fun, playful, has a calm exterior | Xiu Min is very easy to get along with and Zenelle feels comfortable having a conversation with him. Whenever Zenelle is sad, he'll do his famous baozi faces to make her smile again.



Best girl friend | Luna | 19 | f(x) | Talkative, blunt,  cheerful, sensitive, funny | They two girls met on the set of Hot Summer and instantly clicked. Zenelle jokes that she and Luna were meant to be sisters because they're quite similar in their likes and habits. Since Luna wants to learn more Chinese, they watch Chinese films and they'll occasionally have a go at conversing in Chinese. Their relationship is a strong, sisterly bond, and Zenelle feels completely comfortable trusting Luna with anything. Whenever Jonghyun is nearby, Luna pushes Zenelle in his way to initiate a conversation.

Best guy friend | Kim Kibum "Key" | 21 | SHINee | Dramatic, fashionable, diva-like, goofy, loud | You could say Key is Zenelle's fashion consultant. Whenever she needs help picking an outfit, Zenelle calls Key. The two enjoy going shopping together and Zenelle teaches Key English. He is the only person besides Luna who knows about Zenelle's crush on Jonghyun and likes to about it. She'll often go to him for love advice as he's the closest to Jonghyun. Key  also attempts to set blind dates between Jonghyun and Zenelle and drops hints at Jonghyun to prompt him to ask Zenelle out.






 I Got You On My Radar


▶◀ Love Interest: Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), age 23


▶◀ Relation


▶◀ How did you meet?/How do they interact?

They met during a fan signing back in 2009. Zenelle gave him a meter long banner with his name in English and

Korean on it. When she entered SM, Zenelle was very happy to discover Jonghyun still remembered her. Zenelle tends to be

clumsy and shy around him because he has been her bias/crush since SHINee's debut. Jonghyun will sometimes ruffle her hair

affectionately and put his arm at her shoulder, which incites rumors. They joke around and playfully push one another. For free

time they go out to the city to experiment new restaurants. Zenelle can keep up with Jonghyun's fast eating pace, which

impresses him. He takes her to horror films, and she'll force herself to watch it just to be with Jonghyun. But she knows that to

him, work always comes before relationships, so she never has the courage to confess. Zenelle also worries they won't be able to

maintain a relationship because of their crazy idol lives.

▶◀ Back-Up Love Interest: Kris Wu (EXO), age 22

▶◀ Relation

Close friends

▶◀ How did you meet?/ How do they interact?

On her first day as an SM trainee, Zenelle was lost in the building. She opened a random door and accidentally walked in on Kris

changing. Zenelle adores Kris and he in turn thinks she's the most adorable thing possible. They play basketball in

their free time. Kris is the person she'll go straight to if her best friends aren't there. They even give each other personal

nicknames. Kris calls Zenelle 'xiao wa wa' (little doll), and she calls him Dragon Captain. It is unknown whether Kris likes Zenelle,

because he s Zenelle and Jonghyun (eg. when Jonghyun reaches out to hug Zenelle, Kris rushes in to hug her

first. Or when Zenelle sees Jonghyun heading her way, Kris immediately pulls her the opposite direction).

▶◀ Love Rival






Practice Makes Perfect

 ▶◀ How long did you train? 3 years, was scouted during a dance competition at Los Angeles in early 2010.

 ▶◀ How was your experience as a trainee? Zenelle's training days weren't very eventful, but there were a few hiccups along the

way. Some of the Korean trainees bullied her because they saw her as a threat. It was tough for Zenelle to enter dance studios

with groups of girls whispering and pointing openly at her. One time Zenelle even got a letter from her bullies pressuring

her to quit. She almost did, not only because of the bullies but also from the work expected from her and she often got

extremely homesick. However, she made friends with the Chinese trainees and the bullies eventually left her alone. Zenelle told

herself to work hard to accomplish her dreams. So every night, Zenelle stayed past midnight perfecting her dancing and vocals.

She pushed and exerted herself to the point where she became ill, but it was worth it.

Predebut: Zenelle was featured in MBLAQ's "This is War" MV, SHINee's "Dream Girl" and "Why So Serious" MV, and recently

appeared in Henry's "Trap" MV. She was also a backup dancer for f(x)'s "Hot Summer" MV and TTS's "Twinkle" MV. She was a

model for dance catalogues back in San Francisco too.

 ▶◀ Stage Name: (You must have this): Nelly

 ▶◀ Persona: The Mechanical Ballerina

 ▶◀ Position: Lead dancer, vocalist

 ▶◀ Back-Up Position: Main dancer, sub-vocalist

 ▶◀ Personal Fanclub Name: Chatty Robots

 ▶◀ Personal Fanclub Color: Metallic rose

 ▶◀ Personal Twitter Username: @NellyofWonderLux

 ▶◀ Singing Twin: Hello Venus's Yoo Ara Link 1 Link 2

 ▶◀ Dancing Twin: SISTAR's Bora Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

 ▶◀ Rapping Twin: N/A

277. ❇Thank you!!!❇

Questions? :

Scene Requests? : 

- Just minutes before their debut concert, one of the WonderLux members gets locked in a dressing room and her love interest, who happens to be nearby, hears her calls for help and tries to get her out.

- Dates/interactions between WonderLux members and their love interests! ^_^

- The members bonding with each other, like maybe go shopping or watch a movie.

- Interactions for Zenelle with Key and Luna. I would really like a scene of Key complaining while he goes through Zenelle's closet. Or better yet, have a shopping scene of Key and Zenelle. They should have a runway in the stores while the salespeople give them irritated looks.

Story Plotline Ideas? : 

- WonderLux going out for the night, maybe getting mobbed by fans along the way

- Plenty of variety shows and interviews for the girls! That way there will be lots of hidden things revealed ;)

- Hello Baby

Debut Song Suggestion : Goodbye Baby

 I Got a Boy

Electric Shock








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