Stardust | Procyon | Heo Jin Moon

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Heo Jin Moon || Procyon

Who Are You?

Username: Jaeseonggie
Nickname: Jae
Activeness: 9.5

Character Basics

Name: Heo Jin Moon
- Jageun Shikshin; "tiny shikshin;" nickname given by fans because she's still tiny no matter what she eats; sometimes shortened to JagShik
- HeoJin; combo of last and first syllable of first name; general nickname given by fellow trainees/groupmates because it "sounds cuter than Jin Moon"
- Selene; her English name; not really used
- Oetori HeoJin; "loner HeoJin;" nickname used by trainees mostly behind her back
- Jinah; nickname from (adopted) parents
Birthday&Age: February 29, 1992 || 21
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Busan, South Korea
Ethnicity and Nationality: Korean || Korean
Height: 166cm
Weight: 45kg
Bloodtype: B
Languages: Korean [native]; English [fluent]; Japanese, Mandarin [mostly fluent/accented]

On the surface, HeoJin is the picture of what every mother and father wants in a daughter-in-law. She's quiet, respectful, helpful, and kind. She gives only the information that is needed at that moment and hardly ever speaks out of turn or raises her voice. She's a bit distant and short in her actions, but many brush it off as a tiny personality flaw. She has nearly perfect manners and seems to make sure that people know that. Her small smiles and sincere words make many forget about her truly detached nature.
On stage, HeoJin still has that distant look in her eyes, but her voice and her moves portray her true emotions. She puts her all into her performing because it's one of the few things she feels confident and safe in doing. She shows her true colors when performing and can sometimes even be seen with a real smile on her lips.
On camera, HeoJin is quiet. She is typically away from everyone else - physically and mentally - and will usually just smile at the interviewer or the camera once in a while. She may sometimes nod in agreement or give a silent laugh in disagreement with something another member says. She's distant from the conversation and often gets caught off-guard when she is asked a question. She is soft-spoken and short with her answers, giving more evidence toward her being "cold."
Around fans, HeoJin is kind and gentle. When fans do stop to get something signed by her, she speaks to them as if she has known them for years; it seems to come naturally to her just to talk, when in reality it is one of the hardest things for her to do. She gives them small tidbits of advice or just talks to them. Unfortunately, her typically far away expression keeps many people from stopping to talk to her. This slowly starts to hurt her feelings, but she keeps it - like everything else - inside and away from everyone.
Around everyone that isn't her immediate family, HeoJin can seem cold and stuck-up. She's stubborn, relatively silent, and definitely in a world of her own. The way she stays away from the rest of the group makes many believe she thinks herself above them. It's not true, but she never speaks out against what people say, so it's left to the imagination what she's truly thinking. She is the opposite of "wearing your heart on your sleeve," and almost always has a soft, blank expression that many interpret as cold. She's stubborn as a mule when it comes to her opinions, and she's strict to her personal training schedule. She can sometimes get annoyed when not everyone's schedule lines up with her own, but she hides it fairly well - just like everything else.
In reality, HeoJin is a very sensitive young woman. She's distant and awkward  because of fear; she fears being abandoned again and again, and so she closes herself off. All she truly wants is for someone to get to know her, but she believes she's made it too hard for anyone to ever do that. She has a wall that she's put up because she's afraid of being alone; however, in the process of protecting herself, she has isolated herself anyway. She truly cares for everyone around her, whether they've hurt her in the past or whether she doesn't even know them. She has a big heart, but is to stubborn to let anyone see. She's loving and kind, but too awkward to show it properly. She's respectful to everyone, no matter the age or social status.
Once the wall is broken down, HeoJin is mostly all smiles and quiet laughs. She is still a bit far away because of the feeling of everyone leaving her or her having to leave them still nags at the back of her head, but she gets better at ignoring it. She'll talk and tell small jokes and actually show how much she cares for her groupmates and those around her. She'll actively lend a helping hand to a member who needs it, or she'll actually hug someone or show a drop of affection. Though it's difficult to get through all of the layers, it's worth it.
In short, HeoJin is a stubborn, caring, awkward, and gentle girl who is often misinterpreted as being cold, stuck-up, and mean because her fears hold her back from reaching the full potential of who she could be. She keeps her guard up at all times so she doesn't get hurt or disappointed by anything or anyone, but once that guard is down she's truly a sensitive and almost motherly person.

- Quiet
- Sweets
- Music
- Respect
- Horror Movies
- Heels
- Her Journal
- Pineapple Juice
- Popcorn

- Her Weight
- Storms
- Rom-Com Movies
- Hospitals
- Skinship
- Coffee
- Peanuts

- Swimming
- Tennis
- Playing Piano
- Reading

- Bowing twice in a row when introducing herself
- Sitting at least six inches away from the group in interview/fan meet settings
- Staring off into the distance nearly all the time
- Falling asleep to music every night

- HeoJin is deathly allergic to peanuts; she carries an EpiPen with her wherever she goes.
- Though she's nearly always eating something - candy, cookies, popcorn, chips, etc - she never puts on an ounce of weight.
- She's obsessed with pineapple juice; she's nearly always drinking it.
- Her favorite colors are Fuschia and Aquamarine.
- She has an obvious Busan accent.
- Her favorite food is regular buttered popcorn with cinnamon and pepper on it. No one has ever understood this.
- She hates her weight because at her height she's considered severly underweight, and she wants to portray to fans that they should be healthy and not starve themselves into being thin. So, whenever she's questioned about her weight or what she does to stay so thin even though she is always eating, she explains that she's not how skinny she is by choice; she just can't gain weight.
- HeoJin can't cook to save her life. It's so bad that she could burn cereal. The only food she can cook is popcorn, and that's because it's her favorite food.
- She hates that her birthday is February 29; she hates having to celebrate it on the 28th instead.
- She can't fall asleep without music playing.
- She shaves her legs every night before bed.
- She nevers goes anywhere without her iPhone or her EpiPen.
- HeoJin donates a good chunk of whatever money she earns to foundations for curing deafness and also to Autism research. She does this for her little brother.
- She has a matching tattoo with her bio-sister. HeoJin's is on her right side and BaeChi's is on her left.
- When she gets upset or angry, she'll take her iPhone (full of all her favorite songs) and go to the nearest place that has a tennis court and practice until she's run out of energy. She'll either do this, or go to the nearest pool and swim for hours (she doesn't play music when she does this though).
- She learned to play the piano at a young age, and even learned how to play the organ as well. She played the organ at the church she went to with her parents.


Ulzzang: Kim Min Seo
Links: one | two | three | four | five | predebut

Back-Up Ulzzang: --
Back-Up Links: --

HeoJin's style is simple and sometimes a bit girly. She has trouble finding clothes that actually fit her, so a lot of her clothes are a bit big on her. She wears belts and such to make her dresses appear to fit her, but all in all she has a few difficulties in finding clothes that fit. She doesn't like restricting clothes, so she's typically seen in a dress or skirt & blouse; sometimes she wears tights. She prefers to wear heels and will even practice in them.
Sleep/Dorm: one | two | three
Practice: one | two | three
Casual: one | two | three
Formal: one | two | three
Tattoo on her right side
Both ears are pierced twice on the lobe



(bio) Park Rae Hyun | 38 | Kindergarten Teacher | Loving, kind, sincere, and almost too friendly. | HeoJin holds some resentment towards her biological mother for "abandoning" her, but Rae Hyun tries to be a part of HeoJin's life since HeoJin came and found her. Rae Hyun hates having let go of HeoJin, but understands HeoJin's feelings toward her.
(adopted) Heo Min Young | 52 | Bakery Owner | Maternal, doting, and caring. | HeoJin loves her mother to death, she would do anything for her. Min Young, in turn, would do the same for HeoJin. No matter what HeoJin did, Min Young would always support her. They're very close, one of the only people HeoJin has ever been able to stay close to; though not her biological mother, Min Young is who HeoJin calls umma and will forever call umma.
(bio) Shin Sang Jun | 39 | Mechanic | Stubborn, easily annoyed, and distant. | HeoJin holds complete resentment towards her bio-dad. Once she had found him, he told her up front that he never wanted anything to do with HeoJin's bio-mom or HeoJin herself. She only speaks to him every once in a while, to update him on her life because though he obviously hates her, she still believes he deserves to know about her life.
(adopted) Heo Jung Kyu | 60 | University Professor of Art & Music | Paternal, supportive, and loving. | Jung Kyu is much like his wife in that he has always and will always support HeoJin. He and HeoJin get along very well, and though they aren't as close as HeoJin and Min Young, they are fairly close to one another.
(bio) Bae Tae Chi | 21 | Model/Actress | Bubbly, happy-go-lucky, somewhat naive. | HeoJin and BaeChi (called so by her manager and also credited as this name usually) are two sides of the same coin. They were born as twins, but given to two completely different families. BaeChi grew up in Gangnam, while HeoJin grew up in Busan. They are an argument for the Nature v Nurture debate; Nature in the sense of that they have the same odd favorite food, Nurture in the fact that they're personalities are completely opposite and they grew up in two different types of households. Around each other, they balance each other out. Oddly, BaeChi is one of the only people to break through HeoJin's wall completely within hours of know her. When they first met each other, they found it funny how they both have their last name as part of the name they go by. They talk about nearly everything, but also have times where all they do is sit in silence with each other.
(adopted) Heo Kyu Min | 17 | Student/Professional Starcraft Competitor | Stubborn, intelligent, focused, and yet, still an annoying little brother. | HeoJin is extremely protective of her little brother. Ever since he was born, she's watched over him and made sure he was always alright. He picks on her, and she brushes him off, and sometimes they argue, but they love each other and wouldn't know what to do without the other.

HeoJin was born Park Rin Ah to a single seventeen year old mother; she was born as the oldest of a set of triplets - she and the middle triplet were given up for adoption, the third died shortly after being born. HeoJin's bio-mom gave her daughters up for adoption because she knew she didn't have the ability to care for two children, and her parents had told her that if she brought the children home she would have no place to live. HeoJin's biological father had left her mother when he found out she was pregnant.
Soon after HeoJin was six months old, she was adopted by a couple who had been told they couldn't have children. They had wanted a little girl for quite a long time and had finally decided to adopt. They adopted HeoJin as their own and changed her name from Park Rin Ah - a name with no meaning behind it - and changed it to Heo Jin Moon. They raised her as if she were their very own, and when HeoJin was four, her parents gave her a baby brother.
Growing up, HeoJin was always a silent child. She never cried out or whined; at first this worried Min Young and Jung Kyu, but they soon became used to their quiet daughter. When her little brother was born, she was caught sleeping on the floor in his room next to his crib every night. Even if they moved her back to her room, in the morning they'd find that she went back to his room. They eventually took the matress off of her bed and laid it in the floor in her baby brother's room so she didn't have to be on the floor.
One night, when she was almost six and her brother was about a year and a half old, she was sleeping in his room as she normally did. In the middle of the night, she shot up on her matress and ran to her parents room, banging on the door as loud as she could. She was yelling for them to wake up. Since this was a rather uncommon occurence, her parents woke up immediately and followed her to Kyu Min's room. He had a fever that had spread all over his body and he was weak. The family of four rushed to the emergency room and had Kyu Min checked immediately. If HeoJin hadn't felt that something was wrong, the family would have lost Kyu Min in his sleep. The fever caused deafness in both ears, which caused him panic the first few months of not being able to hear. By the time he was two, he received his first pair of hearing aids.
Soon after the event, HeoJin was taught piano by their church's organ player. She enjoyed the piano very much, and held onto the hobby as she grew up. She even learned to play the organ from her teacher and played at their church when he passed away when she was ten. She played the organ very well, and the congregation often called her a piano prodigy.
HeoJin continued to be protective of her brother. As she grew up more, she became curious as to why her brother resembled their parents, but she really didn't. She brought the topic up to Min Young and Jung Kyu and they sat her and Kyu Min down for a talk. HeoJin was twelve, Kyu Min was eight, and their parents revealed that HeoJin was adopted. Curious, HeoJin began looking up her biological parents. She wanted to talk to them and see why they just left her. She loved her mother and father, but wanted to know about her bio-parents in case there were sicknesses or such that she would be at higher risk for because of them. When she found them, she went to meet them without Min Young or Jung Kyu knowing. She skipped school and met her bio-mom, who was thrilled to see her. What was interesting about that day is that she also found out she had a twin - BaeChi - who was looking to meet her biological parents as well, but had only found her mother. The two girls spent that day together talking with their mother and then going to find their father. Their bio-dad wanted nothing to do with either of them and threatened to call the police if they didn't leave immediately.
HeoJin kept in contact with BaeChi from that day forward.
Family life was a bit different after the family meeting about HeoJin being adopted. She still was close to her parents and definitely protective over Kyu Min, but she felt lied to and deceived. She felt abandoned by her biological parents and shut in the park by Min Young and Jung Kyu. She began to close herself off from them, and starting at the age of thirteen, began having feelings of being a single speck of dust with nothing to cling to. She felt alone, and as much as she hated it, she knew it was safer that way. If her parents noticed, they didn't say anything.
School life had never been easy for HeoJin. Sure, she was intelligent enough, but she found it difficult to make friends - especially after finding out she was adopted. She couldn't help feeling that something would take her away from anyone who decided to get close to her. She always felt as if she didn't belong, ever. She felt outcasted, judged, and left out - even if it wasn't the case. At the age of fifteen, she talked to her parents about going through an exchange program to the United States. Her school was sending three students to the US in exchange for three US students to come to S. Korea. After some convincing, she was allowed to go.
While in the states, HeoJin became Selene Heo, and as Selene, felt even more out of place than she did at her school in S. Korea. She found it even more difficult to friend people; she was polite and respectful, but she was pushed to the side by everyone. Even the teachers seemed to ignore her. After one a semester, she returned home. She returned to her life's schedule in a detached routine manner. Everything was the same every day; nothing changed. At sixteen, she found some hobbies that she could get lost in for hours at a time. She picked up piano again, finding a new love for music. She learned to play Tennis and she became part of the school's swim team. She soon found that she felt almost at peace when around water or music. By seventeen, she realized that the only time she felt truly whole was when she was playing the piano or singing and dancing along with the music on her phone or computer.
At eighteen, she managed to convince her parents to let her become an idol. She set up auditions almost immediately and told BaeChi. BaeChi - who had been an actress and model under JYP since she was eight - came with her for support.


