l e u x application/turn it in post

(remember to delete all of the brackets and my comments, this one included) place all of the pictures/gifs of Hyorin with pictures/gif of your model/ulzzang/actress/ect)

remember to title this ✌ { l e u x 's potential employee, (character name) }

use le smexi source code~

remember the password?? >.<

have funnn ♥




(character name) imnida!

                            -   -   -   -    -   -     -  










ear-candy: (favorite song; can be something other than kpop)
                                                        eye-candy: (best looking employee or visitor here)
                                    playing on my radio: (what song do you hear as you walk into the club right now?)
                                                                     feeling: ✧ (measure how you feel through those stars or put an emotion that you feel as you apply)



username || what i should call you || activeness (1-5)


*Ayo, What's up?

In case you didn't hear, the name's (insert full name here), but you can just call me (put nickname here, if none then just delete

this)! Currently (age here; 17-26) & have been screwing up this world since (mm/dd). (blood type here) runs through my veins. My height

and weight? (Height and weight here; if in cm put in kg or if in ft put in lbs)! If you can't tell, I'm (ethnicity here; go crazy! there's no

restrictions on what race you can be); I fell from heaven and landed in (bitrthplace; can be anywhere in the world) and was raised in

(hometown; can be anywhere). Did I mention I can speak (put languages you know here; be realistic~ 4 max and state fluency).


I'm hoping to be l e u x 's new (put staff position you're applying for here)!


Oh, and I'm (single, taken, complicated, fwb, put relationship status here~ be creative!) ;D



*You can c l o s e your mouth now.

Face Claim ] (you can use models, actresses, ulzzangs, ect. it doesn't matter to me, just make sure it matches ethnicity~)

 [ Pictures (3+ add a gallery if you want)

Back up ] (hey, you never know!)

[ Pictures ] (3+, add a gallery if you want)

[ Surgery ] (ever had it? if so, state where)

[ Extra ] (piercings, tattoos, birthmarks, scars, ect. if something in your model differs like you want here to have red hair but she's a brunette, put that here, too)



*I look good, today? Oh, I k n o w.

[ Style ] (you put a couple scentences about how you dress here~ 3+)

[ Casual ] (3+ for each, hyperlink~)

[ Sleepwear ]

[ Formal ]

[ Swimwear ]

[ At Home ]


*You want to know me better? Get in l i n e.

[ Personality ] (this is one of the most important parts of the app~ 2+ paragraphs, bold the most important aspects, and this can be written from you character's POV or not)

[ Best Qualities ] (3+)

[ Worst Qualities (3+) 

[ Likes ] (5+)

[ Dislikes ] (5+)

[ Fears ]  (2+)

[ Hobbies ] (5+)

[ Habits ] (5+)

[ Trivia ] (unlimited~)



*So I w a n t to be...

[ Job ] (the job you're applying for~)

[ Back Up Job ] (the other job you'd want)

[ Favorite Workers ] (2+ you don't have to put all fo them!)

«Name || Position || How you two interact» 

«Name || Position || How you two interact»

«Name || Position || How you too interact»

«Name || Position || How you too interact»


[ Least Workers ] (2+ you don't have to put all fo them!)

«Name || Position || How you two interact»

«Name || Position || How you two interact»

«Name || Position || How you too interact»

«Name || Position || How you too interact»


[ Feelings About Job ] (How do you feel about working here? Ashamed? Don't give a ? Love it?)

[ Lifestyle ] (What's your life like outside of the club? Do you have another job? Where do you live? Are you a student? Anything outside of the club, put it here.)

[ Anything Else ] (Here you can put things about your background and how you came to be who you are today~ This is optional~ If you think it's significant to the story, since I will put how life is like outside of it, then add family members or anything else.)



*M i n e.



{ Replace these with pictures/gifs of your love interest; this is optinal }

[ Love Interest ] (pretty self explanitory~)

[ Personality Traits ] (4+, good and bad)

[ Status ] (Together, FWB, Frenemies, Taking a break, Waiting for him/her to make a move, etc. Be creative)

[ Relationship ] (How you two interact~ 1 paragraph)

[ Ideal 1st Date ] (2+ situations)

[ Cute Facts ] (ever had it? if so, state where)

[ Back Up ] (2+, in order of preference)


*I kinda d o n ' t like you...



{ Replace these with pictures/gifs of your rival; this is optional }

[ Rival ] (pretty self explanitory~)

[ Personality Traits ] (4+, good and bad)

[ Rivalry ] (What kind of rivalry is this? Love? Work? Outside of the job?)

[ Relationship ] (How you two interact~ 1 paragraph)

[ Why? ] (Why are you guys rivals?)


*Pssh, I'm not n e r v o u s... I'm just shaky.

{ Answer in the POV of your character }

Q: What makes you different from everyone else applying? 


Q: Can you be a professional when you're dealing with drunk cosumers or annoying ones? 


Q:  Why are you shaking?



*See ya later!

[ Questions, comments, anything I missed? ] 

[ Scene Requests ]  (99% guranteed to be in the story~ I love seeing what you guys came up with!)

[ Password ] (well thennn?)








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Hi! I hope it isn't too late but here is my app

Holy mother of the land of cheeseballs..I finally...FINALLY..got this app done! I took me so long because I'm like the master or procrastination..merppp~

Hahahaha! Aside from my stupid lazy self of I, here I present to you..my app: ....DUN..DUN...DUNNNN~!!

Oh god! it took me three whole days to finish it! hahah I just wanted to make it as good as I could. Hope you like it and if you need me to change anything just let me know and I will do it right away ~ ^^
Finished my app, let me know if you want anything changed/added!!

piscesdog #7
Hi (^~^)//
Here is my application
Hope you will like Jaylee Lee ^^

bb here's my application,
hope you like him <3

Hello! Hope you like her. :)

Rebecca Kings: