l e u x 's potential employee, Rebecca Kings



Rebecca Kings - imnida!

                            -   -   -   -    -   -     -  










ear-candy: As of currently, Stay by Rihanna
                                                        eye-candy: Lee Howon
                                    playing on my radio: Do It Like A Dude - Jessie J (playing on my ipad!) 
                                                                     feeling: ✧ I'm very excited! LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!



Tamikq1234 || Tami || 10


*Ayo, What's up?

In case you didn't hear, the name's Rebecca Kings, but you can just call me Becky or Becca, which ever you prefer to use! Currently 19 & have been screwing up this world since 08/09. Bloodtype B runs through my veins. My height

and weight? 164cm and 51kg! If you can't tell, I'm Korean-British; I fell from heaven and landed in London, England and was raised in

London but moved to Korea when I was 15. Did I mention I can speak English and Korean fluently, I did learn French basics so that count right?


I'm hoping to be l e u x 's new DJ!


Oh, and I'm in for a complicated relationship. -_-



*You can c l o s e your mouth now.

Mirae ]

 [ Pictures

one. two. three. + gallery

Baek Su Min ] 

[ Pictures ]

one. two. three. + gallery

[ Surgery ]

Nope, 100% natural! 

[ Extra ]

I have my 3 piercing on my left ear and two on my right. I have two tattoo, one on my wirst while the other one is on my right shoulder blade. If you haven't noticed I have blue eyes, though you won't notice unless you're pretty close to me. 



*I look good, today? Oh, I k n o w.

[ Style ] 

I like dark colored clothes that have an edgy feel to it. Clothes with prints, patterns, characters, and words are my favorite. I can usually be seen wearing short, with or without leggings, and plain tee or somethings decorative. I like to have that punky, boyish style when I wear things. 

[ Casual ]  one. two. three. four. five. six. seven.

Work ] one. two. three. four. five. six. seven.

[ Sleepwear one. two. three. four.

[ Formal ] one. two. three. four. five. six.

[ Swimwear one. two. three. four.

[ At Home one. two. three. four.


*You want to know me better? Get in l i n e.

[ Personality ]

I'm and easy-going person once you get to know me because at first meeting I tend to be very awkward and quite. I don't like talking to people out of my comfort zone but still willing to talk if the topic is interesting. People who knows me well can tell you that I can be very crazy and playful. My craziness is not to the point where I need to be sent to some asylum but rather the playful and risky-like. I do things without thinking of the consequences but rather for the fun of it. 

I'm busy with school and work so much that I develop\ a forgetful mind set. I'm usually easy-going, everything goes until you cross that line. I like helping others, they can be my worst enemy but I will still help when they need some help. I have a mother-like nature. I like nags about things and making sure the oppas,unnies and the saengs are well fed.

I tend to get stress easily and music became my "escape-of-the-world", that's why I so passionate when it comes to music.  Lately I've noticed I have a very short-temper but fear not! I have a soft heart and don't really stay mad for long. Some say I'm selfish and an attention seeker because my risky life is to dangerous, by do those thing people notice me. I don't mean to but that's how I live. I might be selfish at time because I always get what I want no matter what.

[ Best Qualities ] Passionate, Playful, Easy-going

[ Worst Qualities ] Hot-tempered, Selfish, Forgetful, Irrational/Risky

[ Likes ] Music, Sleeping, Ramyun noodles, Snow, Summer, Parties

[ Dislikes ] Bugs, Lighting, Smoking, Drugs, Stupitity

[ Fears ]  Bugs and needles

[ Hobbies ] Producing music, Sports, Shopping, Sleeping, Surfing the internet

[ Habits ] 

- Biting lips when mad.

- Drinking a lot when I'm is upset about something.

- Crying to myself sometimes.

- Not letting other know what I am thinking or feelings.

- First to throw a punch.

[ Trivia ] 

- High alcohol tolerances.

- Like to go party and usually the designated divers of the group.

- Majoring in Music Production & Engineering.

- I have blue-ish eyes.

- I have a british accent. 

- Can eat a lot without gaining any weight. 




*So I w a n t to be...