Best friend: 
Bae Tae Chi | 21 | 
Model/Actress/JYP Trainee | Bubbly, happy-go-lucky, somewhat naive. | HeoJin and BaeChi (called so by her manager, friends, etc and also credited as this name usually) are two sides of the same coin. They were born from the same mother, but given to two completely different families. BaeChi grew up in Gangnam, while HeoJin grew up in Busan. They are an argument for the Nature v Nurture debate; Nature in the sense of that they have the same odd favorite food, Nurture in the fact that they're personalities are completely opposite and they grew up in two different types of households. Around each other, they balance each other out. Oddly, BaeChi is one of the only people to break through HeoJin's wall completely within hours of know her. When they first met each other, they found it funny how they both have their last name as part of the name they go by. They talk about nearly everything, but also have times where all they do is sit in silence with each other.

Love Interest:
HeoJin is terrified of falling in love; she can hardly make friends, how in the world is she going to be able to trust someone enough to let herself fall in love? She wants to someday find love, but knows that day is far off. She's afraid of being abandoned by them like her bio-dad did to her bio-mom, and like they did to her and BaeChi. She really just wants to feel whole, and music/performing is the only thing that does that.
She's sometimes listed as a male idol's ideal type because of her "nation's daughter-in-law" surface personality that she portrays, and she's sometimes called by female idols the idol they would want to date if they were male. These statements surprise her, but she accepts them kindly.

Back-Up Love Interest: 

The Star Procyon

Stagename: HeoJin
Persona: Frosted Galaxy
Personal Fanclub: Misfits
Personal Motto: "Live your dreams and let nothing hold you back."

- Swimming
- Keeping her guard up
- Making friends
- Mandarin [her pronunciation is heavily accented]
- Variety Shows

Pre-Debut Experience: For her first year of training, she modelled with BaeChi quite a bit. She made quite a few cameos in numerous dramas. 
Trainee Years: 1 year | 2 years
Trainee Background: 
After auditioning at many companies, HeoJin was accepted to JYP because they thought having twins in their trainee reserve seemed like a good idea. They used HeoJin as a model alongside BaeChi. HeoJin spoke only to higher-ups and BaeChi while she was at JYP. She focused on her training and didn't make any friends. After a year at JYP, they got bored with the whole twin concept they had thought of; they let HeoJin go. Unknown to her, her trainers had sent letters out to other companies in need of trainees, and soon enough HeoJin was called up by one of them.
HeoJin entered TS Ent, feeling a bit distanced from the music scene because of what had happened at JYP. Many trainees tried to befriend HeoJin, but her fears got the best of her and no friendship lasted for more than a week. She soon became known as Oetori HeoJin, and she was just another trainee in the background doing everything she was supposed to do.

Position: Rapper, Vocalist, Dancer, Visual

Singing: one | two | three
Dancing: one | two | three
Rapping: one | two | three

Final Statements

Questions: ~~~
Comments/Suggestions: Hello Baby
Scene Requests: 
- HeoJin's bio-dad trying to come back into her life once he realizes she's going to be an idol.
- Fans skipping over HeoJin at fan signings because she seems to be cold and off in her own little world.
- Something happening to another member where HeoJin lets her guard down to protect/help them, and slowly starts becoming closer to the group and actually opening up a bit.
- Netizens starting bullying rumours because of the way the members all act around each other.


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