Pieces update

It is currently 4:20 am where I live. The sad part is, I tried to go to sleep, but I coudn't ... wanna know why?

I am ing sick. I have a sinus cold (I'm pretty sure) and I have the sinus headache from hell right now. I've had it since I woke up this morning! :(

Anyway, the point of this blog thingy is to let you all know how things are going to work. 

I am sorry, but Pieces (and my other stories) won't be updated really soon. I didn't think I was this sick until, well, this morning. And it's kind of hard for me to write when I have a killer headache, a cough, a sore throat, and an annoying nose! :( 

When I am feelinga bit better, I will write a ton and try to make it up to my amazing, beautiful, and awesom readers! *hugs* 

Sorry for all that has been going on lately! School was a pain ... and now this! Yeah, I'm sorry!!! I'm really sorry guys. 

My plans are to finish my stories that I have right now and start some new ones after, so hopefully everything will go according to plan!

Umm ... so that's about it. Not too exciting, quite the opposite actually. 

Thank you all for being so patient with me and not unsubscribing! I'm really sorry for not updating and everything ... I'm trying!



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No rush! Get better soon ♥
LoveLovii #2
Hope you get better!!! And update when you can ^-^
Aww, you poor thing~ Take your time to recover, no rush. Feel better unnie, Hwaiting!