[ Job ] DJ

[ Back Up Job ] Bartender

[ Favorite Workers 

«Choi Gina || Bartender|| Cousin forever!» Unnie is my umma's sister oldest daugther. I moved in with her when I came to Seoul. We share everything together clothes, gossips and advices. Unnie have always been there for me through thick and thin no matter for way. Without her I would probably jump of some bridge of the Han River. 

«Park Chanyeol || Dj || Best-friend!» Yeol-oppa was one of the first people that approached me when I first came to the club. When unnie is around to cheer me up, his happy virus self would always be able to lighten up my day/night. He always say random things that can make me laugh, he like my happy pill on a dark day. 

«Bang Yongguk || Bouncer || A brother from another mother!» Bang-oppa is the best! He always act as a brother to me, he been very protective of me and watch after me well. He the one to wipe my tears when things goes wrong. He would listen to my rants without complaining.

«Byun Baekhyun || Manager || Gossip Buddy!» Hyun-oppa is a very easy-going and good manager. He takes his time talking to everyone from vistors to workers. We spend our free time gossiping about things  that goes on during the club to outside of the club. He is a very easy talk to, so I usually ask him for advices.



[ Least Workers

«Yoon Bora || Manager || Tom&Jerry!» We are rivals. We argue 24/7 seven days a week, 365 days a years, etc. etc. She always doesn't things that gets under my skin and she knows it. 

«Kim Himchan || Bartender || Mr.Byuntae!» I wouldn't say I hate oppa but he annoys me. Channie-oppa is a ert of the club. His sweet talks is gag worthy, his wink is cringing worthy and his skinship-ness will grant him a powerful punch from me. -_-


 [ Feelings About Job ]

I love it here! The excitement every night with the music and aredeline rushing through your veins, daebak!  Beside everyone here is so easy to get along with so I made a lot of new friends.

[ Lifestyle 

I'm currently living with my cousin since my parents are still living in Busan. I am attending and this is my only job since I don't need that much money because my parents send me monthly allowances. I decided to work to help my parents with my schooling  and because I'm interested in this job as a DJ. Life out of school? Simple to say the least. I don't really do much but go to school and study for tests. I do go out from times to times but I rather stay home and sleep my days off. I like shopping so I would do so if I feel like be active that day. 

[ Anything Else ] 

I was born and partially raised up in London. My family moved back to Busan with the rest of our family when I was 15. My  family a big restaurant back in Busan, my parents had send me to Seoul, where my cousin Gina live, to attend school. I'm the only child so parents spoils me. My appa is a Korean speaking native British and my umma is a native Busanian who moved to to London for  business.

Even since I was young I have been a tomboy-like kind of girl who hangs out with boys, no funny business! So because of that I have developed a mind and the language of a boy, and yes I'm straight. Parents had never been uptight with me on things because they trust me enough something parents and children are missing now a days, trust. I always tell my parents where I am, who I'm with and what I'm doing whenever I am going so their heart could be at ease. 

My umma has been through a lot in life and she taught me a lot of things. She taught a lot on to be street-smart rather than book-smart because that how life is now, how to survive when you're in the real world not the books' world. So becuse of that I became a stronger, independent women. My father's mother, my nanna,  has always been there for and is very supportive my opinion. After her death was when everything when downhill for me, that was when we moved to Korea because it was to much for me.. I was very close to my nanna who have been there for me but because of her I grew to be a  loving women I am today.

Music became part of life when I was a young teen. My friends first introduced me into techno and club like music. Every since then the rhythms of every music seem beats simultaneously with my heart. I started to produce my own music when I when to my first party in Busan with my other cousin when I was 16. So now when ever I have free time I would devote it to music producing.  



*M i n e.



[ Love Interest ] 

Hoya - Infinite

[ Personality Traits ]

Good: Caring, Protective, Funny, Protective

Bad: Foolish, Awkward, Over-thinker, Short-tempered

[ Status ] 

What started out as a bet to get the DJ to fall for him became something bigger when he started having feelings for her.  But things became more complicated when his broken heart is still yearning for the ex who broke it and she's one of the DJ's manager.

