I Need Advice, Ladies Or Gentlemen, I Wouldn't Mind. Just Please, I Need Advice!

Guys, I have a boyfriend for 9 months now, and my dad has been home for less than a month, he told me to tell us if there's any lucky guy.. I wanna tell him, and I will, but... how? This is where you guys comes in, please help me, give me advice how to tell my dad! I love him too much to tell lies that there's no one, I love Zhei, and I love my dad. I don't want to lie anymore, I want my parents to know there is someone! But, I really don't know what to say!

So please, tell me any plan you have in mind! I've had enough lies! Please, I've been lying to my mom about him, and what'll happen if he finds out? I don't want to hurt anyone.. anymore.. How did we get to that topic? Well, every night we have a family talk and tonight's topic was , and there Zhei came into, dad asked if there's any, my unnie looked at me and bit her lip, we remained silent and shook our heads, then dad delivered the final kill, "If there's any young lucky man who stole my daughters' hearts, I'd like to know who he is. It's fine if I can't see him, I'd just like to know if there is any." And he smiled.

See? I feel so damn guilty! So please, share any idea and I'll consider it! Please, I need your help ASAP!


- Oracle [DaeJaetheBestOTP]


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First tell your boyfriend that he wants to know and see if he'd like to meet him and if he does when you tell your dad you can plan a dinner date so they can get to know him :)
your dad seem cool about it. just say it straight up. lol
Uhm... Well, I think at the next family talk, you should say that there is a 'lucky guy' there :)
okay first of all...how old are you? since if you're young...well...telling ur parents honestly isnt a good idea.

but if you're at a good age to be dating, i suggest you tell him. your parents seem cool so im sure they would understand and wont mind. unlike mine who freak out the moment they see guy contacts in my phone =__=

and woah. 9 months? thats really long! it's bound to be longer! i give you my best wishes ^^
You should just tell them. From reading this I feel like your family understands the fact you can date at this age. Honesty is the best policy right? At least your parents aren't like mine o_o my dad told me he'd pour boiling water on my face if I had a boyfriend.
I'd just tell him. It would be better than lying and I know that's what I'd do. I can't hide anything from my mom anyway and I always end up telling her in the end.
I would tell him :)
I don't like lying so I don't. Personally, I would first of all apologize for keeping it a secret from him for so long, and then just say that there is someone. If your parents ask why you didn't tell them, just tell them the truth why (if you were scared, etc.). I'm sure they'd be ok with it^^
Trust is a double-sided sword. Don't lie :)
The way I see it there is not reason to worry about what your parents will say to you, since they have understand the fact that you're old enough to have a boyfriend. I think that they already know that you're dating someone and from what they told you they want to make you feel comfortable and be able to tell them about it!
you are lucky that you have parents like them and they are not overprotective! So in my opinion just say it to them naturally and be confident because you love him and love is something that shouldn't be hidden!!
good luck!! N fighting!!!
Don't wait too long. It will only get worse through time, but don't tell them unless you're ready. Sit them down together, be confident because they ARE your parents and will love you not matter what, and tell them. You just have to be all like...

"Mom, Dad, I've been meaning to tell you this, but I was scared at first since I didn't think you'd aprove, but I'm actually dating a really great guy, Zhei, and I really love him and hope you guys support our relationship!"

Something like that, just be honest and direct.
you have been dating for 9 months so it really is important to know if he is treating you well and all :D

you can talk to your dad in private (it depends on you)

"dad, im sorry for not telling you but i have a boyfriend.i love him and hes really kind and nice (if he is). i just want to know if you approve..." or something like that :D

just express what you feel :)

wish you luck unnie ^^
Tell them as if you're writing... Put it in nice word and be sincere, it will make everyting a LOT better (;
Still comments even if this was posted 2 hours ago. heh

-w- The most important thing before telling them is timing. Tell it when they're in a good mood. It's a bit easier that way.
I have no idea what I'm saying since I'm just an innocent 12 year old that is not really that innocent. owo

Be like, "Hey, dad. I'm really sorry that I didn't said this before but... I'm dating someone. And no, I'm not talking about the idols. This is real dad..."

Okay. Cut until the someone. LOL
To be honest, i'd tell him if we were already in the topic. XD but..idk since i don't have any experience. I just turned 13 Today lol. But i'd start like..

"Hey dad, i have something to tell you and i'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier when you asked..." then just..well tell him i guess? XD

i'm still young so idk TT w TT tell us how you told him when you do :)