
So I'm kinda mad, but at the same time I can't care. I have an applyfic with no applicants, and one interested but no one has contacted her. Like literally none. Big fat zero. And it makes me a bit mad because I worked hard to create the plotlines and overall plot and had a plan and everything and just nothing. So I've decided to let it be for another week or so before I delete it because no one cares obviously, and that's okay. Just wasted some work and a whole night and some days of thinking up plots and researching stars and such, but it's no biggie. -.-

Yes that was all sarcasm, and yes I'm very irritated and mad and I understand that people have lives and things to do other than make an application fro some fanfic, but still the creator of said fanfic put the same effort into making it and is willing to write the whole damn thing. Subscribing doesn't help if you don't apply to an applyfic. I might be being a whiney but what the ever. I don't care anymore since it seems no one else does. It's whatever, like I said another idea to scrap. >.>


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dontforgetthisuserna #1
Sorry about that, but don't be so hard on yourself! It happens to everyone, I'm sure. But don't scrap your idea! You can always try again or just write the story yourself? I don't know much about applyfics, but you could always transform it into a normal one if you really like the idea, right?