[ Relationship ] 

Hoya and his friends likes to come to leux from time to time, more usually when its more empty for odds reasons. Our relationship started out from a mere bet that blossom into a great friendship that leads to a complicated love. We like each other, that I know, but at the same his heart is somewhere else. He treats me like a sister when we're around Bora but than treats in a different way when it just us. Is he using me? Does he really like me? Or maybe both?

[ Ideal 1st Date ] 

1) Carnival!: Theres a carnival coming to town and its my day off! Hoya invited me to go in which I agreed to of course.  We spend our time go on rides and eatting foods. The last ride of course is the ferris wheel. 

2) Beach!: After a day of fun on the fun rides on the beach, a walk on the beach would be nice.

3) The movie theater!: Furious 6 is out!!!! Oh my god, my favorite series! I was so glad when Hoya asked my to go the movies with him! Killing two bird with one stone. ;)

[ Cute Facts ] 

1) First meeting? It was actually a bet that he and his friends made. "Fall For Me Ms. DJ" 

2) Seen those Korean drama with a drunken confessions? Well I had one. It was during the weekdays, more specicaly Monday the most empty day of the week, we only had a few people here and there with our regulars lurking around.  

[ Back Up ] 

- Jung Daehyun

- Zico


*I kinda d o n ' t like you...



[ Rival ] 

Bora - Sistar

[ Personality Traits ]

Good: Understanding, Hard worker, Nice (when its not me), Outgoing

Bad: Competitive, Bossy, Annoying, Jealousy

[ Rivalry ] 

Love Rival. Hoya's feelings is more stronger toward her than me and she knows it. Every time he comes to visit with his other friends she would miraculously for along and starts to him flirting, having skinship and closing their spaces in front of me and she knows how my blood boils when she's does things like that. During work she tend to be more strict on me than most of the other workers. 

[ Relationship ]

We are known as Tom & Jerry in the club, I'm Jerry and she's Tom. DJ-ing is possibly the easy job for DJs like me but Bora likes to judge my skills. First off its not even her side to worry about where's Baekhyun-oppa?! While everyone on the dance floor is having a blast and asking for more, she comes out of no where asking me to do better because everyone seems 'dead'. She likes to put me in the spotlight in front of everyone when we have meetings. Me on the other hand stays as quite as I can because I don't want to cause any problem. But I'll be lying if I don't want to punch her the face already.

[ Why? ] 

First thing first, we are two women who is falling for the same guy and he has feelings  for the both of us. The catch? Hoya and Bora used to go out during their high school days. Even though she was the one who broke it off, his feelings for her is stronger than it is towards me. I'm still fighting until he is no longer free on the market but lately I feel like giving up. Bora know I like Hoya and tries to make my life a living hell while at work, so I can quit and disappear out of sight. 


*Pssh, I'm not n e r v o u s... I'm just shaky.

Q: What makes you different from everyone else applying? 

A: Whats makes me different? Hmm, I would say my personalities. I might seem like a hard to please person but I am very easy going. Possible my risky nature that keeps everyone on there toes? But makes what makes me stand among the girls would probably be my boy-ish side where I talk, think and even drink like one. 

Q: Can you be a professional when you're dealing with drunk cosumers or annoying ones? 

A:  Is that even a question? I party long enough to know how to handle these drunkens. For a girl I can be very strong and I have the abilities to carry them to a cab. I know self-defense so I can pin the costumer down without harming them until the police or security comes to the rescue. 

Q:  Why are you shaking?

A: I'm not shaking, this beat is sick! You guys have very good songs, but I'm sure my originals productions can possibly blow you away. ;D


*See ya later!

[ Questions, comments, anything I missed? ] 

This story is so interested! Honestly its my first time applying to something like this. :) Good Luck!!!!

Hopefully everything is a-okay. But do let me know if theres anything that need to be fix.

[ Scene Requests ]  

1) Drunken Confession: Empty day at the club; Yeol-oppa told me to take a break while he'll finish the job. I sat at the bar taking drink mindlessly left to right, without noticing I end up getting drunk. Hoya came up and to talk but noticed I was to drunk. I eventually blurted out that I liked him and why can he like me but like Bora instead, "Am I just your re-bound girl after a broken heart?" was the very last thing I said before passing out. 

[ Password ] Password? Abracadabra? xD There's no password silly. :3








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