Rant - Advertising

Okay, so I'm going to have to do this because it like literally just ing happened.

I don't mind reading a new story and the author advertises in like the foreward or advertises another, story for a friend in their foreward because hey; friends help friends. But if you come on MY story or MY wall and advertise you're ing story to me I will delete the comment or post and in general be pissed the off. 

My wall is not a free advertising space, okay? And neither is the comment section of any of my stories. it's quite rude to advertise YOUR story in my comments, because that comment is not helping anything. IT'S NOT FEEDBACK ON MY WRITING, and you aren't talking to another reader or replying to me or asking me a question. You're being rude as hell and insulting the writer in my opinion.

Advertise via YOUR BLOG, YOUR STATUS AND YOUR OTHER STORIES. Or ask a friend to advertise for you but don't EVER post an advertise comment on my wall or my story.


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someone advertised on my fic once ahahhahahahahahahahahaaa
but it is quite annoying especially when at the end of the post on your wall it says something like this:

*bbuing bbuing* *pouts cutely* im so so so so sorry for taking up your wall space! But please read <3 -bows-

ackk gosh if you were really that sorry then why did you advertise on my wall in the first place? ;__;
I feel you. I don't know how many times my graphic shop has been used as a place for advertising other graphic shops. It's just so inappropriate and rude, ya know?