♚ { Angel Application/ Turn it in post }

♦ { Remember to delete all of the brackets like this }

♦ { The title of the blogpost should be { Name here } and replace the words with your name }

♦ Remeber to use the source code~

♦ Have fun!

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From Heaven, Character's Name
username || what I should call you || activeness (1-10)

{ Replace these with the picture of your model/ulzzang. From left to right: 150x113; 400x300; 150x226 }

{ The color used is #00ccff }

And you are...?

↺ Name: (full name)

►Nicknames: (optional. If none, delete this)

Age: (16-25)

Birthday: (mm/dd)

Gender: (self explanatory)

Ethnicity: (GO. ING. CRAYCRAY.)

Birthplace: (Can be anywhere in the world)

Hometown: (Can be anywhere in the world)

Languages: (Max of 5 but state fluency and how he/she learned it)


Face of an angel...

Face: (make sure it matches ethnicity)

Pictures: (3+ hyperlinked)

Back up Face: (hey, you never know!)

Pictures: (3+ Hyperlinked)

Height: (In cm or ft)

Weight: (If in cm, put in kg or if in ft, put in lbs)

Extra: (any piercings, tattoos, or birthmarks left over form his/her human life?)

Style: (At least 4 sentences describing how he/she dresses. Hyperlink 3 pictures for each category below)






At Home:   



I'm (character's name here), and I am an angel.

Personality: (this is the most important part of the whole application and remember, quality over quantity! The minimum is at least two paragraphs and you better to show me the good and bad sides of your character! Bold the most important aspects of his/her personality)

Summary: (summarize your character in 3 sentences. Remember to bold.)

Likes: (6+)

Dislikes: (6+)

Biggest Strength: (what's your character best at?)

Biggest Weakness: (what'll bring down your character?)


Hobbies: (3+)

Habits: (3+)

Trivia: (unlimited! Tell me anything you want about your character, be it facts about his/her human life or his/her life now as an angel.)


When I was given wings...

Specialty: (your power that was given to you and why)

Tattoo: (Each angel is given a tattoo that matches their power. What's yours? Make sure to hyperlink a picture of it)


Here's to the old me...

Background: (tell me about what your human life was like. Was is typical? Did you have a sad childhood? Are you a good boy/girl gone bad? We're you always an ice princess/prince? 1 paragraph minimum)

Death Date: (the day you died. put mm/dd)

Death Place: (Put the place you died. Can be anywhere.)

How: (How did you die? We're you killed? Was your death an accident?)

Why: (Why were you sent to heaven instead of hell?)

Outlook: (how do you feel abut being in heaven? How is your life now? Are you upset, bitter, pleased, ect. Be detailed. 6 sentences min.)


My old protectors...

Family: (Idol siblings are allowed, but be reasonable. Pick from the masterlist and make sure that they're not already taken. 2 max and delete what isn't needed) 

[mother | Name | age | occupation | 4 personality traits | closeness (1-5) | alive/dead/unknown | if dead, put if your parent is either an angel or a demon]

[father | Name | age | occupation | 4 personality traits | closeness (1-5) | alive/dead/unknown | if dead, put if your parent is either an angel or a demon ]

[brother/sister/cousin | name | age | occupation | 4 personality traits | closeness (1-5) | alive/dead/unknown | if dead, put if your sibling is an angel or a demon ]

[brother/sister/cousin | name | age | occupation | 4 personality traits | closeness (1-5) | alive/dead/unknown | if dead, put if your sibling is an angel or a demon ]

[brother/sister/cousin | name | age | occupation | 4 personality traits | closeness (1-5) | alive/dead/unknown | if dead, put if your sibling is an angel or a demon ]


My new (Kind of) potectors!

Relationships: (this is optional. Put all of the relationships you have with others here and remember to only pick from the masterlist and delete what you don't need. Max is 4. Relationships could be friends, best friends, childhood friends/enemy, enemy, rival, ex, ect. Be creative~)

[ relationship || Name || age || angel, demon, or human || 4 personality traits || closeness (1-5) || how you interact ( at leats 4 sentences) ]

[ relationship || Name || age || angel, demon, or human || 4 personality traits || closeness (1-5) || how you interact ( at leats 4 sentences) ]

[ relationship || Name || age || angel, demon, or human || 4 personality traits || closeness (1-5) || how you interact ( at leats 4 sentences) ]

[ relationship || Name || age || angel, demon, or human || 4 personality traits || closeness (1-5) || how you interact ( at leats 4 sentences) ]


My reason for carrying on...




{Replace this picture with one of your love interest 350x263}

Love Interest: (Optional! Bang Yongguk is taken and state if he/she is a human, demon, or angel! Write it like this example: Bang Yongguk, the human)

Personality: (at least a paragraph. I'd be tired by now if I were you too!)

Relationship: (how do you two interact? Neutral? Love hate? Lovey dovey?)

What he/she loves about you: (3+)

What he/ she hates about you: (3+)

Back Up Love Interest: (2 Max in order of preference)


Why don't you just leave?




{ Relace this picture with the one of your love rival. If you don't have one, then delete this whole section. 350x263 }

Love Rival: (This is optional. State if demon, angel, or human)

Personality: (only three scentences)

Relationship: (How you two interact. Three scentences)

Why: (Why is he/she your love rival?)


All done!

Comments: (YAY you finished! ^_^ Anything you want to say to me?)

Scene Requests: (99% guranteed to be in the story ^_^ I always like seeing what you guys come up with)

Ending: (How would you like the story to end?)

Password: (did you read the rules? *sceptical look*)


Back to the madness→


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Hi :) I know you probably been suuuuper busy.i just wanted to make sure you got my app.
PenguinCakes #3
Here's my application so I hope you like her and I'm pretty
sure I did everything but my mind is a little weird right now
because its late were I live but without further a do:
Here's my application. I hope you like her.